The sale has begun! Currently available at the Spes Magna Store are these Pathfinder-compatible PDF products: Fencing & Firearms
Gazae et Monstri
Latina Facta & Versatile Performance Redux
Making Craft Work
Rewarding Roleplaying
Ice Titan wrote: Anyone under, say, 9th level has no idea the planes even exist, nor what happens after death. 1st-level with expert with 1 rank in both Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (religion). Make him human, give him a 15 Int and Skill Focus in both aforesaid Knowledge skills. That gives him a +9 bonus with both skills, which ought to be more than sufficient to put to bed your wild generalization. Since it was brought up, in the real world, throughout much of human history, some philosophers have become quite famous and successful. To say that "in this world don't make a strong living at philosophy" is likewise a broad generalization. The Profession skill clearly states, "You can earn half your Profession check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work." If a player wants his PC to spend skill points on Profession (philosopher) and has the time to invest in an appropriate place to make the money, there's no good reason to not let him.
Starting this Wednesday, 16 June, Spes Magna Games kicks off our first ever Father's Day sale! All our products are going on sale for 25% off the regular price. The discount code is pater. The Spes Magna store can be found at this handy link.
WNIAA has made the move to Obsidian Portal. Here're the links for the first two adventure logs: * Session 1: A Seriously Wrong Turn
It's doubtful this would require a constitutional amendment. Naturalization requirements are, however, set by Congress, not by individual states. The 14th Amendment is widely interpreted to confer citizenship upon anyone born in the U.S., but this isn't necessarily so due to the "jurisdiction" clause. One could argue that an undocumented immigrant and her child are not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. It would be a hard sell, and, regardless, such legislation is beyond the purview of the individual states. Of course, the U.S. Congress won't take up this sort of challenge, especially since the Democratic majority-on-its-way-out hopes to continue to capitalize on voter fraud via undocumented immigrants hitting the polls. :p
Bacon done Chuck Norris style is hard to find. Bacon and chocolate syrup for a dipping sauce is good eating. Also, don't forget the praline bacon.
Kolokotroni wrote: I dont like my games ultra deadly, and I dont like consistent failure when playing to my characters strengths. If either is the case I wont enjoy the game. And both are very much the case with a lack of the big six. Not really, and I think Trailblazer's analysis of the math demonstrates this rather nicely. Of course, we're talking about big tables with lots of decimals that can't be translated into a forum with ease, so, you know, whatever. I'm easy. :)
Felgoroth wrote: I don't get you guys, everyone knows that historically the guy that can shoot fireballs from his hand is going to kill everyone :P Not necessarily. As the Battle of Felldoom Hammer amply demonstrates, fireball-reliant troops are quickly overwhelmed by fire giant shocktroopers. Lord Havel's insistence of sticking to the Pryonic Conventions during that battle cost the Grunisians dearly.
The good folks at Bad Axe Games did a thorough statistical analysis of the Big 6 as they relate to 3.5 and determined that they aren't really as vital for success/balance as folks tend to think they are. The Big 6 can be removed from play entirely and replaced with Action Points and a few minor tweaks to the combat rules, all of which they laid out quite admirably in Trailblazer.
StabbittyDoom wrote: Unless I'm mistaken "this" as a noun refers to the previous "thing" discussed. This would mean that the previous sentence is being clarified by the second one. In other words, the sentence starting with "this" is the more accurate one in this case. "This" is a demonstrative pronoun. Thus: Quote: The alchemist can prepare and throw additional bombs as a full-round action if his base attack bonus is high enough to grant him additional attacks. This functions just like a full-attack with ranged weapon. "This" refers to multiple bomb attacks granted by sufficiently high BAB. One could reasonably argue that, given sufficiently high BAB, certain feats and spells would then apply as per the normal limits for touch attacks.
Here's my response. Use it as you see fit. :) "Yes, you can play an oracle. Now, regarding your list of demands...." Harles wrote: 1) He would have to own a Handy Haversack, which is above the recommended gold amount for his 4th level character's magic item allotment. "Not gonna happen." Harles wrote: 2) He requests that he can pull out large throwing stones from the Haversack as a free action (not a move action as per the rules) so he can move and attack every round and so he can eventually throw multiple stones in a single round (once his base attack bonus grows). "Take Quick Draw. Store your throwing stones in something other than the haversack, which you ain't gonna have anyways. Perhaps a special throwing stone bag? Otherwise, not gonna happen." Harles wrote: 3) Anytime that a rule is not concretely defined, he will attempt to abuse the power to the Nth degree. "Stop being obnoxious. The game is supposed to be fun, and you're killing the fun." Harles wrote: 4) He will just use the free download and will not purchase the book for any additional information about the class that may further explain the rules behind the character. "I'm not buying a book for you. We'll both work off the free download. Questions that aren't answered by that download will be answered by me, and those answers are the official ones even if you then go out and buy the book. Considering everything I just told you, do you still wanna play an oracle?"
Do you wish the rules for the Craft skill made sense? Do you wish it were possible to craft equipment and still have time to adventure? Well, your wishes are our commands! Making Craft Work presents a new system for the Craft skill that uses complexity rather than price to determine how long it takes to finish an item. This is an 8-page, black-and-white PDF available for $0.99 US. The Spes Magna store is here.
I'm finally moving on up. Maybe not to a deluxe apartment in the sky, but still this is a step in the right direction. Thanks to the helpful Paizo people who continue to answer my questions. And, of course, here's the link! |