My character is in Council of thieves and plans on crafting a wax golem that is to gain sentience at some point. I have come across an interesting opportunity in the form of an outsider who can no longer properly function. I hatched the idea to use that soul instead of the usual elemental to power the golem, and the GM has given me permission to give the wax golem the actual sentience of the bound outsider. I have been trying to figure out the best way to do this. Here is what I have so far:
A)the most standard option, I just use the outsider's soul and the wax golem keeps whatever mental stats it has when I make it. I consider this the most expensive (100k base cost), least flavorful option.
B)the most obvious consequence, I just use the outsider's soul and the wax golem gets the outsider's mental stats when it is made. I consider this the cheapest option, but also the most wonky, as I am essentially putting the outsider's head on a golem's body.
C)the first odd way, I use the construct brain and soulbound doll construction methods combined to create a sort of fully-functioning soul focus that captures the complete soul of the outsider instead of just the blank fragment that the regular souldoll does. I consider this between A and B in cost, but far more interesting than either.
D)the second odd way, I use option C, but instead of automatic sentience for the wax golem, I actually make the golem normally, and also give it a variant of crafter's eyes such that the outsider is bound to the brain, and can see through the eyes at will. I also will tell the golem to listen the outsider's commands, I haven't worked out how it will communicate just yet. The golem will make checks for sentience, and when it gains sentience, instead of its normal sentience, the elemental's essence is subsumed into the outsider's soul, and then the outsider has complete control over the golem body, and can gain class levels like normal at that point. I consider this my favorite, but most complicated option.
Thoughts on which I should go with?