
Lusmith's page

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I think this sounds like a blast! I once ran a all theif group back in AD&D days it was a blast. but the GM wasn't all that creative, I would love to run that again!

Artanthos wrote:
Darkflame wrote:

i would make a anti barbarian magus

making him fatigued at the beginning befor he can enter rage ;)

frostbite doese this no save!

Got that in the build I posted.

BTW Arthonthos: I am checking out your build. I think I will see how much Conflict battlepoints its worth and run with it. I will take care of it at lunch so my boss doesn't fire me! Then post up the math.

Artanthos wrote:
Lusmith wrote:
Darkflame wrote:

i would make a anti barbarian magus

making him fatigued at the beginning befor he can enter rage ;)

frostbite doese this no save!

Hey Darkflame how can you prevent him from raging or kill his rage. Is this a houserule or SRD?

Is he going to enrage on his turn 1 and stay enraged?

If so, I have the option to levitate invisibly until he runs out.

Yep, no doubt about it! he will rage, the match is only 10 rounds unless we go into sudden death so there is no reason for him not to rage for the whole match.

Grizzly the Archer wrote:
The quickest way I can see is to keep out of range and to use range. How large is the area?

You can see the map we played on here.

Alot of tactical areas as the GM explained before the match. High ground, there's a balcony. Low ground, there is water streams where one of the barb sneaked up us through,:( etc..
Its a little bigger than your regular flip-map; the site says it 24" by 36".

Darkflame wrote:

i would make a anti barbarian magus

making him fatigued at the beginning befor he can enter rage ;)

frostbite doese this no save!

Hey Darkflame how can you prevent him from raging or kill his rage. Is this a houserule or SRD?

gnomersy wrote:
Counter with your own invuln. rager with pounce and a greatsword, or double barrel abusing gunslingers with clustered shots or archers(probably better)? I mean the only reason you shouldn't beat these guys is the time stipulation really.

In conflict the time stipulation is key. If fact, there is a panic law where if you as a player don't make up your mind on your actions within 60 seconds your character is panicked and loses his standard action. It make combat roll pretty quick and allows for tactical mistakes to be made. Which is cool, cause you kidda get that sense of urgency in battle.

Looking back at the match, my parter rushed a couple decisions when the barbs were one him. One of the many reason we got our butt kicked. Althought it was still a blast and I am looking forward to the rematch!

Especially after this freaking thread of awesome!

Lusmith wrote:
is anyone else having an issue with the site, I am having an issue with main page that has the sample pages? I wan't to post he battlepoint page...

nevermind, it's my job blocking some parts of the web site. the battlepoint cap stuff is at the bottom of the page with all the pretty pictures.

is anyone else having an issue with the site, I am having an issue with main page that has the sample pages? I wan't to post he battlepoint page...

AndIMustMask wrote:
Lusmith wrote:
Talos the Talon! wrote:
My pfs conjurer is 10th level and he could do it. Round 1 cast greater invisibility, round 2 cast fly, round 3+ lightning bolt, ice storm, acid pit, ect. He could even do that at 8th level - the only trick is to survive round 1.

by round two you have an adjacent barb on you butt. that's the issue, this [dude] will fly.

plus he has a DR 7/—

just thought I'd point out--yes he has fly, but he has no idea you're flying, because you're invisible before you cast it (unless he's abusing OOC knowledge). hell, after round one he'd have no idea where you might be, because of greater invisibility and a move action. so he'd have to find you when you could be anywhere within 60ft of where you were in the first round (30ft move after casting invis, 30ft move after casting fly). you'll be invisible/undetectable the entire match if you tack on silent/still spell as well.

so the scent thing is still an issue. Two barbs with scent covers about 60 feet a round and you need to stay in line of sight to fire off the spells.

chaoseffect wrote:
Spells, spell like abilities, and energy damage ignore DR so it doesn't mean much against casters unless they are using summons. Round 1 Greater Invisibility + Move would mean that they likely have no way to find you being Barbarians and then he flies away and does his thing.

Greater Invisibility: So we kidda of tried that and it worked for a short while but he used his Scent to track us down. When they both did that the cover the map again pretty quickly. This real issue in practice is the wizard needs line of sight on a lot of the spells being mentioned so you have to stay close enough so the map does not interrupt you lines of sight.

Suthainn wrote:
Sap Master Ninja build. Ridiculous non lethal damage and repeated swift action vanishing until they're unconcious then coup de grace, they can't (reliably) hit what they can't see (especially with 5 ft steps whilst invisible).

So his DR is 14 against non-lethal. His HP is over 132. You have 10 rounds.

Talos the Talon! wrote:
My pfs conjurer is 10th level and he could do it. Round 1 cast greater invisibility, round 2 cast fly, round 3+ lightning bolt, ice storm, acid pit, ect. He could even do that at 8th level - the only trick is to survive round 1.

by round two you have an adjacent barb on you butt. that's the issue, this due will fly.

plus he has a DR 7/—

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Target the Ref save with save-or-suck spells (entangle, grease, web, etc.) to prevent them from moving/acting effectively, then target the Will save until they are disabled (hold person, etc.), and swarm them under with pets/summoned creatures and regular attacks/touch or ranged touch energy attacks while they are helpless. A druid or elf oracle (Wood mystery, with Wood Bond as one of their revelations) and a half-elf alchemist (bramble brewer), bard, or summoner (master summoner) would probably be able to take them if optimized for combat and high save DCs.

ok, so the thing about playing Conflict pvp against experienced players is that they realized most classes need to prep. I would say you have two round tops before the fighters are on you. The map is huge, but still, when barbarians are covering 80' per round, you just don't have that much prep time. here are a few examples of the conflict battlemaps for example:

[Conflict Map I (paizo's site)

but they cover these map in about a round, depending where you are.

