Harrowing Event
Mark's family has a long and sordid history of practicing the dark arts. He fancied himself to one day take up the family's mantle; however, one unholy evening, when the rest of the adults were attending a dark ceremony, Mark managed to sneak into the library and opened up a particularly ominous looking tome. What he found written in blood upon its anthropodermic pages were things unfit for a sane mind and sent the young boy fleeing into the night. He was rescued by a servant of Twilight but because the young refugee was so obviously unhinged and uncapable of coherent speach, the servant of Twilight took him to a monastery. It was determined that the child would one day become one of the greatest among the servants of Twilight and a holy ritual was performed upon him to bind the evil that was now contained within him. The holy ritual was successful at a great cost but Mark remembers nothing of that night - he just has a strong sense of thankfulness to the servants of Twilight. He was baptized with a new name, and knowledge of those written characters was deleted from his mind.
Heart of Darkness
Those who look into the Mark's eyes can see that he has faced unimaginable horror and that he's no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear him, commoners will extend Mark every courtesy and do their utmost to help him. Unless he has shown himself to be a danger to others, these commoners may even take up arms to fight alongside the Twilight priest, should he find himself facing an enemy alone.
Mark is haunted by a horrible fear that at times can momentarily paralyze him. He never remembers what this episodes are about, but during moments of stress he's sometimes overwhelmed by the memories of what happened as a child... and what might happen should his tenacity somehow fail.
Personality Traits
I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized.
I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons.
There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.
I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them.