
MagusX's page

4 posts (31 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


It's all good. Work is kind of hectic for me right now. Working on closing down this facility then figuring out where to go from there. So. Sending out applications/resumes and such lol. I'll be around, just may not have time to post. PM if I take too long.

I'm not she how to create an alias here, but I'll get on it. I've already got a bit out a sheet ready, I'll send it to you shebang I get the chance.

Lol thanks for the welcome. I'm not to worried, though I've been hearing stories about the encounter your in currently for the past two weeks.

Right now I'm thinking of writing up a sound striker bard. Though that will depend on how the current situation is resolved.

Hello all. I'm new to this play by post thing but I am in one of Aardvark's table-top games and he has invited me to sit in on this campaign. I will, in all likelyhood, be lurking for a while to familiarize myself with the way it all works. But I thought I would stop in to say hello.

I've been playing pathfinder for about three years now and have dabbled in other systems but to no great extent. Pathfinder is where I have most of my experience by far.

Well. If you need any more info out of me let me know. I'm more than happy to talk.