
Margrave_Cilas_Graydon's page

17 posts. Alias of Jeff Przybylo.


"Wise choice." The Margrave moves to the door, pausing before he opens it. "Stay together. I don't recommend anyone going off alone. That said, I'm going to my room. I need a drink."

"I don't know any Adrivion Adrissant, but I have heard of the Whispering Way, if only in legend. I cannot confirm their presence here, but I do know that several strangers came here a short time ago, and stayed only overnight. They were in the tower with Madame Ivanja all night."

Cilas listens intently to Anna, taking time to read the three notes, and Anna's scribblings. He pauses to think for a long moment.

"There is something else,' he begins slowly, "that spider is not some random beast. That was a creature kept here at Ascanor by Delgros. He has several monsters in underground caves on the grounds. They are used for guests to hunt. Delgros knows what he is doing, he's been capturing such creatures for years. It would not escape on its own." He begins pacing in front of the fireplace. "What's more, I don't think such a beast would come into the lodge unless led or coerced. I believe that it would try to escape." He stops.

"Someone guided it to the Lodge.'

"Indeed." The Margrave is livid, his face red with anger. He steps aside to gather you all around him. "Where is Lady Pertrice?" He asks suddenly, looking around.

Margrave Cilas Graydon stands up, dusting himself off. "Put that fire out! Where in the name of the abyss did that thing come from? Delgros!"

Cilas looks at Oathar, at the sword, and back at Oathar.
"Damn!" he swears, rolling out from under the huge spider and pulling hard at something around his neck. He reaches the paladin's unconscious body and shoves a small flask into Oathar's mouth.

Cure Serious; +13 hp Oathar.

The Margrave rolls over onto his back, under the spider. "Someone throw me a weapon!" He orders.


"A note? What sort of note? If that is what you were inquiring about, I can assure you, I am not the sort to 'write notes'. If I have something to say, I will say it directly, Lady Pertrice."

"No, why do you ask?"

Anna Dunsany wrote:
Anna reaches out and touches his arm in what is meant to be a comforting gesture. I don't know about stodgy. I think our meeting was quite informative. Does he mention the Count Beauturne often?

"I can't say that I agree with you on how 'informative' he is. Seems to me he asks a lot, but doesn't give much unless it suits him. As far as the Count, it's well known that Estovion's family were servants of the Beauturne's for generations. They ran the Lodge for the family while it was still a private estate, and Estovion was kept on as Warden when the Palatinate took it from them."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

"I sense there is something you want to ask me. Get on with it, then!"

"I spent the day paying last respects to an old comrade, Lady Pertrice. It is one thing to bury a man. Quite another to bury a brother-in-arms." It is clear he is well into his cups, although he does appear to be much worse for wear.

"How went your meeting with the Warden? Stodgy, uptight fellow."

@ Tolvan

The Margrave just shrugs. "I do not know. Could be Duristan's work, sounds amateurish enough."

Kimberly Snow wrote:

Kimberly thinks for a bit. I am supposed to be the servant, perhaps it is best that I go to retrieve the body. but still I am sure that Pharasma as already passed her judgement upon his soul and the body is nothing more than an empty vessel. perhaps we can find comfort in that he was judged worthy and sit comfortable in the after life.

Kimberly would rather none go retrieve the body and offers her point. but she is still willing to go if that is for the best of the situation.

The Margrave looks strangely at Kimberly."Regardless. I am offering to pay you to retrieve his body. My reasons are my own. Now. Enough talking, if you can't do this, I will find someone who will." At that, he leaves the room.

The Margrave only looks at Tolvan with bemusement. "Indeed? I'm sure you have some capability, no doubt. But tell me: have you slaughtered whole villages - men, women, children - to win a war? Have you committed men to death - good soldiers - in a rearguard action to save an army? Have you waded through ankle-deep gore to receive the swords of your defeated foes?' He holds up his hand to cut off your reply. "Do not answer. I know you haven't. We all have our own notions of violence."

He pours another drink, downing this one in a single gulp. He hangs his head in thought, and you can see a brief look of pain that crosses his face. 'some of us never escape them...' he murmurs. The moment passes, and he looks up.

"Well then, we have an agreement? Very good." The Margrave smiles, very much relieved. "I would not leave Echtmoor alone in an unmarked grave in this wilderness. He was a warrior and a trusted friend. Those are few and far between, and the ones you have must be held on to." He makes a point to look each of you in the eye as he says this.

"But you still have not told me why you are here. In all honesty, if I wanted to betray you at this point, I would have you thrown out just for being impostors. But, I spend much of my time here at Ascanor, and know some of the ways and means of the place. While you are out retrieving Echtmoor's body, I can see what I can do for you here."

"Now then. It seems we can help each other. I must needs recover the body of my comrade, and you have an - as yet unrevealed - task at Ascanor. What it may be, I cannot guess. I will say this: do not drop your guise as the Lady Pertrice and her retinue. It will do you well here. The guests here are...typical, and look askance at commoners. I will help you with that, and elsewhere, as I can. In return..." he pauses to pour another cognac, "I would ask that you return to this tower and retrieve Echtmoor's body. I cannot leave the Lodge for reasons..." and here he looks at Oathar, "...that I am not at liberty to discuss. However, as a gesture of my goodwill I offer you two thousand guineas (read: gp) to return him. What say you? As for the rest, I cannot help, if I do not know what I may be helping you accomplish."

Tolvan wrote:
Your invasion of the Lady's space is a threat. Step back or there will be violence. We have avenged your friend and given his remains proper last rights. And for that you threaten us. I will tolerate this.

The Margrave grows grim-faced again. "Violence? You do not know the meaning of the word. For what you have done for Echtmoor, I am grateful. And because of that, I will not cut you down where you stand, elf." A tense moment passes before Anna steps in to avoid a bloody and most certainly HINT fatal situation.

After Kimberly speaks, and the laughter breaks out, the Margrave does crack a smile. "Indeed we can start over. Most likely, we should."

"That does not answer my question. Still, you do not know me, and so I can respect your reluctance to say anything. I assure you, Dravin's name did not get you in here. Your invitations, along with my word, did that. From whom did they come?" He takes another drink of his cognac. "Come now. All I wish is to hear your story. What business brings five common folk such as yourselves to Ascanor? Surely not hunting, you aren't the type."