Question about Squeezing:
E.g. Can a large creature in a 10 foot wide hallway willingly squeeze itself into a single 5x5 tile and accept the penalties for squeezing, so as to not completely block the hallway for other characters? (I'm aware they can move past friendly creatures anyway, but I'm more worried about other characters being able to end their turn in the space the creature would regularly take up while not squeezing) EDIT: Also, interesting point: Does a tower shield, when used to cover one side of a creature, count as a barrier that allows them to squeeze?
(Also asking Mark Seifter's opinion on his thread because my GM prefers thoroughness) The "Bit of Luck" domain power, which lets you roll twice and take the better result for 1 round (2 with the Headband of Fortune's Favor). Is that meant to only apply to actions that take 1 round or less time? Or can it be applied to longer tasks like disabling a machine, writing a forgery, hunting, or a day's worth of crafting? Basically, are you literally being blessed with luck for 6 seconds, or is it more of an abstract and meant to apply to a whole task (or atleast a short portion of a larger task)? Thanks
(Also asking James Jacobs' opinion on his thread because my GM prefers thoroughness) The "Bit of Luck" domain power, which lets you roll twice and take the better result for 1 round (2 with the Headband of Fortune's Favor). Is that meant to only apply to actions that take 1 round or less time? Or can it be applied to longer tasks like disabling a machine, writing a forgery, hunting, or a day's worth of crafting? Basically, are you literally being blessed with luck for 6 seconds, or is it more of an abstract and meant to apply to a whole task (or atleast a short portion of a larger task)? Thanks
"Lightning Reload (Ex): At 11th level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can reload a single barrel of a one-handed or two-handed firearm as a swift action once per round. If she has the Rapid Reload feat or is using an alchemical cartridge (or both), she can reload a single barrel of the weapon as a free action each round instead. Furthermore, using this deed does not provoke attacks of opportunity." So assuming I have rapid reload and am using regular rounds (Not cartridges), reloading with lightning reload is a free action. However, the description says that you can only do it once a round. Is this correct or can you use it for as many free actions as your GM allows in a turn? I.e., is the purpose of lightning reload to allow you to Full Attack with rapid reload and without cartridges/with cartridges and without rapid reload, or is it just meant to be one free reload per turn?
Mizuno Qenido wrote:
I should also specify, my GM ruled that creatures like Griffons are sentient, if that changes anything communication-wise, plus it will be getting int boosts from various sources
Hey again. Your answers regarding animal intelligence helped me find a more agreeable alternative, though I do have a couple more questions. In your opinion, should spells like anthropomorphic animal and animal growth (which target animals) work on willing magical beasts, even though they aren't technically of the animal type? Assuming a creature is innately smart enough to know a language and not speak it (as with a griffon), would items such as the contract ring (which cause them to understand eachother's speech), or the helm of comprehend languages and read magic allow a character to understand their magical beast companion, in your opinion?
Mark Seifter wrote:
Linked Blog Post wrote: A GM should, however, make exceptions in the case of how such an intelligent animal might react in absence of instructions. It might not know to unlock a door to escape a burning building—as that's a fact that's learned over time and experience—but a smart animal might have a better chance of finding a way out. So if I am reading that right, an animal definitely gains more independent decision making, reasoning, and problem solving skills as it increases in intelligence (which may bring it closer to sentience), correct? At which point it can generally be trusted to act sensibly, and handle animal only becomes a problem if it is a) doing something you don't want it to do, or b) isn't doing something you want it to do?
Mark Seifter wrote:
a) Thank you for the answer. b) Do you know of any items that allow an animal companion to speak continuously? c) Failing the above, are there any other options for communication between the character and his companion? Assuming the companion can learn Common but not speak it, can the character and companion not work out a series of (for example) barks that the animal can speak, and the character can understand but not speak? Failing all of that, can an intelligent companion with a high enough bluff get the gist of what they are trying to convey across? d) You didn't touch on the question about sentience. Is sentience an entirely separate thing from mental abilities, or is it directly tied to them? Is a 10 Cha, 10 Int, 10 Wis wolf who has been properly socialized as sentient as a 10 Cha, 10 Int, 10 Wis human (Or atleast in the same ballpark)? A 7/7/7 human? Or utterly incomparable? Thanks again.
