I have a roguw with Keen Appraiser. Your frequent handling of magic items, artifacts, and other enchanted goods has made you an expert at determining when something has magical properties. Benefit(s): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise checks. In addition, you need only exceed the DC of an Appraise check by 2 in order to determine whether the item in question has magic properties (although success still does not grant knowledge of the magic item’s abilities). My question is do I still need detect Magic with spellcraft in order to identify Magic Items or is Keen Appraiser with Spellcraft enough? Not sure if this has been addressed before did not see anything about it as far as I could see. Thank you in advance.
This may have been mentioned before, if so I apologize as I did not see it. I am going to be playing in a Mummy's Mask game soon and was looking at the Divine Paragon, only problem is it appears the Ancient Osiriani gods are not able to have Divine Paragons. By that I mean they do not get any benefits for it. Am I missing something or was this intentional so you would have to chose one of the newer gods?
I am trying to figure out soemthing with poisons. The poison track simulates the progressive effects of poison in
Also is this just for injury poisons or all including injested etc?
Not sure if this has been addressed before could not find it if it has. Is there a Archetype of Prestige class that focuses on the arcane caster using his/her staff for spells and such. I am planing on making a character kinda like Skeletor form the old he-man (but as a hero.) Any help would be appreciated.
Is there anywhere to see what new creatures can be called by summoning spells? There is a list in the Pathfinder Core book, but there have been to bestiary's since and alot of new creatures. Is there a new list somewhere or a way of looking at the creatures to see if they fit the qualifications? Not sure if this has been addressed anywhere yet could not find one. |