Darth PUGS!'s page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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bunny-roll20 wrote:

Hey all!

Wanted to let you know that based on user feedback, our User Collab team made it so you can modify how you automatically roll (or not!) for critical damage. http://roll20.io/12Nov2019

There's some pretty nice progress on the PF2 sheet so if you check it out, let me know!

thats a pretty awesome change/addition, I'm looking to run some 2nd edition at some point on roll20 so will definitely be checking this out

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bunny-roll20 wrote:

We'll definitely be working on Age of Ashes as soon as we're able, and Bestiary is currently getting worked on.

I know there are some text-only games or play by post. You could always try the LFG search, or you could create your own post for it? Loud households are definitely not conducive to using voice chat.

And yeah, modules are kind of heavenly as an adult. I love doing homebrew and world-building but oh wow there's only so much time in a day.

when will paizo finish adding pathfinder 1st edition and starfinder adventure paths to roll 20? yall made this huge announcement about the partnership and lil to nothing has come of it. meanwhile DnD has all their stuff added to roll20 pretty much shortly after launch if not at launch.

I'm, not trying to be a jerk or anything, just curious as there is only one module to an adventure path for starfinder on roll20 and that been out for a long time now

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Natan Linggod 327 wrote:

I will have to disagree that it works with any list. I found the psychic lists had a different 'feel' to arcane or divine lists, entirely separate from its different components.

I agree that the current occult list probably fits best of the currently available lists. I would still prefer that 'psychic' have its own source though.

maybe ultimate psionics will get converted to second edition and take care of that for us.

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
Hey there Captain - can you expound on what you mean by ‘the language and steps to make the game more inclusive’?
There are two full pages dedicated to being considerate of others, basically. It includes suggestions for classic devices like X cards or Lines and Veils, the Pathfinder baseline for expectations of objectionable content, talking about what limits people have ahead of time, etc. There also little touches like pronouns being included on your character sheet that I really appreciate.

The bestiary is also very gender fluid with its pronouns. and even has mobs like the succubi, which has traditionally been female only with incubi being male only, as being gender fluid and identifying as male or female. My opinion this was entirely unnecessary as this should be a no brainer but I know there are a lot of people that appreciate the nod to them and inclusiveness.

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RangerWickett wrote:

I'm trying to withhold judgment until I get to play the final version of the rules, but I'm going to have to avoid champions for a while. I just came off a PF1 campaign with four paladin PCs, and so when I see that you need to use all your class feats up to level 8 just to get the stuff that PF1 paladins got automatically by level 2, it soured me to character creation a bit.

I would have preferred if they took paladin, monk, or druid, figured out all the abilities those classes got in the first couple levels, and made that the baseline that everyone else should match.

I agree with you there, and all the feats you have to blow too to even remotely feel like a paladin should is stupid.

I am at odds with a lot of things in 2nd edition. But some of the biggest things that strike me is how several martial classes used to have feature a, and b baked in now choose said features as a feat and can't get both, its either a or b and they are mutually exclusive to one another.

Its a mixed bag for me, some monk features for example i never used, others i used all the time, so now i can just pick and choose what i want, but at the same time i fell weaker cause it used to get it all for free.

It takes a bit for me to get used too. Its a cool concept i just have to theory craft more to really wrap my head around it all i guess. it feels very much like a weird take on 5th edition.

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pretty sure what we see now is what we get. kinda sucks that paladin lost its spell casting, then again paladin does not even look like a paladin anymore.

I don't think we will ever see the magus as we had it in 1st edition or any partial casting classes. they went all in on the DnD 5th edition copy paste with the weird new mechanics to pathfinder it.

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Lord Fyre wrote:

Not that a critical mass of people now have their books, I want to ask a general question.

Is Pathfinder 2 a better game then its predicessor Pathfinder 1?

That is like asking if D&D 5th edition is a better game than pathfinder 1st edition.