
Marckus's page

1,384 posts. Alias of D-Kal.

Full Name

Marckus Allian


Half-Orc Brawler/Rogue 15 - HP: 169/169, AC: 35/T: 20/FF: 29 +Def.Arw. - INIT: +3, Percep: +20/27 <see in dark>


F: +19/R: +19/W: +18 - CMB: +22 - CMD: 40, Speed: 30ft



Special Abilities

MF 2/10; 8d6 sneak; trapsense +5




Common, Orc

Strength 25
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 20
Charisma 14

About Marckus

Male Half-Orc Brawler (Steel Breaker)/Rogue 15
CN Medium Humanoid
Favored Class: Rogue
Speed: 30 ft.
Init +3 (+3 Dex)
Attunement +5, Deflection +4, Natural Armor +4

AC 35 (10 Base, +3 Dex, +6 Armor, +5 enhancement, +4 deflection, +3 dodge, +4 natural)
Touch 20 (10 Base, +3 Dex, +4 deflection, +3 dodge)
Flat Footed 29 (10 Base, +6 Armor, +5 enhancement, +4 deflection, +4 natural)
HP 169 (15d10, +15x3 Con, +15 FC, +15 feat)
Fort +19 Ref +19 Will +18 (9/9/5 base, +3/3/5 stat, +0/0/1 trait, +5 resistance, +2 material[noqual])
CMD 40 (10 Base, BAB +15, Str +7, Dex +3, +2 deflection, +3 dodge)

BAB +15 // Attunement +5

Melee: +2d6 boar style, +8d6 sneak
Sap +22 (1d6+7 NL, x2) or
Unarmed Strike +29 (2d6+16, x2) or
Greataxe +22 (1d12+10, x3) or
Longspear +22 (1d8+10, x3, reach) or
Morningstar +22 (1d8+7/10, x2) or
Dagger +22 (1d4+7, 19-20/x2)

Wooden Stake +18 (1d4+7, x2, 10ft) or
Dagger +18 (1d4+7, 19-20/x2, 10ft)

CMB: +22 (+15 BAB, +7 Str)

Str 25 (+7) [7 pts, +2 racial, +2 HD, +6 enhancement]
Dex 16 (+3) [5 pts, +2 enhancement]
Con 16 (+3) [5 pts, +2 enhancement]
Int 10 (+0) [+2 pts, +2 enhancement]
Wis 20 (+5) [3 pts, +6 enhancement, +1 HD]
Cha 14 (+2) [2 pts, +2 enhancement]

Improved Unarmed Strike - no penalty for unarmed strikes & they do not provoke AoOs.
Enforcer - after dealing non-lethal melee dmg, may attempt free demoralize (shaken for dmg rounds; on crit, also frightened 1 round).
Intimidating Prowess [rogue talent bonus feat] - add STR to intimidate checks (in addition to CHA).
Weapon Focus(unarmed)[brawler bonus feat] - +1 to attacks with unarmed strikes.
Boar Style - B or S with unarmed strikes, change as free action; on >= 2 hits with unarmed, +2d6 dmg.
Deflect Arrows - 1/round, deflect manufactured ranged weapon attack
dazzling display - full-round action to make intimidate check to demoralize vs all foes within 30ft
weapon specialization (unarmed strike) - +2 damage to unarmed strikes
shatter defenses - when shaken/frightened/panicked foe struck, FF vs my attacks until end of my next turn
Additional Traits - +2 traits
Boar Ferocity - unarmed strikes may deal piercing damage; +2 to intimidate for demoralize; on successful boar style strike (2d6), free action to demoralize.
Improved Weapon Focus(unarmed) - +1 to attacks with unarmed strikes.
Stunning Fist 15/day, DC 22 - Fort save or stunned 1 round (drops held, no actions, loses Dex to AC, -2 to AC)
Stealth Synergy - whenever you & allies within LOS roll stealth, all use highest roll (but own mods)
Skill Focus (heal) - +3 to heal; +6 when 10+ ranks
Improved Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike) - +2 damage to unarmed strikes
Toughness - +1 HP/lvl

Dominator - +2 to demoralize in combat.
Legacy of Sand - +1 to Will saves.
Armor Expert - -1 to armor check penalties
Omen - 1/day, demoralize opponent as swift action

Acrobatics +12 [7 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class]
Appraise +5 [2 Rank, 0 Int, +3 Class]
Bluff +10 [5 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class]
Climb +10 [2 Rank, +5 Str, +3 Class]
Diplomacy +8 [3 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class]
Disable Device +18 [13 Rank, +2 Dex, +3 Class]
Disguise +10 [5 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class]
Escape Artist +10 [4 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class]
Intimidate +28/32 [15 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class, +2 racial, {+2 trait}, +6 feat, {+2 feat}]
Knowledge(dungeoneering) +5 [2 Rank, 0 Int, +3 class]
Knowledge(engineering) +5 [2 Rank, 0 Int, +3 class]
Knowledge(local) +5 [2 Rank, 0 Int, +3 class]
Perception +20 [12 Rank, +5 Wis, +3 Class]
Sense Motive +20 [12 Rank, +5 Wis, +3 Class]
Sleight of Hand +10 [4 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class]
Stealth +20 [14 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class]
Swim +10 [2 Rank, +5 Str, +3 Class]
Use Magic Device +20 [15 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class]

Darkvision - see 60ft in total darkness (B&W only).
Weapon Familiarity - proficient with greataxe & falchion, treat "orc" weapons as martial.
Intimidating - +2 to intimidate.
Orc Ferocity - 1/day when brought below 0 HP, may fight on for 1 turn as though disabled.

