
Malachei's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I think the best language / dialect for Galt would be French, because of the reference to the revolution, including the guillotine.

I'd see Taldor as a reference to Greece, especially due to the titles, such as "High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus", with perhaps also allusions to Rome.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Baba Yaga? Winter witches? Frigid demise? Another reason to use Frostburn again? Sign me up.

Abraham spalding wrote:

*To continue the threadjack*


Sebastian wrote:

Absent some type of contractual obligation, stockholders don't really have a right to non-public information about a company. It's extremely unlikely that information would be given, NDA (non-Disclosure Agreement) or not.

Indeed. But I had hopes that this might be publicly available somehow, though I don't what the relevance of D&D is to overall Hasbro or WOTC figures - if it is insignificant, such information would probably not be part of quarterly reports or corporate communications.

Malachei wrote:

Does anybody have information on the commercial success of 4E you can share (besides rankings)?


It's really impressive how this has worked out:

Apart from a few really helpful links, most of the replies are actually totally off-topic, falling into one of the following categories:

    * "This question is not relevant (to me/to any gamer)..."
    * "I don't have information on the subject..."
    * "You'll never find information on the subject..."
    * "Why would you want to know this in the first place..."
    * "My personal opinion on (insert system here) is..."

followed by the need to express this in a reply (total of about 65 posts in the thread now).

Interesting result. Not a waste of time, but very interesting indeed.
Thanks, folks ;-)

Stefan Hill wrote:

However I fail to see why WotC should (or would) publish details of their sales? What does it matter to an individual who has purchased 4e, loves it and plays it?

Hasbro being a stock-market listed company and WOTC their subsidiary they might actually be interested or required to provide information to their stakeholders and/or shareholders.

Scott Betts wrote:

Everything would be either anecdotal or otherwise incomplete.

Is there any specific context in which you're looking to use this information? That might help narrow down what you might need.

I've been playing D&D since first edition. Some of my friends have had plans to publish some of their work, and we've all been pretty impressed by the OGL and the overall development of the 3E community.

Most discussions in our little community address the question of what our future canon / consensus will be. Similar to folks on the message boards, there are strong advocates of a "running system", as well as those who want to "keep up" with ongoing development.

With the advent of Pathfinder, I see a new situation altogether, and I would like to add that to the dicussion as an alternative to edition-hopping every 4 years or so.

To allow for an evaluation, whether 4E is actually performing in terms of gaining foothold in the community is an important aspect. I thought WOTC might actually have published information about sales, and that someone might have more on this than just their opinion or a comment whether this topic is useless or not (for me, it is of interest, and clearly that's the reason I started this thread).

Does anybody have information on the commercial success of 4E you can share (besides rankings)?


A bargain question here:

When would I have to sign a Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription in order to receive the discout on the upcoming Pathfinder Core Rulebook?

As far as I understand the above information, the first module (either current one or next one) would have to be shipped - that would imply I could sign anywhere to beginning of August - is that right?