Is there any chance you can put this to bed once and for all? "Alternate classes like the antipaladin, ninja, and samurai ARE essentially archetypes. They're just archetypes for which we went through and gave you the full level advancement chart for. And artwork too! So as long as they didn't give up a class feature that is a requirement for a feat or whatever... yup... they still can take that feat/trait/thing." -You "- Alternate classes are really just expanded archtypes. The distinction is that for an alternate class, we represent all of the rules needed to run the class. It is similar to its base, but has a significant number of swaps. There are certainly some archtypes that could have received this treatment, but we chose to leave them as more abbreviated write ups. - Alternate classes live in the same design niche as their base class. This is the most important part. Although the ninja and the rogue, for example, have a number of differences, they have a number of conceptual and rules niches in common. We did not want to have to invent another version of sneak attack, for example, when the current one works fine for both. Had we invented another, it would have been similar but undoubtedly different in power to sneak attack, which is a bad place to be." -Jason Bulmahn. I appreciate the explanations you two have given, but the fact of the matter is, there's still a bit of confusion and disagreement. How do favoured class bonuses work for alternate classes? Here is my specific situation, and I think a "yes you can" or "no you can't" will end this forever. I am a kitsune ninja. Kitsune have a racial favoured class bonus for the rogue that grants them 1/6 of a rogue talent. As a ninja (which is an alternate class for the rogue), am I entitled to either 1/6 of a rogue talent or 1/6 of a ninja trick, under pathfinder society rules? As I would said, I would love an in depth explaination of what went into this system and your justifications for this, but at the end, I would really appreciate a Yes or no. Thanks for making such a great game, and keep up the good work.
The frustrating part is that the maker's clarification didn't really clarify anything. A simple yes or no from the powers that be would've been helpful. Edit: And I just want everyone to know that I am not saying anyone is right or wrong. I just hope that, in the same way I can see the merits in your argument, you can see the merits in mine.
Pirate Rob wrote:
The logic in favour of it being allowed is that the ninja technically counts as an archetype, according to the makers. Not saying you're wrong, just pointing it out, in the chance that it changes anything.
So I'm playing a Kitsune Ninja/Slinger in a living campaign, which uses PFS rules. I wanted to take Ninja as my favoured class to get 1/6 a rogue talent, but the owner says I can't do that. I've seen a lot of threads one way or the other, and word of god seems to imply that I should be able to take a that FC Bonus: njas#8 t-it#58 The lead GM's argument is that, because Ninja Tricks replace the Rogue Talent class feature, I don't have the feature to which the FC bonus applies. I know this has been discussed before, but it tends to get all muddy, so I'm hoping I can get a straight answer here.
DM_Blake wrote:
AHA! But does the scabbard of many blades HAVE to be saya shaped? If it were the shape of a straight sword scabbard, it'd be WAY easier to hide than a saya would be, just hanging down the leg rather than jutting out the back
DM_Blake wrote:
Well, they gain power after killing an immortal, so maybe each kill grants a +5 in sleight of hand to hide large objects? XD
alexd1976 wrote:
I suppose I can always bribe a couple of bums to cause a distraction to let me slip to my chosen spot, I guess. Thanks for your help
alexd1976 wrote:
So if I could manage to get where I want to go without anyone noticing, and then stand still, you'd allow it in that instance? (possibly with a sleight of hand, stealth, or bluff roll?)
If I were going to do anything regarding a specialized sheath, it would be a sheath specifically balanced for fighting with a katana (i.e. try and make it perfectly fit for fighting, and therefore a light weapon), rather than concealing it. I can always use the normal penalties for concealing a 1 handed weapon, which is -8. I argue that, if it normally counts as a 2 handed weapon, but skill with it makes it a 1 handed weapon, then the 2 handed classification comes from it's difficulty to wield, rather than it being the same size as a 2 handed weapon. Qaianna wrote:
The reason I am so dead set on a katana is that he is letting me take a masterwork katana AND a masterwork sharpened scabbard with the trait I picked, and with "master of the sudden strike", I would get an attack bonus on each for surprise attacks. With the Wakizashi, he would only count one as a masterwork. However, he is giving me an option to collect more heirloom accessories for my katana at a later date, so I might be able to pick up a special pair of Wakis at a later date. Plus I am grabbing a normal pair of them to start off.
