
Mÿcerranin's page

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Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!! I'm currently using Barakus as the starting point of my campaign. I found it is the perfect adventure to bring the group to the proper level for the next leg of the journey - Slumbering Tsar.

I really love these adventures (Rappan Athuk, Barakus, Tsar, Abysthor). They are built on great creative thought and stand as some of the best adventures ever written for RPG.

With this and Sword of Air being done, it can't be much longer for Larin Karr and Demons and Devils Right? nod nod wink wink.

Ahhh, there we go.

Thanks Luthorne

Dragon78 wrote:
No, James Jacobs said that the demon lords have 10 full tiers when in there domain only. The stats we see are when they are not in there domain and that is why they have no mythic rating.

This is the piece of the puzzle that I'm missing, and describes my thoughts.

Where is the source for this? I don't recall seeing anything like this in Mythic Adventures?

Sean K Reynolds

Not everything that is CR 25+ is mythic.

Maybe I'm being misunderstood.

My comment was not for everything with a high CR to be mythic. It was instead directed to unique beings in the multiverse such as:

Infernal Dukes
Demon Lords
Nascent Demon Lords
The Four Horsemen
Daemonic Harbingers
Empyreal Lords
Protean Lords
Aeon Lords
Asura Ranas
Div Lords
Kyton Demagogues
Oni Daimyo
Rakshasa Immortals

And so on. These beings are unique in their realms and I think qualify to be mythic. While the Tarrasque is indeed a powerful foe, as are all spawn of Rovagug, I don't think it needs to be mythic. Where as a Demon Lord, such as Noticula, would be by her very nature. This could quantify her powers and where they could have originated, including how she still maintains a grip on her realm. This would certainly be true of any of the fiends.

So that was my point and path of thought.

Looking at Demon Lords, Empyreal Lords, and similar unique beings (such as the ones printed in Inner Sea Bestiary), shouldn't they all be mythic. I know that those rules just came out this year, but I think they definitely fit for unique creatures like those.

I had given some thought about making an elementalist also, I think it is a valid and needed class. In my line of thinking I wanted the elementalist to have a completely different feel from the wizard and sorcerer. To accomplish this my ideas are:

1.) model the class after the warlock class from 3.5 but instead of eldritch blast it would be elemental energy. I like this approach because the class seems to be channeling the elements instead of using formal spells.

2.) The class would start with one element (energy type) at first, but would be able to acquire others and other abilities similar to way rogues/magus/gunslingers gain their abilities. These abilities would also replace the feats for the eldritch blast that the warlock would use to modify the blast.

3.) Allow the class to gain an elemental companion in a manner similar to the summoner's eidelon. I would also allow for a mephit familiar.

4.) As far as hit dice, I would go with d8. I would give average skill points. Attacks and saves would be similar to the wizard and sorcerer, although I might allow light armor.

Just some thought to share with you.

Looking at what materials we have for Pathfinder in hardcover, there is a great assortment covering a lot of aspects of the game. Now what I would like to see is a little more attention to Golarian in the hardcover lines. The Inner Sea Gods book for March looks like a great addition.

I think it is now time to bring out a Dragon Empires World Guide hardcover similar to the Inner Sea World Guide. As well as a Dragon Empires Map Folio (Yes I know its not a hardcover).

It would be very cool to see the other World Guides in development as well, escecially Casmaron.

I agree with Telefragged. I haven't seen the other posts concerning this, but a set of common creature pawns would be great. This could include all of the humanoid types (Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, etc) along with some leader pawns for them. This would also be cool for Skeleton, Zombies, etc.

Another idead would be to release a set of blank pawns of the various sizes so players can make there own custom pawns. A nice color printer on self adhesive paper would do the trick nicely.

I would like to see:

1.) More poisons
2.) a vorpal weapon equivalent for piercing and bludgeoning weapons
3.) an extensive list of gems and jewelry
4.) since we have some historical/classical monsters, how about the same for alchemical items. Such as aqua vitae, aqua mortis, etc.

plus a well rounded out equipment section from all other Pathfinder sources.
