
MagnificentOne's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Update - Quick List of PCs submitted by Thaumaturgy Specialty:

1. dr. Kekyll - Badger - No Thaumaturgy.
2. GM Nowruz - Sarah Cordon - (Tremere Muscle - Path Unclear)
3. Talomyr - Marcus Townshend - Movement of the Mind
4. Silver Priest - Henry Gaden - Path of Blood & Lure of the Flames Mastery!
5. Marco - No Name Yet - Path of Blood.
6. Michele - No name Yet - Path of Blood.

Knight withdrew, unfortunately, was digging that submission.

No other submission thus far.

So right now, we have 6 PCs. I know there is interest expressed by at least 3 more people (including Jesse - Concept Zhang Jim mixed heritage local from the Middle Kingdom). Deadline is still June 1 to have submissions in!

Hello, i'm new to the forum here, silver priest brought the game to my attention and i would be interested in playing.

I just have a few questions on formatting, im assuming this will be played on discord. Where can i submit a character concept? Why the odd character creation spread? (I.e. why not standard spread with X xp or bonus freebs to represent age)