Thanks for your input TPK and Orfamay. I'll try and pitch a penalty and see if it works. Again, I am talking about wearing it out of sight from casual observers, rather than people actively looking for weapons (and especially frisking me). So given that a 28" gladius is a light weapon, would you guys argue that a 28 inch scabbard could DEBATABLY be considered a light weapon, based on that length and it's small weight, combined with my character's experience with the katana itself? Charon's Little Helper wrote: I've gotta ask - why is a katana superior to a wakasashi for your character? As a kitsune ninja (+2 Dex & -2 Str) I can only guess that your Dex is far better than your Str. Likely you'd be better off with a wakasashi and Weapon Finesse anyway. (probably TWF with them) I was actually considering weapons finesse for the scabbard if I could get it classified as a light weapon
"A longsword (also spelled long sword, long-sword) is a type of sword characterized as having a cruciform hilt with a grip for two handed use and a straight double-edged blade of around 100–122 cm (39–48 in)." Yeah, a 28 inch, 1lb scabbard being in the same class as a 39-48 inch, 6lb weapon seems kinda weird to me, is all
Drejk wrote:
Well it's masterwork. I got Signature Moves as a trait. Plus my GM is letting me take a masterwork sharpened combat sheath as well, arguing that it comes with the weapon (though I have to count masterwork for both into the price).
I figure it'd help if I am ever in a place where weapons are frowned upon, but nobody is actually SEARCHING people for weapons at the door, or when talking to somebody who is worried about someone trying to kill them, and would thus be nervous around people with weapons. Also, can we argue that the sharpened scabbard of a katana, when used as a weapon, is a light weapon? The rules describe a sharpened combat scabbard as a one handed weapon, but it would more-or-less be the length of the katana's blade, which is a perfectly acceptable length for an ENTIRE gladius, which is considered a light weapon. It's also 1/3 of the weight Alternatively, in the same way that Exotic Weapons Proficiency - Katana reduces a katana from 2h to 1h, could it then reduce a sheath designed for a katana from 1h to light?
Hi. I'm new to this game and have decided on a ninja kitsune for my character. Naturally, I picked a katana as my weapon, and chose a patchwork cloak for my clothing. My GM and I had a discussion about whether or not a cloak will conceal a katana (Sheathed on my belt, not wielded. I know I could conceal it under the cloak in my hand/paw at a penalty for it's size, but that's not what we are discussing). He says you can't, but I say I can, and here's why: He says that the 28 1/2 inch blade that wikipedia gives as the max was designed for a 5'6" (66 inches total) samurai, and would scale up or down based on my character's height. In real life, I am 5'10" (70 inches total). My belt line to the floor is approximately 37". My beltline to slightly above my ankle is 32". 66/70 = 0.943. So a samurai of my build (roughly average legs proportional to my height) and 5'6" height would have a belt to floor height of 34.89 and a belt to slightly-above-ankle height of 30.176". Of course, we will not be counting the hilt for this, as that would rise above my belt line, and there is an abundance of space there, so it won't be factored into our calculation. Basically, a 5'6" character wearing a floor length cloak and a standard 28 1/2 inch katana would have an excess of 6.39 inches of cloak below the tip of the sheath, and an excess of 1.676 inches in an ankle length cloak. So, since both the length of the katana AND the length of the cloak would scale with the character using them,if this calculation works for one character, it should work for all characters. Therefore, my character should be able to wear his katana inconspicuously underneath his cloak (to say nothing of whether or not the cloak itself is inconspicuous, of course). Am I right in this? Follow up question: can I swear a cloak over my starting outfit, or does the cloak replace it? My armour, obviously, works with both |