
Lucius 'Lucky' Brambleberry's page

11 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.


*rots in jail*

Wow this game is brutally realistic!

Yah, we starting up again? I was the last to post for almost a month.

Radavel wrote:
Lucius 'Lucky' Brambleberry wrote:

Lucky writes his statement:

"I don't know why I was brought in, I were coming back from a tavern when I heard a scream, I heard the deep booming voices of dwarves shouting, then a human crashed through the window above me, and moments later I was hauled in."

"A likely story, yer kind are always up to yer eyeballs in mischief," mutters the elder dwarf.

"Oh yeah, of cour...oi now wait a minute!" Lucky backpedals as he realizes he's agreeing with the insult...

Lucky writes his statement:

"I don't know why I was brought in, I were coming back from a tavern when I heard a scream, I heard the deep booming voices of dwarves shouting, then a human crashed through the window above me, and moments later I was hauled in."

"Oi, 'ow'd I get mixed up wit' th'lot of you folks? I mean y'seem nice enough, but somethin' awful musta 'appened for'em t'bring in e'eryone includ'n yours truly...Last time I got caught fer anuff'n it were wif d'cards it were."

Yeah, he's slipping into a Cockney accent, still trying to find his place in the world..also I finally got the time to purchase his additional equipment (it was 2d10 gc at start right?)

"Whassat? You ne'er seen a halfling afore?, I know I'm big for me race, but c'mon, look at me feet."

"Lucius Brambleberry's me name, normally I be called "lucky" but sure'n not tonight."

"What's all this then..." quips Lucky, "I don't even know these people!!"

"By Sigmund, what's all this now? Conspiracy? Say what?"

Sorry for not posting a lot the last couple days... worked about 45 hours over 3 days. Going to bed in like 5 minutes...

"What's your name sir..?"

"What's that you're saying? Slow it down man, I can barely understand you, green vapors? Mutants? What are you talking about"

Huh, what's all this about then? says 'Lucky' Lucius from the Inn's alleyway...coming back from a late night of carousing in the Dwarven city.

Just have to buy some additional stuff, check over my sheet and let me know if it looks good.