aid anotherdiplomacy:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 ya that wont work
But the can...arrggg. Cant talk now she has a frustrated look on her face Coughing up some blood, as well as a blush from embarrassing herself in such a manner, both in how she was hurt and how she is talking. still looking ready for a fight
If the city guard knew something i don't think that they would be putting out reward posters. But every eye is another one that they could use so. ugg i don't know, lets just find these gangs
washer's row
pointing to one of the wagons Hey i know those guys, oh wait wrong people, same looking wagon though hmm.
What are you talking about they are doing there jobs, you dont need to look friendly when doing your work. I am sure they can help point us in the right direction.
Hmm lets see, we could try to roll some dice to find out what gang to try and find first? brings out some dice to roll, Who wants to roll, and what number is for what gang.
Extremely fashionable says no such thing, if you wish to make it a house rule you can, and i am fine with it, just wanted to let you know what trait said on that subject
Extremely Fashionable
You really know how to make a good impression when you’re dressed well.
Benefit: Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gp (and not otherwise covered in gore, sewage, or other things that mar your overall look), you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. One of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
splitting the loot, we can do it in a few ways, everyone take a equal share of the gems, and sell the ring and knife, splitting the money from those sales.
find out how much the ring and knife are worth and who ever takes them owes to the party fund when we get new loot,
and who ever can make best use of the item.
for me and the ring, i would like it both for char idea and crunch. wearing wealth is what my char does, as seen from the 50 gold worth of jewelery on her, for crunch if i have 150 worth of jewelery on then i get +1 on bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate,
So what group did the informant belong to, also just as another idea as to what happened, the artifact might have done something to them, teleport, mind control a host of other things,
local:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
oh it is such a nice ring, I would like it, too bad it is magic, Now we have to decide on how to best split that.
Thank you Rameth, it has taken years of training to be able to do so.
So are we going out with out any leads at all? hopeing for the best, do we have anywhere to start? If not that is fine, adds to the fun of it, but just want to get our bases covered is all.
for action takes out her bladed scarf and uses a point of arcan pool, and attacks, counts as magic now. i just wanted to get the attack in even if it does not matter.
to hit:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
after the fight
Seems the box was trapped it had those things in it or summoned by it points at the two dead gremlins
they were the ones that made all the trouble, but we took care of them almost as fast as they came out.
Greetings Falco, and Rameth shakes his hand, then reaches down to Lupin,
Greetings to you too Lupin, whos a good puppy, you are yes you are. she starts to pet him and rub his fur all over.
Malena is ment to be a melee brute, with some casting to help with utility outside of combat, now to change my char to reflect this game, ie money and str
A woman with light brown hair that reaches her mid back, eyes of brown that hold deep insight into the world around her. she has on many scarfs and brightly colored clothing, a vest on top and a skirt that stops a few inches above her feet. she moves with strength and graces of body. Walks up to the gathering group,
Hi I am Malena, how are you, i take it i was not the only one that got a letter, how many of you got one too? she says with a smile, looks over to see the wolf,
Oh a puppy, how cute, i can pet it right? she reaches out her hand to start petting the wolf.
that wolf will get you all the lady's halfling i am sure of it.
if using arcane pool +1 enhancement to hit and damage for 1 min
using arcane strike swift action +1 to damage 1 round.
saves total base stat mis
fort 3 2 1
ref 2 0 2
will 2 2 0
str 14
dex 14
con 14
int 17
wis 10
cha 8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A kapenia dancer is
proficient in simple weapons and bladed scarves (The
Inner Sea World Guide 290). Additionally, a kapenia dancer
can wield a bladed scarf as a one-handed melee weapon. A
kapenia dancer is not proficient with armor or shields and
suffers the normal arcane spell failure chance when casting
magus spells while armored.
favored class magus +1/4 to pool. taken 1 time
spells per day
0 2 prestidigitation, ray of frost,
1 1 color spray
spells known 0 all, 1 6, color spray, shield, magic missile, grease, enlarge person, shocking grasp,
feat, weapon focus bladed scarf, arcane strike, scribe scroll
trait, serpent runner only -1 when twf on prime hand,
havoc of society all damage spells do +1 point of force damage,
extremely fashionable, as long as you wear clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gold, you gain +1 on bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate, bluff is class.
arcane pool 4 per day
spell combat
canny defense, add int mod to ac up to level, like duelist
240 gold to start with.
