MarkWIII's page

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Thanks for the response, thats really sad to hear tho, but I figured that I kept the Minor/Major enhancements. But I don't really care all that much for min-max, and I've always wanted to play a Lycan(Specifically a Were-bear) and none of the other archetypes for it really did it for me. This one looked really good.

Currently I'm set up as a lv 6 with

Heavy Armour Prof (Wearing a Lamellar (Stone Coat) with the Nimble mod.
Exotic Weapon Prof(Butchering Axe)
Improved Natural Attack (Bite)

I planned on taking a two level dip into Barb or a single level into Furious Guardian for the lesser Atavism Totem for the extra improved bite damage.
Other than that I can't really see other many other multiclassing working. Other than Fighter for just raw numbers and feats

As a Weretouched Shifter I lose access to the second, third, fourth and fifth additional forms. But I keep Chimeric Aspect and Final Aspect? Is there some Errata I can't find or is the archetype just dead?

Someone pointed out to me that it replaces ALL of the Aspect improvements, including the Chimeric ones, but the trade off seems pretty lackluster. A bit of DR that most higher level enemies can bypass easily, only one animal form and then Hybrid form. Seeing as the only things I'd get from 6th to 18th is Shifter's Claw, Shifter's Fury upgrades(which are base)and the DR Half lvl/Silver.

As if A thousand Faces wasn't already a lacking ability, having to wait 12 levels just to gain anything new is pretty crappy...

Oh, sorry I'm new to the forums and didn't know. Thanks for the info. But definitely seems like a pretty lackluster trade.

As a Weretouched Shifter I lose access to the second, third, fourth and fifth additional forms. But I keep Chimeric Aspect and Final Aspect? Is there some Errata I can't find or is the archetype just dead?