
Mad Coil's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


So I have a question, in Order of Vengeance your capstone ability is Retribution like the capstone of the Order of the Star. That stipulates that if a member of the same faith as you is attacked the attacker provokes an attack of opportunity from you. The question that I have is for the Order of Vengeance. In the description of it is says that it is often associated with Calistria. But what if it wasn't? What if you had nothing to do with that god? Would the retribution change so that's it gives you an AOO when an ally is attacked or what? If not what's the point of this particular order when you could just as easily go into the Order of the Star and focus on being an intimidating SOB? Because as far as I can see if you're not playing in a party of players that worship the same deity this is a pretty weak capstone. So I have to ask, does the retribution ability change when it applies to vengeance for the sake of vengeance?

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I've got a player that is basically saying that with allfood if the item meets the weight requirement he can turn it into the alfood substance. Is he right? Can he basically point to a sword or a door and turn it into allfood and eat it or make it useless? Or is he misinterpreting the spell and it only works on items like rocks or sand or things like that, where the spell is supposed to be used for emergency rations?

Any and all assistance is appreciated.

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I was discussing something with several friends over the Kineticist class. All of us loved the class and what the archetypes were doing to it. But a couple of things stuck into our collective craw. The one line in the burn text block that threw us off. "For every burn she accepts she takes one point of nonlethal per character level" Would this mean that we are taking 2 points of nonlethal damage for 1 point of burn at level 2?

If so this basically cripples you. Not only that there is the stipulation that you may only take 1 point of burn per round at levels 1-5 At six you can start taking two. Then one extra point of burn every three levels. Does this mean you can't really use your burn ability until higher levels or what? If so there is some desperate need for errata. Like changing the wording to exclude the per character level or something like that. Cause the higher you go the more likely you are to spend your class ability in three rounds, at level nine, and knock yourself out.

Please help us clarify this any and all help is wonderfully accepted.

I appear to have started something horrible. I do apologize for my question.

I had a player that used the same kind of combo. What would happen is that I applied half the damage do to shield other and halved it again thanks to incorporeal. That's how it works I believe.

Edge cases?

Mark Seifter wrote:
TGMaxMaxer wrote:

It would have been a much better fix (and not invalidated many builds that were assumed to work together for some time now) to have ruled that changes to feats and class skills only counted as modifying the same class feature if they changed the same feat or skill, similar to the bardic performance subset argument.

It would have also remained consistent with the Quingong monk ruling that since it only adds options, it is compatible with any other one so long as you don't try and change the same power/ability twice.

As it stands, this ruling requires rebuilds of tons of in-play PFS characters since the rules have changed, because like you said upthread, the APG didn't make the distinction between class skills and class features which have been a separate listing.

Please Mark, give some consideration to modifying this FAQ to account for this reading, so that we don't have another crane wing or flurry reaction at a later date.

Sometimes, FAQs alter the rules, often as readied actions for errata. This is certainly not one of those times; it was very clear that they were in a grey area in the past, leaning towards disallowing by the strictest RAW interpretation of what counts as altering. And I say this as someone who actually has a PFS character affected that I made four years ago long before working here (my -2 had sohei + an archetype that alters bonus feats, but sohei only adds Mounted Combat, so I thought at the time that maybe it didn't count as altering bonus feats), and I experienced table variation on whether I had them both before now, which I was always happy to acquiesce. Believe me, I made sure to bring up all possible viewpoints before the PDT made the decision. Any PFS rebuilds (including my character) are for players who knew they were in a grey area and might not stay with both archetypes. I know, since I'm one of those players.

If you don't mind my asking what do you mean by grey area?

RJGrady wrote:
The ruling is consistent with how create Types are presented, but may require some minor clean-up of other text (such as the paladin) that were not written with this in mind.

I agree with Grady. This should be answered or tweaked or whatever the technical term happens to be.

My quandary has been successfully answered and my curiosity has been sated. Thank you all for the lovely debate.

Oh my. This turned into quite the productive discussion

Marc Radle wrote:

So, the question is: Are Skills considered Class Features when comparing Archetypes.

Might I suggest as many people as possible FAQ *this* post (because the Developers have requested that a question be stated as clearly and concisely as possible) and we'll see if we can get it officially clarified

I guess I may have been a little too vague in my request...^^' Thanks for helping to clarify it, Radle.

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Take for example the Snakebite Striker and the Strangler archetypes for the Brawler. The Strangler adds stealth just like Snakebite Striker so does that mean they can't be stacked or what? Or like the Shadow Caller and Blood Summoner. I'm looking for any and all help that y'all can provide!

I love all these ideas for "Blood" books and would probably buy them as soon as they came out :D

Hi all. I was just talking with my buddy as we added another mythic tier to our characters and he said something that would not leave my head. Do the Universal Path Abilities Display of X (Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom) add that +20 to Reflex, Fortitude, and Will saves? I looked them up and it's unclear saying only that the +20 is added to X based skill check or ability check? Are the saving throws ability checks or not? Or is that just referring to when you make a Dex/Con/Wis check specifically? Any assistance is deeply appreciated!

Hi all. I was just talking with my buddy as we added another mythic tier to our characters and he said something that would not leave my head. Do the Universal Path Abilities Display of X (Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom) add that +20 to Reflex, Fortitude, and Will saves? I looked them up and it's unclear saying only that the +20 is added to X based skill check or ability check? Are the saving throws ability checks or not? Or is that just referring to when you make a Dex/Con/Wis check specifically? Any assistance is deeply appreciated!