Male half elf rogue (scout) 1 | HP 9/9, AC 16 (14T, 12FF) | Init +7, Perception +6, low light vision | Ref +6, Fort +1, Will +1
About Marcan Velder
At first glance, Marcan could almost pass for human; his build is fairly tall and slight, but if it weren't for the ears you wouldn't know his father was an elf. Marcan's beginning to show signs of age, most prominently a little grey in his otherwise black, neatly cut hair. Typically, he's in practical but immaculately tailored outfits; he still has in a closet an old, worn suit of leather armor that bears the marks of extensive use. He's a bit off putting on first meeting (very sarcastic), but the locals know he's also both generous and reliable.
Marcan used to be a small time guild thief in Riddleport. When a new boss took over with a much more bloodthirsty style, Marcan discovered he didn't have a taste for the new level of violence, and tried to leave the guild. Leaving a thieves' guild is, of course, easier said than done, and Marcan burned most of his resources escaping the city.
He spent a few years hiding out in <TBD>. Once he felt the coast was clear, he eventually settled down in Sandpoint. He's all respectable now, an elder in the town, married, follower of Sarenrae. Runs a small leatherworking shop, has for a long time now. But he's kept a few of his old skills sharp - even though his neighborhood's not the finest, somehow the worst of the unsavory elements have a hard time setting up shop.
Build Goals:
In combat, depend on the Scout archetype and flanking (soon augmented with Press to the Wall) to trigger sneak attack, and use two weapons to hit as many times as possible. At level 10, pick up Cunning Feint to add another way to make foes flat footed.
Out of combat, be a general skillmonkey; stealthy, trapfindy, etc.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 12
Level 1 Half-Elven Unchained Rogue (Scout archetype)
HP 9/9
AC 16 (+4 Dex, +2 armor)
Reflex +6, Fort +2, Will +1
Init +6 (+4 Dex, +2 trait)
Goblin Watcher (campaign): +1 perception, +1 appraise, +5 appraise to determine most valuable item in a hoard
Reactionary: +2 init
Fast talker: +1 Bluff, Bluff always a class skill
(Rogue) Deft Maneuvers: +2 to trip, reposition, steal, dirty trick, disarm. +2 to CMD vs same. Feint as a move.
(Racial) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Wakizashi
L1: two weapon fighting
Favored Class:
HE Rogue 1 - +1/2 to feint and gather information
2x wakizashi (1d6, 18-20/x2, 4lb, 70g)
Leather armor (+2 ac, +6 max Dex, 15lb, 10g)
Rogue's kit (37lb, 50g): backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, thieves’ tools, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin
Wooden holy symbol of Sarenrae (1g)
Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Sneak attack +1d6
Trap finding: A rogue adds 1/2 her level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Finesse training: At 1st level, a rogue gains Deft Maneuvers as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.