Brawler's Cunning - Int counts as 13 for combat feat prereqs.
Martial Flexibility - 3+1/2lvl/day, Move[4], Swift[3], or Free/Immediate[1] for 1 min - gain benefits of [#] combat feat(s) (must meet prerequisites).
Martial Training - brawler levels count for both fighter & monk for feat prereqs and magic items.
Unarmed Strike (2d6) - gain Improved Unarmed Strike as bonus feat; apply full Strength mod on damage for all unarmed strikes; may deal lethal or non-lethal without penalty; treated as both natural & manufactured weapon for effects affecting either.
Bonus Combat Feats - weapon focus, boar ferocity
Brawler's Flurry - gain TWF, Improved TWF, & Greater TWF for any "close" or "monk" weapons, adding full STR to each; may use any combination of weapon/weapons/unarmed strikes.
Sunder Training - +4 to CMB/CMD for Sunder, +3 to CMB/CMD for Disarm.
AC bonus - +3 dodge bonus
Knockout 2/day - declared attack, if does damage, target unconscious for 1d6 rounds (fort negates, new save each round, DC = 10+1/2lvl+Str)
Exploit Weakness (swift, for 1 turn) - Wisdom + lvl vs DC 10+(CR or hardness): +2 to attacks vs that target, & ignore DR/hardness;
or analyze target within 30ft for +(1/2lvl) bonus to Sense Motive, Reflex saves, and AC vs that target.

Sneak Attack (+8d6) - bonus dmg vs creature flanked or denied Dex to AC (not vs concealed opponents).
Trapfinding (+7) - +1/2lvl to perception vs traps and to disable device.
Evasion - on successful reflex save for 1/2 dmg, no dmg.
Rogue Talents - strong impression
Ninja Trick: Deflect Arrows
Combat Trick: Shatter Defenses
Pierce the Darkness
See in Darkness - can see in all darkness (even deeper)
Against the Wall
Crippling Strike - 2 STR damage per sneak attack
Trap Sense (+5) - +1/3lvls to Reflex & AC vs traps
Uncanny Dodge - never flat-footed & cannot be flanked
Improved Uncanny Dodge - cannot be sneak attacked except by rogue 4 levels higher

Noqual Breastplate (+6/5, -1, 15lb, XXgp) +1 Fire Resistant Mithral Chain Shirt (+5/6, -0, 12.5lb, XXgp), Greataxe (1d12, x3, 12lb, 20gp)
Longspear (1d8, x3, 9lb, 5gp, reach), Morningstar (1d8, x2, 6lb, 8gp)
Dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2, 1lb, 2gp), Wooden Stake x10 (1d4, x2, 10ft, 0gp, 10lb), Sap (1d6NL, loot)
Leather Lamellar (+4/3, -2, 25lb, 60gp)

Backpack (2lb, 2gp), Bedroll (5lb, 1sp)
Parchment x5 (1gp), Ink (8gp), Inkpen (1sp)
Chalk x8 (8cp), Flask x4 (1.2sp, 6lb)

77/86 lb 226.4/350 gp (0 earned)

Wand Lead Blades [38],
Wand Infernal Healing [40],
Potion Enlarge Person [2],
Potion CLW,
Potion Prot Evil [0],
Potion CMW [2],
Potion Displacement CL8 [0]

Full Attack:

[dice=Unarmed 1]1d20+29-2[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2]1d20+29-2[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2.1]1d20+29-2-5[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2.2]1d20+29-2-5[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 3.1]1d20+29-2-10[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 3.2]1d20+29-2-10[/dice], [dice=Damage]2d6+16[/dice]
, [dice=Sneak]8d6[/dice] 2 STR dmg
[dice=Boar Style]2d6[/dice]

Full Attack, Enlarged, Lead Blades:

[dice=Unarmed 1]1d20+29-2[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2]1d20+29-2[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2.1]1d20+29-2-5[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 2.2]1d20+29-2-5[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 3.1]1d20+29-2-10[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
[dice=Unarmed 3.2]1d20+29-2-10[/dice], [dice=Damage]3d8+17[/dice]
, [dice=Sneak]8d6[/dice] 2 STR dmg
[dice=Boar Style]2d6[/dice]