
Malith's page

Organized Play Member. 76 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

So, my group has never had anyone play an inquisitor yet until now. We are just starting a new campaign with my taking the DM seat and I have a player with an inquisitor. I always like to keep a copy of the character sheets so I have something to reference when planning out things in advance and like to put them into Hero Lab. When I put in the inquisitor it shows that a specific element needs to be chosen in advance. Reading the ability though gives me the impression that the specific element can be selected each time the judgment is used. Can anyone clarify exactly how this works so there is no question in my mind come tomorrow night? Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Please cancel my Card and Adventure Path subscriptions and do not send the current shipment in the pending stage on my account. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Please cancel order #2453812. Seems I ordered two copies of this item without realizing it and don't need both. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering if there was some sort of issue with the Gamemastery Guides covers warping? I have now bought two of them and had both copies warp on me. This last one I noticed the warping only two days after picking it up. I don't have this problem with any other of my books I have and store them all the exact same way. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Liberty's Edge

Are the miniatures from the Paizo kickstarter going to be offered for sale separately ever? I really have no interest in any online game so didn't get into the kickstarter, Paizo already gets plenty of my cash anyway, but would like to pick up some of the repaints if possible. Is there going to be a chance or I'm I gonna have to try the second hand markets to have any chance of getting any of them? Thanks

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering what exactly I would need to do to exchange a mini I recieved damaged? I ordered a Pathfinder Battles prepainted mini of Vale Temros the other day that I got in with one of the feet not attached to the base I would like to exchange. What exactly do I need to do to go about swapping him out? Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know what is with the picture of this miniature not showing the sword in the characters right hand, but it looks odd. I swear I've seen other pictures of this figure with two weapons, and the artwork of him has him with two. Is there a better or more updated picture of this figure somewhere that can replace this one to show him with both weapons if he has them? I know I have put off buying this figure simply due to it looking odd in the preview picture and I would bet I'm probably not alone.

Liberty's Edge

I havent seen anything post anywhere about getting a prepainted hellknight mini yet. As awesome as the metal minis of them look and as popular as they are are there any plans on making some of them anytime? Thanks

Liberty's Edge

I think the title line says it all pretty much. Are there any plans for doing prepainted miniature sets for any of the older adventure paths? I know the ROTRL set was for the anniversary of the original AP, but with some of the older iconic creatures and npcs in some of the old adventures I think there would be some very valid choices that could be made from them such as the Stag Lord from Kingmaker. Heck, thinking about it there are some good options for prepainted minis just from some of the older single shot adventures alone, without even looking at the APs.

Liberty's Edge

This may be the wrong forum to ask this question, if so I apologize. I am preparing for a new campaign I am going to be running as soon as my group is done with our current game and have been trying to find any adventures that involves a cult/organization spreading disease/plague or some type of curse through the population that I could use to get some inspiration from to begin this new game. I know I have seen some in the past, but have scoured my collection, brain, and tried looking online but cant seem to find what I am looking for. I was hoping the good folks of this forum might be able to point me towards something or give me some advice on such adventures. Thanks

Liberty's Edge

So the question came up in our weekly game about just how Rapid Shot & Manyshot interact when used at the same time. I play a 7th level ranger in our game with both Rapid Shot and Manyshot, and thought that upon reaching level 7 and gaining two attacks per round that they would fire 5 arrows per round. I know I have even seen a thread somewhere around here on the forums talking about this exact question, but for the life of me I can't find that thread anywhere. Another player however when I went to attack on my round thought it only granted four arrows per round rather than five. So I know there are some very knowledgeable people on the forums here I hoped I could ask for some help figuring out what is the right way and how exactly does it break down?

My understanding of how it works is:
2 attacks at BAB +7/+1

With Manyshot there is 1 extra arrow fired along with the first attack that either hits or misses the same way as the 1st arrow. Rapid shot then grants a 3rd arrow fired along with the first attack that is rolled separately to hit causing a -2 to hit penalty on each attack that round.
The Ranger then makes his 2nd attack firing a 4th arrow still at a -2 penalty, followed by another extra (5th) arrow granted by Rapid Shot.