AndIMustMask wrote:
you specify only up to 8th level, but youre fighting a level 9 barb?

from the Conflict PvP Rulebook:

A Level Off: Character level is one of the things that must be purchased
with Battlepoints. When purchasing a character’s level, a player
can choose to have his character be one level above or one below the
Match Level. Shifting a character’s level above or below the Match
Level does not change the Battlepoint Cap; it changes only the number
of Battlepoints needed to purchase the character’s level. Thus, a character whose level is lower than the Match Level will naturally have more Battlepoints available to spend on equipment, which will cause more
powerful magical items to be available to him for purchase.

(to summarize when balancing characters you can be one level off of the match level which I believe was set to nine.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A few nights ago we played Conflict PvP at Game Master games in Long Island, NY. Really great crowd, we played a lot of PFS stuff. Two of the players was talking smack. So we decide to run a "Brother's Keeper's" Team vs. Team match. This is where my team of two had to face off versus their team a two. But the twist is, each team of two shares a pair of rings that allows them to communicate telepathically, absorb some of the other’s damage, swap places and even to bring the other back from the dead. So their neat little tricks you can you do this Conflict PvP match. Anywho, The characters the opposing team used are below, two TANKS: Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)and they kinda kicked our ass.

So it time for a re-match and I need some help.

Game Balanced: So Conflict PVP has a pretty good system that assigns points for certain parts of your character. Your character has to be under the battlepoint cap that the GM sets (with help with conflict book but can tweak it easily). So without getting into all the detail the areas considered are basically:

• Level (their's a chart in the book)

• Abilities Score (equal to the "“Purchase Method,”)

• Race (standard races and races under Race point value under 10 are free)

• Equipment ( 1 point for 100gp, zero cost if its under 100gp)

and one point for every sourcebook you use over 2.

(EDIT:If you want the details, cause I am did this from memory, you can find them in sample pages at the bottom of this page:
So forget about my team played, cause is was a mess.

my question is:


Your class options are: Any class, archtype from the SRD only. Up to 8th level, with any legal combo of feats, traits, etc...
but no third party stuff

Magic: Let say only very basic magic like potions or +1 or 2 stuff. Becuase magic is very expense in battlepoints and you can't go over the Cap.

said thug:
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 9

CN Medium Humanoid (Orc, Human)

Init +2; Senses Darkvision, Scent; Perception +13

AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +2 Dex, -2 rage)
**hp 132** (9d12+63)
Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +8
Defensive Abilities **DR 7/—**; 14/lethal; Resist fire 2, Extreme Endurance (Fire)

Speed 40 ft.
Melee Greatclub +13/+8 (1d10+7/20/x2) or
Greatclub (with Shillelagh Oil) +14/+9 (3d8+8/20/x2) or
Greatclub (with Shillelagh Oil + Power Attack) +11/+6 (3d8+16/20/x2) or Axe, Orc Double +13/+8 (1d8+6/20/x3)
Ranged Longbow, Comp. (Str +4) +12/+7 (1d8+4/20/x3)
Special Attacks Elemental Rage, Lesser (1/rage), attack deals +1D6 energy damage, Scent, Increase Damage Reduction (Ex) x3

Base Statistics When not raging, the Orc has AC 18 touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +2 Dex); hp 101; Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6; Melee Greatclub +10/+5 (1d10+3/20/x2) or Greatclub (with Shillelagh Oil) +11/+6 (3d8+4/20/x2); Ranged Longbow, Comp. (Str +4) +10/+5 (1d8+2/20/x3); Str 14, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8; CMB +11; CMD 23; Skills Swim -1, Climb -1

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +13; CMD 23
Feats Extra Rage Power, Improved Iron Will (1/day), Iron Will, Power Attack -3/+6, Raging Vitality
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+18 jump), Climb +1, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Intimidate +10, Perception +13, Stealth -1, Survival +6, Swim +8
Languages Common, Orc
SQ Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Increase Damage Reduction (Ex), Increase Damage Reduction (Ex), Increase Damage Reduction (Ex), Orc Ferocity (1/day), Rage (24 rounds/day) (Ex), War Paint of the Terrible Visage
Combat Gear +1 Wooden Armor, Arrows (20), Axe, Orc Double, +1 Buckler, Greatclub, Longbow, Comp. (Str +4); Other Gear Oil of Shillelagh, Manacles, Potion of Barkskin +5, Smokestick, War Paint of the Terrible Visage (2 uses)

Ability Scores 15; Race 0; Level 45; Expand Source books: Core Rulebook, Advance Player’s Guide 0; Equipment: +1 Wooden Armor 12, +1 Buckler 12, Equipment: masterwork composite Longbow (Str +4) 8, Equipment: Oil of Shillelagh 3; potion of barkskin +5 60;Potion of Fly; Equipment: Arrows x20 , Buckler, Manacles Masterwork, Smokestick, Tanglefoot bag 0; Grand Total:155

His Improved Iron Will gives a better than average chance of resisting mind spells, while more importantly allowing him to reroll one such save a Match. At higher levels he also carries a potion of barkskin +5, thus improving his AC to almost respectable levels.

By 9th level, Blacklaw’s Power Attack has improved his damage to 3d8+1d6+16. More importantly, however, his hit points have increased to an incredible 128.


Wait, a couple note before you help us out:
1. this fight was mostly indoors. Also in the conflict pvp the supplemental rules flight is limited to 60" up.

2. There is no prep ahead of the match, everything starts on round one. You can't magic on before the match starts. (although you can start the match with one item in both hands or one 2-handed weapon.

3. The conflict maps are a bigger than the paizo flip-maps but these guys move so fast that they can cover it in 2 rounds or less)