Marros56's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Any details on the Pistol Fenom Archetype?

Can inventors get a "Powerful Alchemy" Equivalent but for gadgets? since I assume Gadget DCs are based on the item itself by default.

Do combination weapons lose anything over their regular counterpart? or is a gunsword just longsword+?

Outside of being uncommon, presumably.

Riddlyn wrote:
So your innovation doesn't start with any sort of modification?

Should let you cheat into Armor or Weapon Proficiency if you don't have it already.

Edit: or at least it should based on the description in the actual class, but inventors are already proficient and thus scale in everything they could be...

Does the MCD clarify if it grants proficiency in your armor/weapon? does it scale? Could be nice on Wizard/Witch that way.

Kyrone wrote:
It's the default for the class.


New questions, What's the way skill for Vanguards?

And what's the wildest magic gun? the wildest Gadget?

I saw on reddit that Gunslingers get up to Medium Armor? Is that way-specific or for all 'slingers?

Also what's the wildest high level feat for both classes?

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You know, I have to wonder if both Thaumaturge and Psychic will get Legendary Will saves. The nature of psychic magic seems to make Psychics a good candidate for it, while Thaumaturge's whole forcing magic to do what they want without actually casting spells seems to fit as well. Also because I'm not sure what Thaumaturge would be Legendary in otherwise... Unless they go the path of the alchemist and get no Legendary Proficiencies.

As for hopes, if Thaumaturge is a "Martial" class with two good saves, I kinda hope their second is Reflex and not Fortitude. If only because good Fort/Will has been on 3 of the last 4 classes.

gesalt wrote:

Blink Charge

Arcane, divine, occult. 5th level
Teleport up to 60ft to an adjacent enemy and attack. Deal extra force damage on hit. Damage and distance scales.

Flowing Strike
Arcane primal. 5th level
Surf a wave up to 50ft. Movement doesn't provoke reactions. Strike at any point during the stride and deal extra bludgeoning and push 10ft on hit.

Just to confirm, those are weapon strikes?

sounds good for multiclass martials.

Midnightoker wrote:
Marros56 wrote:
Porridge wrote:

This is too conditional to count as a big boost to spellcasters, but in the right circumstances the Cathartic Magic archetype with the Fear specialty gets an incredible boost to spellcasting. The conditions are tough - you have to have an enemy impose the Frightened condition on you, and the archetype increases that condition by 1. But for the next 3 rounds instead of getting that penalty to spell DCs/attack rolls, you get that as a status *bonus* to spell DCs/attack rolls. So if you can get an enemy to inflict frightened 3 (boosted to 4) on you, you get a +4 status bonus to your spell DCs/attack rolls... With PF2's tight math, that's an *amazing* boost.

...of course, after three rounds are up, you're fleeing for 2 rounds. So there's that.

Sounds like you're also still at a -4 for everything else, so it's a real glass cannon option.
According to the AMA you ignore the penalties of Frightened until the 3 rounds are up.

Ah, awesome.

Porridge wrote:

This is too conditional to count as a big boost to spellcasters, but in the right circumstances the Cathartic Magic archetype with the Fear specialty gets an incredible boost to spellcasting. The conditions are tough - you have to have an enemy impose the Frightened condition on you, and the archetype increases that condition by 1. But for the next 3 rounds instead of getting that penalty to spell DCs/attack rolls, you get that as a status *bonus* to spell DCs/attack rolls. So if you can get an enemy to inflict frightened 3 (boosted to 4) on you, you get a +4 status bonus to your spell DCs/attack rolls... With PF2's tight math, that's an *amazing* boost.

...of course, after three rounds are up, you're fleeing for 2 rounds. So there's that.

Sounds like you're also still at a -4 for everything else, so it's a real glass cannon option.