
Malik Efreeti Guardian's page

23 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse' eyes widen in alarm, and he bites back a very nearly blasphemous oath.

He flies toward the Efreet to crowd its movement and hopefully prevent whatever heinous twisting of that well-intentioned wish will result.

"I'll not let you complete your incantation, fiend! We agreed to deny your deal, no matter what one of our number has taken upon himself to decide for us!"


Threat for a critical.

[dice=Crit Damage]6d4+27+60

Foereaper flashes, for a moment regaining the original imbuement laid upon it by the Archangel Michael himself, and curves toward the Efreet's exposed neck.

Because it may as well have; a 137 damage crit is as close to Vorpal as most weapons get.

Indeed, Foereaper sweeps the efreeti's head right off its shoulders, right before it could grant Johann's wish...

...Which would have had...interesting repercussions lol...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

Ah! So, there is at least one among you with the nerve to seize glory and greatness! Hahahahahaaaah!! It shall be as you have wished, Mister Bear! A holy sword without peer, for your righteous friend to wield and smite the Great Adversary!


Then it seems you are fools who will throw away a fortune for simple mortal doctrine! We shall fight to the destruction of either myself or you insipid graverobbers!

The angry red genie puffs out his scarlet chest...

The genie tries to look as innocent as he can...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:
Johann thinks outloud, quietly. "What about a weapon that can kill the Antichrist? What about ah... more wishes? What about greater strength, or toughness of my skin, or... there must be something that even money can't buy!"

Aye, Master Skinchanger... Any of those things, I, Narsufellah, can grant thee! He he he he...

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

The fiendish genie chuckles at Johann's suggestion...

You see? You've nothing to lose by accepting my parley, and only the limits of your imaginations to gain... He says in English...

The horned, red-skinned genie appraises the mighty Champions, noting their obviously magical weapons and armor, and considering the prowess they have already displayed in only a brief handful of seconds!

In Latin: If you give me your word that you shall depart at once after our transaction, inflicting no further harm upon me, and taking nothing else from yonder hoard... Verily, I shall grant thee a single wish, an it be within my power!

Mwikali wrote:
Mwikali looks at the Efreet and smiling."You should surrender now and we will spare your life, if not these Christians shall send you back to Hell!" She says giving advice to the others.

The Efreeti considers Mwikali's warning, smarting from the icy blast from Johann's bomb and aware that he is now exposed to the righteous wrath of Alphonse and Foereaper...

Withdraws 30 feet from Alphonse to the 60-ft-high cavern ceiling...

In Latin: I suggest a parley, fierce adventurers... I can offer you something far more valuable than this paltry treasure... If you promise to spare me and leave this modest hoard alone...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse stares at the manifestation of his Oathbound Foe and prepares to shout a challenge, but narrows his eyes at Johann's words. By the Divine Grace of God the truth is revealed.


He instead whirls on the now revealed creature which he scans carefully.

[dice=Kn. Planes]1d20+13

Which is enough to identify it, I believe.

"Deceitful genie! How dare you use the face of our greatest enemy as a mere distraction?" he roars, and moves to combat.

Move: move, Swift: SMITE, Standard: attack.



AC 28...

Foereaper narrowly misses the agile genie, but comes too close for comfort...

AIEEE!!! cries the Efreeti in alarm as the holy scythe almost lops off his head...

Mwikali wrote:
Mwikali casts Glitterdust

Will to avoid blindness 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 succeeds... Not blinded, but outlined by glitterdust.

Mwikali's spell outlines the large fiend!

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

I think pointing that out might give the others a bonus on their will saves


He reaches into his bag and throws another snowglobe.standard action

[dice=throw against ranged touch] 1d20 + 13

[dice=concealment? beat 50 to hit?] 1d100

[dice=damage] 10d6

This time, Johann hits his invisible target! A fiendish scream of pain echoes throughout the cavern, and a large, humanoid shape is defined briefly in the blast of icy glass and snow!


The devilish genie utters arcane incantations, a malevolent gleam in his glowing yellow eyes...

