
Lycanthropist's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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No Starfinder panels?

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Pay. People. For. Their. Work.

It is that simple.

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Cori Marie wrote:

I want to shout out a couple of people that aren't super active here but have provided a safe community space when things here have gotten a bit rough and some of us have needed a break.

First, the crew of the Hideous Laughter podcast. To Griffin, Haley, Steve, Emily, Brooks, and Chris; thank you for providing good humor and fun, as well as a discord where I've quickly made several friends.

Likewise, to the crew at Southern Tomfoolery; thank you for providing a great community - AND for finally getting me interested in Starfinder. Thanks there go to Adam, Heath, Emily, Zac, and Josh.

Thank you to both of these groups, you've made the last few months much better.

Cheers Cori. It is our pleasure to have such wonderful people in our community. Thank YOU for being a part of it

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An Update to the Southern Tomfoolery Network:

Greetings Starfinders New and Old! We often see posts looking for Starfinder podcasts, so we thought we'd take the opportunity to introduce our network to this wonderful group.

We are the STF Network and we absolutely adore Starfinder. We are a group of friends who have taken our table dynamic and passion for rich story telling to the podcast airwaves. We have a wide range of shows with a little something for everyone. So without further ado, here are our shows:

Apollo Protection Agency: This is our flagship show, and we have been running this since April 2019. GM Adam takes the crew through Against the Aeon Throne > Signal of Screams > Devastation Ark. This sprawling journey is where it all began.

Live and Let Fly: Our second main show, and the easiest to catch up on, features Zac taking the GM chair and running the crew through the acclaimed Fly Free or Die adventure path. Fun, developed characters face difficult choices in this fully produced show.

Hacky Sack Heroes: This is our Patreon exclusive adventure featuring Emily GMing the cast through monthly one shot home brews. Heavy on the fun and humor, we explore all the joys of discovering new worlds.

STF and Friends: Our newest venture, STF hits the Twitch streams. We play smaller, shorter adventures with a rotating cast featuring members of STF and special guests. Our current run features Anne Hearthsinger Richmond, Tyler from MNMaxed and some STF crew playing Junker's Delight!

Southern Tomfoolery Unlimited: This is our interview show where we sit down with industry professionals, other podcasters, writers, and community influencers and get some behind the scenes conversations about our favorite game.

There is so much more to be found within our network as well with more information on our website. So if you have seen STF pop up on your feeds but weren't sure if it was for you, we invite you to check out any one of the streams and join our crew!

We have a vibrant community that we would love for you to be a part of that can be found on our discord!


What a welcome addition to the Paizo teams.

These fantastic friends of ours have put together such a great series of shows and we couldn't be more happy to see them grow into this next stage.

Much love from Southern Tomfoolery, and we can't wait to see what y'all do next HLP crew!

Great podcast that is like a fine wine, gets better with age. The GM is doing a fantastic job of taking the Carrion Crown Adventure Path and layering a full cohesive story across the disparate adventures.

The crew is fun and have a great and authentic friends at the table vibe.

Keeping it fun while keeping it spooky, I am a huge fan of this cast. Check it out!

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Greetings Everyone,

Southern Tomfoolery is an Actual Play podcast currently running Against the Aeon Throne with plans on moving into Signal of Screams and Devastation Ark for subsequent seasons.

We absolutely love Starfinder and take great joy in not only bringing you our adventures week to week, but spreading our love of this fantastic system. With supplemental shows like TOMTalks and Southern Tomfoolery Unscripted, we dive into the system, the adventures, and the community.

We are bringing an Inglorious Basterds meets Firefly vibe to Aeon Throne, as we are dedicated to character building, good story telling and solid audio production.

So why not take a seat on the Epoch Tracer and see what a bunch of possums do when they get in space?

Check us out at Southern Tomfoolery!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Greetings Everyone,

Southern Tomfoolery is an Actual Play podcast currently running Against the Aeon Throne with plans on moving into Signal of Screams and Devastation Ark for subsequent seasons.

We absolutely love Starfinder and take great joy in not only bringing you our adventures week to week, but spreading our love of this fantastic system. With supplemental shows like TOMTalks and Southern Tomfoolery Unscripted, we dive into the system, the adventures, and the community.

We are bringing an Inglorious Basterds meets Firefly vibe to Aeon Throne, as we are dedicated to character building, good story telling and solid audio production.

So why not take a seat on the Epoch Tracer and see what a bunch of possums do when they get in space?

Check us out at Southern Tomfoolery!