Uzbin Parault

Mangenorn's page

Organized Play Member. 147 posts (148 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

I mean, somebody has to scribble up the 9th level scrolls here and there. How many NPC casters are level 20 in normal civilized Golarion (so occasional sleeping Runelord doesn't count)?

I can only think of the head of the temple of Nethys in Sothis, who is a level 20 Mystic Theurge.

Grand Lodge

I'm considering making a Barbarian with an intelectual bent, maybe a level of wizard (preferably transmuter or diviner), or cleric of Nethys (or one level of each). This would likely be for PFS, and I'd like to keep things core. I don't want the Bloodrager, it doesn't have the thematic focus I want.

Anyway, I'd definitely reserve a skill point for Profession (librarian) on every level, day job can be a good boost in wealth.