Mwikali wrote:
Mwikali Backs up to place her back to a wall and casts See Invisibility

Mwikali sees the fiend hovering 30 feet over Johann and the treasure!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin Studies the area

With Signature skill I get +5 to notice invisible creatures

I hope a 34 beats his DC

Ihrin will move and strike the 'Devil'

Stealth with invisibility 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (8) + 28 = 36

Ihrin fails to perceive the source of the brimstone smell and booming voice...

Initiative 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:

Johann turns back to his normal self, and looks around for the voice. "ANYONE CATCH THAT? IN ANY CASE, STAY ON YOUR GUARD. I'M SURE THAT VOICE WON'T BE HAPPY WHEN I DO THIS....

Johann reaches into the hoard and pulls out the clear aquamarine gemstone, and waves it around over his head.

The disembodied voice booms from somewhere some 30 feet above Johann:

Stultum fures! Signasti venit iudicium tuum!

Foolish thieves! You have sealed your doom!

Arcane chanting follows...

Casts [i]greater invisibility[/b] in preparation to invisibly rain down fiery doom from above!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:
Johann saunters closer, and keeps on sniffing. If given the opportunity, Johann will lunge at where he thinks the smell is emanating from.

Drawing within 10 feet of the invisible presence from which the brimstone scent emanates, Johann is nearly able to pinpoint the exact location of the unseen presence... But as soon as he gets near enough to lunge out with a bite or swipe of his claw, the source of the brimstone smell withdraws upward, as if flying, toward the 60-foot-high cavern ceiling...

Flies up 30 feet...

A disembodied bass voice rumbles, echoing off the cavern walls, in an unfamiliar language...

גנבים מטופשים! ללא שם: תמצא רק המוות כאן!

Foolish thieves! You will find only death here!

The warning is repeated in Ancient Greek and in Latin...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:

Alphonse narrows his eyes a bit and casts Detect Evil himself, eyes blazing a searing white as he scans the room.

"We should be wary of this 'red horned human' Ihrin mentioned. It sounds the very image of a demon, and could be lying in wait for us this very moment!"

Keep in mind before you give me TOO much info, Detect Evil only detects presence or absence the first round, so unless it stays still and gives me time to focus in on it for 3 rounds in the 1st round all I know is SOMETHING is evil in here, 2nd round is how many DIFFERENT evils are there, and 3rd round is specific locations.

Scanning the cavern, it becomes apparent to Alphonse that something evil is present once he moves within 60 feet of the invisible efreeti...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin begins to look at the hoard and looks for traps.

If she finds any she looks around and then looks for Lord P to shed some more light.

Invisible holding still Stealth 1d20 + 48 ⇒ (6) + 48 = 54 beats Ihrin's Perception check... She does not detect the Malik Efreeti...

The invisible guardian grins and waits to see how these interlopers react to the treasure he is bound to guard...

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

Lord P waves to say he understand and his shinny light goes dark as he fades into the shadows. He slinks into the cave.

Stealth 1d20+33

Sleight of Hand 1d20+1d6+13

He looks at the gold with greedy little eyes, slinking around the red man and with deft hands takes just one gold coin, slipping it into his pouch. He thinks to himself

"Haha Robbed him!"

Before trying to slink back out to the others.

Stealth 1d20+33

The ancient guardian fails to notice the stealthy sprite Lord Perpireen as he filches a gold coin minted thousands of years ago... But he cannot fail to notice the massive dire bear (Johann) ambling into the cave! He makes a quick arcane gesture and utters ancient words of illusion that cause him to vanish from sight...

Casts invisibility and watches Johann's approach...

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:
Perception 1d20+27

Stealth 28... Lord P also spots the efreeti... It is standing still near the back of the cave, guarding what appears to be a pile of glittering gold coins and other treasure...

Perception 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20 vs Stealth checks of the scouts (Lord Perpireen and Ihrin), and any other PC attempting to enter the cave stealthily...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

[dice=Perception]1d20+19Trap 37

Ihrin spots not a trap, but a creature... A red-skinned giant with fiendish horns on its bald head, clad in Arabian fashion, lurks near the back of the cave, seeming to stand guard over a hoard of glittering golden treasure...