
Maeglach's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

same, although mine just time ultimately gives a time out error.

It seems the last wave of posts was at the beginning of the weekend followed by tech finding the personaliser process was distressed. Any chance we could get it looked at again?

Liberty's Edge

I struggle to understand why there are so many stealth checks in a chase deck...

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Thanks for the response! Yeah I didn't think it was problematic, but it never hurts to ask!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Is there a prohibition on creating multiple pfs characters with the same name, appearance and class but different pfs number? I quite like one of my characters and though he is still alive I would like to run early content with him, as I gm'd a lot of those earlier games? To this end I thought I would create a second character duplicating the firstto play at lower tiers.

I can understand that the risk of confusion might be reason enough for a prohibition, but I didn't see anything saying you can't do it. I assume that this rule would be relevant for toons that die but the player is willing to create the toon again and start him from scratch.


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Daniel Luckett wrote:
Crafting rules weak here. Isn't a staff just a big wand? So you would just be buying a renewing "Big" wand of read magic for example?

Thats one way of looking at it i suppose. Perhaps my read magic staff was not an inspiring enough example :)

I was just hoping to get a clarification I couldnt see it detailed in the additional resources section, nor in the new guide to organised play again which again mentions weapons, armor, scrolls, potions but not staves. It does say at page 25:

"This means you cannot buy broken weapons or armor; you cannot buy partially charged wands, rods, or staves;"

which implies fully charged staves are ok.

Liberty's Edge 1/5


Quick question: assuming in a large city, can a PFS character with sufficient fame purchase a magic staff not listed in Core etc.


staff of read magic (2 charges)= ((1x1x1800)/(5/2))2= 360

Staff of obscuring mist (3 charges) = (1x1x1800)/(5/3)= 1080

The argument i have heard is that cannot be created because craft staff is prohibited. Of course this makes no sense since craft magic arms and armor is prohibited as well but i cant imagine players being told they cant buy a flaming longsword.

I have been prowling the forums for quite a while with no success, although im sure i have read a discussion on it previously. If there is an obvious link my google-fu has failed me on, please refer me to it.


Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

BTW, i think instead of selfish/socialist, which have negative implications, you should you individualism and communitarianism.

I knew that one of these decades that workplace relations course would come in useful. i can now consign it to my brain dumpster.

Liberty's Edge

Before you get flamed into a toasty overcooked crumpet, i would like to say that i love your idea, and this is a great expression of what i have previously tried to rationalise.

I completely agree that the current table examines alignments from the position of a lawful good character and frustrates me no end.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for the responses, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a well known errata on the point, or something obvious in the wording.

THF fighter will like this.

Liberty's Edge

Ultimate combat does not specify in the text for tiger pounce that it only operates on unarmed attacks, but it requires tiger style to be active.

Can anyone tell me whether Tiger pounce is restricted to unarmed attacks, or whether it can remove the to hit penalty form power attack on non monk weapons?


Liberty's Edge

Ill post the character first for people who will call TL;DR- build below and specific questions at the bottom:

Human Samurai 14
STR 16 +2(human) +3(levels)= 21
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 10

Order: Ronin
Traits: defender of the society (+1AC); indomitable faith (+1will save)
Lvl 1(2): Power attack, weapon focus (katana)
Lvl 3: furious focus
Lvl 5: weapon specialisation(katana) [MUAHAHAHA yes im Australian!]
Lvl 6: dazzling display
Lvl 7: shattered defense
Lvl 9: greater weapon focus (katana)
Lvl 11: Deadly Stroke
Lvl 12: Critical focus
Lvl 13: Staggering Critical

with just a nonmagical katana + four mirror armor:
HP: 182 attack: 17/12/7 damage 1d8+21 (power attack) AC: 19

In coming to this the following feats combos are ones I am not sure it was wise to drop: [cleave & Greater Cleave], [lunge & combat reflexes], [vital strike & improved vital strike], [step up & step up and strike] Cornugon Smash, greater weapon specialisation, intimidating prowess, improved feint, shield of swings (beautiful role play but too costly to take).

I would prefer to stay pure samurai for the capstone if possible, but I have comtemplated the following splashes:

Samurai13/Barbarian 1
taking drunken drunken brute to sustain rages and allow quick potion drinkin and extra rage at levels 7 and 11. Also i can pop resolve to get rid of fatigue and eventually exhaustion and nauseated following rages. I like the concept of having a short burst even higher DPS in the bag, but this build will net only about 20ish rounds of rage as opposed to a Barb would be at 36ish. I didnt know whether 20 rounds of rage is too insignficant, especially at later levels, to consider worthwhile.

Samurai 12/ Monk 2
taking master of many styles - swapping furious focus for dodge and getting the crane style & crane wing & crane riposte. Advantage appears to be evasion, will save, AC and deflection. From the bare snippets on samurai optimisation I gleaned that samurai's are fine with damage but unlike paladins struggle to keep themselves goling in the absence of lay on hands. Therefore this build was my only idea i could come up with to address

Animal Companion: Horse 14
STR 25; Dex 17; Con 17; Int 3; WIS: 12; CHA: 6
feats: power attack, improved overrun, greater overrun, charge through, improved bullrush, awesome blow.


Hi all. I have searched the forums but not found much specific samurai advice.I cant predict the mechanics of games beyond level 3, having not played in one, but i need a campaign worthy hero! I have been sweating over this samurai for weeks. All advice is welcome :)

The Campaign starts at level 1 but I am tryign to come up with a character plan. 25 pt buy in. I am building to about level 14 so I can see how it will play in the majority of the campaign. I have not played very many games but will be joining a rather longish campaign and do not want to bring a gimp to the table.

I play PFS oftren and ideally this character would be viable in PFS too.

My top two priorities are to NEVER fall behind with my attack rolls, and secondly to do damage which is competitive with the other melees.

I want to wield a katana two handed after level 1 or 2.

While I know the challenge mechanic is available to do the awesome damage where it counts, I am looking to optimise damage in the situations where it will already be expended or not appropriate to use.

Additionally, I would like to not totally abandon my defence if I can help it. I have built this not allowing for items, because I do not know what to expect I should reasonably have by that stage.


when building, the following questions crossed my mind:

1) Why does everyone consider the Ronin order to be drastically inferior to the Warrior?
Granted that always having DR is better than the so conditional as
to be irrelevant challenge bonuses for ronin, but the ability to
keep rolling on failed will saves appears to be useful more
regularly than the +4 to a save etc of Warrior. At least at early
levels the +4 is too rare to be determinative isnt it? The ability
to roll three times to get a crit by burning resolve as opposed to
Ronin's once per combat ability again seems to be more regularly
available and therefore more beneficial. As i said generally, I am
having alot of trouble assessing the value of the ordersin later

2) is vital strike noticeably useful where you do not get your full attack?

3) Are my Attack rolls high enough to be reliable at all levels? I am acutely aware that barbs get rage bonuses and fighters get weapon training, and I am worried about falling behind. I hate missing when without combat maneauvrees your entire roll is hitting.

3) As deadly stroke is conditional on getting an opponent (alive long enough) to be first shaken then flat footed, is it to conditional to be viable?

4) is AC 19 (without magical items) relevant or should THFs simply abandon AC?

5) Are there any feats or traits mentioned or not mentioned that you would reccomend? is the feat order appropriate?

6) any advice on how to prevent a mount falling into obscurity? Is natural armor/attack a must have on mounts?

For those of you who made it to the end, thank you for taking the time. All advice is welcome and will help to quell my uncertainty.

FOr any Australians reading this, i apologise for the the z in optimised in the post title.