Luke Planewalker's page

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Biweekly group looking for players to fill out our numbers. Planescape expertise and supplemental books not necessary. Because of variable schedules, we rarely play at full capacity so we want a couple new players to ensure that we have at least three participating players at each session. We’re just switching our campaign to a Sigil based game, which makes it easy to explain the absence of various PCs from session to session. Sessions are held at my apartment in Elmhurst (a five minute walk from the Roosevelt Ave/Jackson Heigts stop [7, E, F, G, R, V trains]), generally from 1 pm to 5 or 6.

We use 3.5 edition with loose mechanics and role play. It’s Planescape, so the sky is the limit for PCs, though I discourage evil PCs unless I feel that a player is mature enough to handle it. Starting level is 3rd with most supplemental material allowed, though I often modify such rules to my comfort. There will be combat but there will also be plenty of faction politics and planar exploration. We don’t run the game by canon and we don’t run it by the Rules As Written; campaign specifics can be found here. If you’re interested, drop me an email ( telling me a little about yourself and what kind of character you’d like to play.


Looking for a fresh game? My current group has tragically disbanded, and those of us who remain are looking for fresh blood, um…I mean, players.

We use 3.5 rules. You must either be comfortable with a small set of house rules or be willing to DM the game yourself. New players and old alike are welcome; all that we require is a commitment to participation in the game. As the group’s remnants all live in Queens, we will most likely play there. If interested, write to


We could use a couple more players.

Heathansson wrote:

I saw this messed up story on the news tonight.

In Frisco Tx, just north of Dallas, a few months back, this one kid knocked on the door of a random house and shot the person who answered the door. The victim lived. It was another teenager.
So the perp confessed to his parents. He was "living the fantasy of being a serial killer." So off to wherever he goes; juvenile(?) So,...they charge this kid as an adult. That means he can get bail. So...they gave him......$100,000 bail. So he's back home!!! (the news show showed his $300,000 house in Frisco, Tx).
At least they have a police car out in front of the house watching him until his bail hearing on Thursday; apparently they might adjust his bail up a little bit.
Why can't we, as a society, figure out how to take somebody who apparently admits freely and openly to shooting somebody for answering their door and put them somewhere where they can't do things like that?
If he's crazy, hey okay. Put him somewhere.
If he's not crazy, fine. Put him somewhere.
Why is this hard?
And whoever bailed him out, what were you thinking?!?

What's that cliched phrase that parents use? "You're not in trouble, just tell us the truth." Well, maybe they're not lying sometimes.

Looking for a fresh game? I will be DMing a monthly D&D campaign on weekends. The campaign will take place in a homebrew world where diplomacy is needed to solve problems and make allies, but the evil that hunts the heroes will only stop at the point of a sword.

We will be using 3.5 rules, with tweaks for options and simplicity. New players and old alike are welcome; all that I require is a commitment to participation in the game. We will play at my home in Queens, conveniently located a 5 minute walk from the Roosevelt Avenue/Jackson Heights subway stop. If interested, write to

Looking for a casual, exciting game? I will be DMing a new campaign on weekends, beginning on a once monthly schedule. I have a couple campaign ideas, but will not choose any for sure until I get a group together. We will be using 3.5 rules; new players and old-timers alike are welcome.
