Mizuno Qenido's page

30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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So any idea when things'll be less hectic? I think we all have got some burning questions we want to ask :o

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wraithstrike wrote:
No question from me today. I just wanted to say thanks for this thread.


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Question about Squeezing:
In order to do it, does there have to be a hard surface on either side of the creature, or can they choose to squeeze in an area where they otherwise would have room for their full size? In addition, does the presence of other characters in adjacent spaces count as squeezing if you end your turn in that state?

E.g. Can a large creature in a 10 foot wide hallway willingly squeeze itself into a single 5x5 tile and accept the penalties for squeezing, so as to not completely block the hallway for other characters? (I'm aware they can move past friendly creatures anyway, but I'm more worried about other characters being able to end their turn in the space the creature would regularly take up while not squeezing)

EDIT: Also, interesting point: Does a tower shield, when used to cover one side of a creature, count as a barrier that allows them to squeeze?

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(Also asking James Jacobs' opinion on his thread because my GM prefers thoroughness)

The "Bit of Luck" domain power, which lets you roll twice and take the better result for 1 round (2 with the Headband of Fortune's Favor). Is that meant to only apply to actions that take 1 round or less time? Or can it be applied to longer tasks like disabling a machine, writing a forgery, hunting, or a day's worth of crafting? Basically, are you literally being blessed with luck for 6 seconds, or is it more of an abstract and meant to apply to a whole task (or atleast a short portion of a larger task)? Thanks

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Question about the newly released Horror Adventures book:

Are the fleshwarping implants/elixers legal for society play?

As well, are the prices for things like retractable spines per limb or are they the price for both limbs?

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"Lightning Reload (Ex): At 11th level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can reload a single barrel of a one-handed or two-handed firearm as a swift action once per round. If she has the Rapid Reload feat or is using an alchemical cartridge (or both), she can reload a single barrel of the weapon as a free action each round instead. Furthermore, using this deed does not provoke attacks of opportunity."

So assuming I have rapid reload and am using regular rounds (Not cartridges), reloading with lightning reload is a free action. However, the description says that you can only do it once a round. Is this correct or can you use it for as many free actions as your GM allows in a turn?

I.e., is the purpose of lightning reload to allow you to Full Attack with rapid reload and without cartridges/with cartridges and without rapid reload, or is it just meant to be one free reload per turn?

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Hey again. Your answers regarding animal intelligence helped me find a more agreeable alternative, though I do have a couple more questions.

In your opinion, should spells like anthropomorphic animal and animal growth (which target animals) work on willing magical beasts, even though they aren't technically of the animal type?

Assuming a creature is innately smart enough to know a language and not speak it (as with a griffon), would items such as the contract ring (which cause them to understand eachother's speech), or the helm of comprehend languages and read magic allow a character to understand their magical beast companion, in your opinion?

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Mizuno Qenido wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
TrinitysEnd wrote:

I've got a question for you, as this has come up in one of my games, and I'd like to know your opinion (Not opinion and not a ruling) on it.

I have a player who has an animal companion (Acquired through feats) and would like to have his animal companion speak. He has raised it's intelligence to above three (Using an intelligence headband) to acquire the Gold Nodule Ioun Stone, which allows the user to understand, speak, and write one language. Would you agree that works for an Animal? And also, would you say that his animal is capable of Human-like Sentience?


Linked Blog Post wrote:
A GM should, however, make exceptions in the case of how such an intelligent animal might react in absence of instructions. It might not know to unlock a door to escape a burning building—as that's a fact that's learned over time and experience—but a smart animal might have a better chance of finding a way out.

So if I am reading that right, an animal definitely gains more independent decision making, reasoning, and problem solving skills as it increases in intelligence (which may bring it closer to sentience), correct? At which point it can generally be trusted to act sensibly, and handle animal only becomes a problem if it is a) doing something you don't want it to do, or b) isn't doing something you want it to do?

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Mark Seifter wrote:
TrinitysEnd wrote:

I've got a question for you, as this has come up in one of my games, and I'd like to know your opinion (Not opinion and not a ruling) on it.

I have a player who has an animal companion (Acquired through feats) and would like to have his animal companion speak. He has raised it's intelligence to above three (Using an intelligence headband) to acquire the Gold Nodule Ioun Stone, which allows the user to understand, speak, and write one language. Would you agree that works for an Animal? And also, would you say that his animal is capable of Human-like Sentience?

Thank you for taking the time to read this! And I appreciate any insight you can bring.

This looks like a case of specific over general. Most rules about languages are written for the general majority of characters, who are capable of speech already. The Linguistics skill is an example, as even though it says "you learn to speak and read a new language" this doesn't mean that a creature that can understand languages but can't speak would become able to speak if it put ranks in Linguistics. Abilities that specifically allow non-speaking creatures to speak (like beastspeak) call out that they specifically allow such creatures to speak by naming the animal type in the ability.

a) Thank you for the answer.

b) Do you know of any items that allow an animal companion to speak continuously?

c) Failing the above, are there any other options for communication between the character and his companion? Assuming the companion can learn Common but not speak it, can the character and companion not work out a series of (for example) barks that the animal can speak, and the character can understand but not speak? Failing all of that, can an intelligent companion with a high enough bluff get the gist of what they are trying to convey across?

d) You didn't touch on the question about sentience. Is sentience an entirely separate thing from mental abilities, or is it directly tied to them? Is a 10 Cha, 10 Int, 10 Wis wolf who has been properly socialized as sentient as a 10 Cha, 10 Int, 10 Wis human (Or atleast in the same ballpark)? A 7/7/7 human? Or utterly incomparable?

Thanks again.

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So I'm playing a Kitsune Ninja/Slinger in a living campaign, which uses PFS rules. I wanted to take Ninja as my favoured class to get 1/6 a rogue talent, but the owner says I can't do that. I've seen a lot of threads one way or the other, and word of god seems to imply that I should be able to take a that FC Bonus:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q5h4?Kitsune-rogue-favored-class-option-for-ni njas#8

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2lrqb&page=2?Alternate-class-what-I-dont-ge t-it#58

The lead GM's argument is that, because Ninja Tricks replace the Rogue Talent class feature, I don't have the feature to which the FC bonus applies.

I know this has been discussed before, but it tends to get all muddy, so I'm hoping I can get a straight answer here.