Liberty's Edge

So, in my group I seem to usually be able to answer most rules questions that come up during our games but this last one I admit I was somewhat stumped. Our groups Paladin was given a chance to adjust his character a bit and decided to switch from going with the weapon bond to the bonded mount instead. I know the ability description talks about how they level up as a druids animal companion, but also specifically talks about them being mounts. Our Paladin mentioned that they wanted to take a tiger as his bonded mount, and use it more as an animal companion but the question was raised that the tiger isn't really a mount and we did not know if that was actually a possible choice. Reading the section on Paladin mounts again, it really doesn't give much of a list on possible animals for mounts other than to talk a bit about warhorse, riding boars, and riding dogs. So my question since I've been asked to look it over was just what animals are fair game for a Paladin bounded mount? Is there something I'm missing listing more info on this? Any help is most welcome.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So my character has an oppourtunity to pick up a new greatsword with the holy enchantment in our game, and always being a fan of paladins in the past I have always had somewhat of a soft spot for the holy enchantment with it being my own personal favorite enchantment. That started me getting curious and wondering what other peoples favorite enchantments for their weapons where and why that was. So whats your favorite sparkly, shiney, magical enchantment to go on your characters weapons and why?

Liberty's Edge

The title kinda says it all. I am new to the adventure path subscription starting with shattered star, so understand my uncertainty. What I am wondering is if it is normal for the subscription Ap copy to have still not arrived this late in the month? It's only a few days before October now, and the first copy of this Ap seemed to come quite late in the month as well. So, I guess I am wondering if this is normal and on par for the course and should I expect every month to be this late?

Liberty's Edge

So I am wanting to convert an old D&D Expert module from the TSR days to pathfinder for my group and I was wondering if there were any guides on what the best way to do this existed or if anyone had any experience. I know there are some guides on converting 3.5 and such to pathfinder, and have tried searching the forums for any previous threads converting older editions but perhaps my search skills are just lacking since I havent found anything on it. Does anyone know where I could find something like this or any tips they could pass on that might help me convert this for my group?

Liberty's Edge

So, my group has been playing rise of the records for the last few months and something recently came up that just hasn't sounded right in the game that I wanted to get others feedback on. We have a ranger player (me) in the group who just gained their animal companion right before our party assaulted thistletop. Almost immediately upon arriving while we were fighting the goblin leader in the throne room our dm told me that after being hit by the goblin and its dogslicer, my wolf animal companion refused to listen anymore and even became somewhat unfriendly to the me. As soon as the fight ended the dm took control of the wolf and had it leave, ignoring the rangers handle animal checks to try and control it.

When confronted with this the dm said that the ranger was cursed by the spirit of angry dogs from the dogslicer and that he was just going straight out of the module Burnt Offerings. Then said that it was possible to control it yet, but it was just extremely hard to do and that it was about a dc 30 skill check to succeed. Now, to me this is just a bit hard to buy something like that coming right out of the module, and seems like a complete Dick move on the dm's part. So, with that we were without the animal companion for the entire rest of thistletop.

So my questions, am I just completely misunderstanding paizo using something like that curse in the AP or am I right that this was just a complete Dick move on the dms part that he is now using paizo to hide behind to deny his actions? Now, granted he is a new dm, and new dms make mistakes but this seems well beyond the scope of a mistake in not knowing the rules, which there have plenty of already as well.

If this is the wrong place for this post, please forgive me. Well, for that and any typos I may have made. These Damn smart phones have a mind of their own when it comes to typing and autocorrect

Liberty's Edge

So my group is looking at switching DMs with me taking that seat next. I was strongly considering running an old Basic D&D module X11 Saga of the Shadowlord. I have always liked the adventure, but just like all old adventures it requires a conversion to the Pathfinder system.

Now having a full schedule already I was hoping someone might have done some of this work already rather than doing everything from scratch. I would be interested in even hearing how the module has run for other groups even in other systems.