M K 588 |
Hi all.
The forum seems to be eating all of my posts, so I'll try to make this one quick. :)
I've got a PC in my RotRL campaign who's planning on going clr3/wiz3/mystic theurge. I've been trying to help him with his character build, but honestly, I still haven't completely adjusted myself to Pathfinder (but it's great so far!) and I haven't built a PC myself in a few years.
So, I could use some advice.
His stat line is approximately as follows. (He rolled pretty well.)
STR 14
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 16
WIS 18
CHA 14
How can my PC overcome the caster level deficiencies for both casting classes, besides taking the old 3.5 "Practiced Spellcaster" feat twice?
Are there any really awesome cleric domain / wizard school power combinations?
Besides the metric ton of spells per day and the vast flexibility in the spells he can use, what other cool stuff might he be able to do?
How can he overcome or negate the Arcane Spell Failure penalty via feats and equipment? I am willing to allow portions of 3.5 on a case-by-case basis, so don't automatically discount your 3.5 suggestions.
Any help you could offer would be much appreciated!