
Maeljw's page

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So I did a search for it but didn't see anything and was curious if anyone had tried converting Commander Shepard and company. My plan for my current campaign is to use them as a skyship crew (friendly rivals and allies of the characters). I had some thought on the different characters and how to convert them (and most importantly have their "trademark" powers show up).

For example:

Tali: Maybe a summoner with the eidolon as her attack orb (maybe just a few levels and the rest in a skill heavy class?)

Mordin: A rogue maybe? Lots of skills to represent his skills (and dont forget Perform:Sing people!!) and his time in the Salarian Special Tasks Group.

Samara: I'm not sure what's in the psionics book, but I was thinking maybe using the vampiric touch spell to help represent her "reave" ability. Used at range it would fit the bill perfectly. Probably would need some fighter (or Samurai as she describes the Justicars to Shepard in the game) levels as well.

Grunt: Ogre or maybe a hill giant to represent the Krogan? Lots and lots of fighters levels?

Shepard: Probably the hardest to do since theres so many ways to play him, good or evil? D-bag or niceguy? Six different classes to go with as well. For my game I'll probably use the default soldier Shepard but feel free to play around and give me ideas.

Garrus: I'm thinking ranged fighter to represent his skill with the sniper rifle, maybe a few rogue levels for skill set.

Kasumi: Rogue or Ninja... either fits her.

Legion: One of the clockwork constructs from Bestiary 3?

I know I haven't named them all, but just some initial thoughts.

First off, Long time lurker here, so thanks for all the information I've gotten in the past.

Long story short, one of my players wants to play a gunslinger (he'll be a native of Alkenstar). Now, for this build he wants two things primarily:

1) Dual wielding revolvers (think Antonio Banderas in "Desperado")

2) Later to take the Arcane Archer prestige class. I think it translates well, with maybe some minor changes. Besides the obvious change, he'll be playing a human. I'll be switching some of the abilities, but for the purposes here, it will work exactly like in the book, with the exception of him being human.

He'll be starting at level 4, so we both thought w1/f3 to start (originally we thought Ranger, but it didn't seem to work as well). I'm putting this up for input from the collective brains on this board. Any help/ideas are welcome.

Thanks ahead of time.