Bladed scarf, 1d6 x2 trip disarm, 12 gold 2 lbs two of them
sling 1d4 x 2 50 feet 20 bullets 10 lbs 2 sliver
4 daggers 1d4 19-20x2 10 feet, 8 gold, 4 lbs
spell component pouch 2 lbs 5 gold
spell book 3lbs 15 gold
journal 1lbs 10 gold
backpack 2 gold 5 lbs
water skin 2 gold 4 lbs
2 wrist sheath 1lbs 1 gold each
2 marked cards 1 gold 1 lbs each
1 fortune teller deck common 1 gold 1/2 lbs
dice loaded average 10 gold -lbs
marbles 1 sp 2 lbs
puzzle box 5 gold 3 lbs
gold left over 5
22 gold left
150 in jewelry, rings, necklaces, ect.
background and fluff:
light brown hair that reaches her mid back, eyes of brown that hold deep insight into the world around her. she has on many scarfs and brightly colored clothing, a vest on top and a skirt that stops a few inches above her feet. she moves with strength and graces of body.
Malena is playful and always looking for the next fun thing, if it be a good game of cards, or a fight with goblins, or just a bit of roughhousing with friends, she takes time to read and investigate things that interest her, she has a soft spot for anything that looks good on her, meaning most jewelry, and will try to find out how to best get more of it,
Moving from place to place while growing up has left its mark on Malena, she has learned the best weapons are the ones not seen, and while her family stopped at Magnimar, she joined in the mock battles that they had, she learned how to better use her weapons while duel wielding making her main hand more precise, But she grew board with it, seeking more from life then mock battles, she started to play into the stereotype that all varisian's are thieves, even if it was just for fun, she learned to gamble and steal from people, and when they got home they found the cheated money or goods back. Malena loved to be a trickster, and while she took a book from some robed man one day, she started to read it before she gave it back, she did not understand what it was saying but she felt power in the book itself, and wanted to know more. The pathfinder lodge in Magnimar was a safe bet to find out why she felt power from the book. After a short exchange of information the pathfinder lodge told her that it was a wizards tome, and that she might be able to become a wizard if she put in the time. the recommended some books so she could learn the basics on her own, she took there advice and got the books. as she studied she found out that just being a caster was no fun for her, she wanted to go up and protect and get in the face of things, rather then just stand back and cast. so she started to practice her scarf techniques as well as casting, in the end she found she was a capable fighter and a passable caster. she was very proud of what she had done in her short time on the world, and is looking for more adventure, she has left her family and gone to Magnimar to see the pathfinder lodge and see if they might point her in a direction that will help her have fun and be productive. after all cant just go around stealing all her life, that would just get dull.
Ok fixed, you know how it goes, make a char for a game, don't get in, submit it to another one, forgetting to change somethings here and there, also the favored class is going to arcane pool +1/4 point a level. well there we go all fixed up, anything else you would like to see?
i could be arcane as well.... but ya i would say assault fits fairly well , so any thing else you would like to see from Malena to make for a better char?
a magus, kapenia dancer. human, varisia, i would do the random thing but i already did the work for this. also tired right now. let me know if i should update anything.
this is pavaan. magus is done, fluff and background below. also i can post everyday, if not more then that. i have been gaming for the last 7 years starting in 3.5 and have played many d20 and other systems. funny thing is with my irl game's my group has been forced to become power gamers because if we did not we would die because or dm custom makes monsters. and even now we have, what would equate to a 50 point buy and he still almost kills us all the time.
background and fluff:
light brown hair that reaches her mid back, eyes of brown that hold deep insight into the world around her. she has on many scarfs and brightly colored clothing, a vest on top and a skirt that stops a few inches above her feet. she moves with strength and graces of body.
Malena is playful and always looking for the next fun thing, if it be a good game of cards, or a fight with goblins, or just a bit of roughhousing with friends, she takes time to read and investigate things that interest her, she has a soft spot for anything that looks good on her, meaning most jewelry, and will try to find out how to best get more of it,
Moving from place to place while growing up has left its mark on Malena, she has learned the best weapons are the ones not seen, and while her family stopped at Magnimar, she joined in the mock battles that they had, she learned how to better use her weapons while duel wielding making her main hand more precise, But she grew board with it, seeking more from life then mock battles, she started to play into the stereotype that all varisian's are thieves, even if it was just for fun, she learned to gamble and steal from people, and when they got home they found the cheated money or goods back. Malena loved to be a trickster, and while she took a book from some robed man one day, she started to read it before she gave it back, she did not understand what it was saying but she felt power in the book itself, and wanted to know more. The pathfinder lodge in Magnimar was a safe bet to find out why she felt power from the book. After a short exchange of information the pathfinder lodge told her that it was a wizards tome, and that she might be able to become a wizard if she put in the time. the recommended some books so she could learn the basics on her own, she took there advice and got the books. as she studied she found out that just being a caster was no fun for her, she wanted to go up and protect and get in the face of things, rather then just stand back and cast. so she started to practice her scarf techniques as well as casting, in the end she found she was a capable fighter and a passable caster. she was very proud of what she had done in her short time on the world, and is looking for more adventure, she has left her family and gone to Magnimar to see the pathfinder lodge and see if they might point her in a direction that will help her have fun and be productive. after all cant just go around stealing all her life, that would just get dull.