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![]() Checking through the archives, I couldn't find any overviews of the campaign from DMs that had finished the path? Has anyone out there run it to completion? What were your favorite parts? What were your PCs favorites? There's been some talk of skipping number 5 entirely, how do you feel about that? My group and I are about to finish up Hook Mountain and they have enjoyed it so far but seem to respond better to the sprawling movement of the campaign or the social interactions. I am worried about sending them into the dungeon at Runeforge. Any thoughts? ![]()
![]() Ah yes, another question about readied actions. I searched the archives and couldn't find the specific answer I was looking for so hopefully, the fine Paizo community can help me. When a foe readies an action, say an archer readies to fire an arrow at a PC mage if she casts a spell, can the PC observe the archer as "Readied"? Is his bow drawn, his beady eyes focused intently on the mage? I have some initial thoughts. The RAW say that readying lets you take a standard action when the particular trigger occurs, casting the spell for instance. I take this to mean that the bow wouldn't be drawn. If the archer gets a FULL standard action, that would include drawing, aiming, and firing the bow. So PC doesn't know archer is gunning for her. Also, allowing the PC to effectively understand that an archer is "waiting and intently observing her actions" would allow for PC to easily change tactics. What do you all think? Thanks for your advice. ![]()
![]() I look to the fine Paizo community for a suggestion on a race to use for cheap laborers. In my campaign, nobles are setting up a shantytown, displacing all the local workers, replacing them with cheap laborers. I need something dirty, but not straight out monstrous. I was thinking mongrelfolk but would love to hear other thoughts. The town is fairly generic in its makeup, nothing too out of the ordinary. I have some ideas on where this will go but would love to hear suggestions on possible plot ideas as well. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() My group is fantastic. They are all excellent roleplayers and we have wonderful time when PCs are investigating, carousing, etc. Then combat comes and any RPing goes out the window as players count squares, ask about AoO, and add up their die rolls. I would love to increase the in character RPing through combats. I have houseruled that "Trash Talking" an enemy doesn't count as an action of any sort and can take as long as the PC would like, but other than that, any suggestions? Thanks,
![]() Here's the situation. The cleric in our group is a fantastic turner. She has wiped the floor with the Ghouls at the Hambley Farm and now, she will, most likely, do the same with the ghouls underneath Foxglove Manor. I have a couple of questions for you and would appreciate any advice as I am a newbie DM. 1. Does the command Ghoul power of the Dread Ghouls work to counter already turned ghouls? I don't own the advanced beastiary and have yet to find that answer in the stat blocks. 2. Is there another undead creature that would make a good fit to add to these encounters? I would like to avoid merely adding a class level or three to the ghouls and I don't want to resort to adding numbers. They just moved to sixth level and are fairly adept players so the range is open as far as CRs go. Thanks for your help in advance. I am sure that I will use any assistance given in our next session. We are playtesting the new turning rules in the PRPG and I am sure my cleric is itching to try it out. Magnus ![]()
![]() I am a relatively new player and a brand new DM and I have a question about using diplomacy. One of my PCs in RoTR has a PC with an enormous bonus to diplomacy, he often rolls in the forties after all bonuses. Are there limits to the usefulness of diplomacy in a conflict? If he rolls a 45, even with a -10 due to rushing the attempt, could he effectively change any NPCs attitude to friendly, even a BBEG? What happens if he just changes a hostile foe to indifferent, one that would normally attack on sight? His PC can't rush a roll now and get a 45 but will be able to in the future and I would like to be prepared. Thanks in advance for your responses. ![]()
![]() This is my first DMing job. I am finishing an adventure with my group then planning on switching into Skinsaw without having run Burnt Offerings. My plan is to have the conquering heroes return to Sandpointe where the nobles will throw them a feast in their honor. Mostly, the dinner serves as an event at which the PCs will meet Aldern and other NPCs of the town. Any thoughts on who else they should meet, foreshadowing of future events, etc. They will have conquered Nualia who I placed into the previous adventure. Any thoughts and advice are met with my sincerest gratitude. ![]()
![]() I am planning on taking my PCs from another module into Skinsaw without taking them through Burnt Offerings. Anything from the first adventure that I absolutely need? I still have a couple of sessions before beginning Skinsaw so I have some opportunity to introduce things like the Sihedron Rune.... Thanks in advance for your suggestions. ![]()
![]() My wonderful DM and his wife, a player in our game, have a penchant for pronouncing various words in the DnD vernacular in unexpected ways. After sitting quietly confused for five minutes listening to him repeatedly say "Buh-Starred" sword , I asked what the hell he meant. He was referring to a bastard sword my PC had found and stated that "Buh-Starred" was the original pronunciation. They also say "Leak" for Lich. That was confusing as well as my Barbarian looked for the BBEG that was, in actuality, a long green onion. They are both MUCH more experienced players than I and bright individuals so I readily accept their explanations for the origins of their pronunciations. But now its got me to thinking...what else am I going to mispronounce, adding to my embarrassment. We have been playing together for about a year now and I am loving it, but before then, I was amassing books and Dungeon Mags without fellow players to learn from. Whatever...so my question is this...what are some commonly mispronounced monster names, races, etc and what is the correct pronunciation. Me first..Githyanki..is it "Yanki" like Yankee or Yahn-kee (sounds like "Yanni" the flutist or whatever he plays). By the way, I have informed my DM and his wonderful wife that I just can't say "Leak" for Lich (sounds like "itch"). The latter just sounds so much more creepy. ![]()
![]() My DM and I are discussing a maneuver my Crusader of Kord is about to learn. He has just turned 7th level, the maneuver is "Divine Surge" on page 58 of ToB. The describtive text above the mechanics states, "...power sparks off your weapon and courses into your foe, devastating your enemy but leaving you drained." The mechanics below simply state that as one standard action, you make a melee attack that deals an extra 8d8 points of damage. I sent an email to WoTC the day before THE announcement so I am certain that email was overwhelmed by the 1000s that soon followed it. No errata on ToB. I don't believe it is a typo because it is listed in 3 spots the exact same way (the description noted above, the maneuver master list, and the downloadable maneuver cards from the WoTC website). So, pardon my post length, but my question is simply, is this overpowered? So far, my DM and I have talked about adding 1 round of fatigue after, not using this maneuver at all, or changing the d8 to a d6. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I have great faith in the perusers of these fine boards... Cheers! ![]()
![]() I am a born again RPGer. I played as a young man, stopped, and took it up again about nine months ago and have been playing on a weekly basis. I am now moderately obsessed. I would love to play in a PBP game but have never seemed to catch any new threads at the right time. My question is this...Do any of you wonderfully bright and creative DMs have time to run a first time PBP for me and whoever else would like to join in? I am competent with rules, enjoy RPing, and love tactical fighting and creative character builds. Have lots of 3.5 books and access to the others that I don't have. Let me know if anyone is interested. ![]()
![]() A member of my gaming group told us last night that he may have to drop out because his wife doesn't like him out late, adding that she doesn't understand what he sees in DnD at all. It got me to thinking, why do we love this game so much? I post this here because Dungeon is what got me back into gaming. I saw a copy on the shelf at a bookstore (i believe it was the evil frost giant on #118 that got me) and since that buy, I have been clearly obsessed with the game. I love it. What do y'all think? |