Hello everyone,
In a few months (that’s how excited I am about this) I’m going to be taking part in a campaign where all the PC’s are some part of a good-aligned church, looking into a very troublesome development involving a devil and demon collaboration. The hook is that all of our classes have to have some sort of divine theme, so I’ve settled on an investigator with the Jinyiwei and Bonded Investigator archetypes (for the “mandate from Heaven” fluff and a Cassissian or Silvanshee familiar.)
This game has really high stats (we get an array of 18-18-18-17-17-16), allows core races + aasimar, and will involve gestalt at some point (the GM picks the other class and it’s some sort of plot point so we don’t get to know it in advance). Ignoring the gestalt thing, those kind of stats open up a wide world of possibilities, and I’m not sure where to go with it, other than I think I want to be a LG, Zohls-following half-orc (nobody ever plays them in our group and they’ll all probably go aasimar if that’s on the table) with Sacred Tattoo and Shaman Enhancement for the familiar. After that, where should I put the stats? Should I drop the Jinyiwei/Bonded idea and convince my GM that a Lamplighter could easily work for a church? Morningstar, long spear, or something Dex based? Let me know what you think and help me put my analysis paralysis to bed. Thanks!