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Let's see... AC 24 with Shield of Faith, 30 HP, Fast Healing 2, Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron or Good, she can fly and cast Invisibility at will (Among other things).

I've always had bad experiences with quasits in the past, fights against them tend to drag and drag along because PCs can barely damage them and the quasit doesn't have enough damage-dealing power of its own to really compromise or scare the party. I like the Catacombs of Wrath as a whole and think it will be a decent challenge for the PCs but man, I can already predict this fight will be a letdown, the party will run away, rest, come back, try to find some way to beat her, fail again, etc.

I doubt anyone has playtested this part already but what are your thoughts on it?


Here comes the time when I have to work on advancing the personal storylines of my player's characters.

They will (Hopefully) get out of Parrot Island soon. One of them is a cleric of the triad of sea divinities at the Azure Cathedral. He spent some time on the seas and as a result, is a local favorite amongst sailors. So I figured that the head of the Cathedral could appoint him to preside the funeral of Keltar Islaran. There would actually be 2 funerals : One for the nobles (Since Keltar is the Council Rep. for the Azure district after all) and one for the everyday seamen, who have come to know Keltar over the years. The PC cleric would preside the latter.

I would be looking for ideas. How would you imagine such a funeral roleplaying-wise? I definitely will arrange for some "showoffing" by the Lotus Dragons by having some kind of banner installed in the Cathedral to be popped up during the ceremony and saying something like "This is just the beginning. Surrender to the Lotus Dragons, the new harbormasters of Sasserine!" but I think that building up to this event with some flavorful religious acts you could witness on such a ceremony would help to set the tone.

One of the other players is a half-drow who have tangled with Anwyn Arabani to the point that the obsessed noble will be asking him to marry her. I would like her to seek out a drow cleric and invite him to Sasserine so that they could celebrate their union in true "drow-style". Question is, what does that mean? Again, can you think of how a drow marriage would be celebrated? Spooky ideas welcomed.

I'll be kicking off this campaign next week. I'd like to hear stories of your PCs first undertaking : The reclaiming of the Blue Nixie for Lavinia. Mainly, I'm worried about my PCs hanging low, watching the boat from a distance and asking around. I'm looking for things to spice things up without ruining the fun. So far, I planned the following 3 events :

A likely conversation with Keltar Islaran (Can't wait to roleplay the chronic lung infection). I think his killer point is that Lavinia really should have brought a witness with her when she paid Soller, something the noblewoman herself readily admits.
Seeing a small boat on the opposite shore (Shadowshore if they are in Merchant District or the other way around) make its way to the Nixie. A sheet-covered cage would be aboard to tip them this may be an amimal smugglers thing.
Hearing the chilling shrieks of the rhagodessa from their vantage points (Let's say the daily-feeding operation went bad).

Did you come up or did you improvise something exicting you can share?
