Maddogg's page

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Let me put this to bed (caster level 1 shield spell ring):

Use-activated or continuous magic item creation:Spell level x caster level x 2,000gp (x2 cost for spells with durations in minutes)

If my math is correct, a Ring of Shield spell with infinite uses cost a devastating....4,000gp
It is cheaper to have a friend create a ring for you or request one from a craftsman. You get a +4 shield bonus, activation or continuous, and it floats. The Force Shield ring is a stupid item that has no reason to exist unless floating shields spook people or something. You might as well put in a special order, what caster who can craft rings does not have access to the shield spell?

Sigh, anyone who thinks antimagic is a valid option is going overboard. Use whatever strategy for a summoner you do for you Druids. I mean, the druid essentially is everything a summoner is better. His wildshape adds templates to him, allowing to kick butt similar to Synthesists. His Animal Companion is dangerous and gets its own magic item slots and is easily replaced. He can spontaneous summon, and finally has full spell-casting which includes some curing. Who on earth thinks a Summoner is broken after looking at a druid. And for OP, it is all paladin. Dang thing is almost unkillable. I have watched demons and dragons ripped apart single handedly by lone paladins with levels equal to their CR! (sorry for crap spelling/typing.)