Marespera's page

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Hello Mrakvampire

I have been a white water rafting guide for several years, having swam and floated across many rivers under numerous kinds of conditions.

From your example your pretty spot on and if the point of the encounter is to just cross from one side to the other what you have works just fine.

To answer your second question, it is generally not possible to swim up stream. However there are certain conditions that amend my answer. Often the speed of the current varies, being slowest near the banks and fastest in the middle. Obstructions can distort the current causing areas of faster moving water as well as calm areas with quite still water. Someone trying to cross could use such river features to aid their crossing. If the goal is to cross a river and land on the bank directly across from where you started, you would have to move at a 45 degree angle to the current. This cancels out the downstream movement of the current, but adds to the length of time needed to cross.

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You may want to consider getting rid of giving gold as a measure of wealth gained from capturing a ship altogether. I would suggest looking over the kingdom building rules in Ultimate Campaign, specifically the part that deals with BP ( Build Points ).

The idea with BP is that it is an abstraction representing about 4,000 gold in expendable assets, trade goods, raw materials and the like. As such BP are not easily converted into coin. Thus allowing you to keep WBL on par and still provide enough resources to keep things flying.

As for how much it would cost to maintain and repair an air ship, I would set that amount as a fraction of the total value of the ship. If you use say five percent of a ships total value as upkeep per month, a ship costing 80,000 gold would need roughly 4,000 gold or one BP. For major repairs I would adjust that percent based on how much the ship has been damaged.

Thank for all the input.

The whole spray mechanic had me baffled and I'm certainly going to add the minus to charisma checks other than UMD.

I am hoping to get some assistance in creating a skunk familiar. I looked over several other familiars and I have come to the conclusion that renaming some other animal as a skunk would not do skunks justice.

So I ask the community to help stat out the foul smelling woodland creature.

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I do not like swarms
I do not like them around my face
I do not like them threatening my space
I do not like them on the ground
I do not like them they make me frown
I do not like them Sam I am

Now that that is out, I have seen spells such as sleep and color spray used to take out swarms. Even seen a well placed grease spell, lit on fire soon after do the job. Burning hands has been, hands down the way to go when dealing with that type of menace in my group.

You could always try Charm Person and then teleport them. Yes that would burn two rounds of casting, but sometimes the ends justify the prep time. I’ve done something similar with levitate, make them willing then make them go away.

w0nkothesane wrote:
+17 total should be plenty to reliably make some level appropriate items for the party.

You could make that total even more with the gnome racial trait "Collector"

That sounds quite reasonable. The core rulebook is not that clear on what inspire competence can and can’t boost. I was already under the assumption that a basic bardic ability couldn’t be as good as the new cooperative crafting feat.

So while were on the topic, could the second level bard spell Gallant Inspiration be used to keep a crafting skill check from failing?

Can bards use inspire competence to boost skill checks involved with crafting, such as an actual craft skill or spell craft?