About Lucius 'Lucky' Brambleberry
Lucius ”Lucky” Brambleberry
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling
Height: 4’-0”
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Ash Blond
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 38 years
Distinguishing Marks: Distinctive gait
(walks on the balls of his feet, cat-like)
Birthplace: Small Settlement in Reikland
Siblings: 3 (Adicus [older-alive], Markus [twin-alive] and Bosephus [younger-deceased])
Starsign: The Broken Cart (Sign of Pride)
31 WS
44 BS
21 ST
22 T
51 AG
26 IN
25 WP
48 FL
2d10+10=26, 2d10+30=39, 2d10+10=21, 2d10+10=22, 2d10+30=45, 2d10+20=26, 2d10+20=25, 2d10+30=43
Secondary Profile
1 Attack (A)
8+2=10 Wounds (W)
2 Strength Bonus (SB)
2 Toughness Bonus (TB)
4 Movement (M)
0 Magic (Mag)
0 Insanity Points (IP)
4 Fate Point (FP)
Charm (Agi),
Concealment, (Agi)
Evaluate, (Int)
Pick Lock, (Int)
Perception, (Int)
Read/Write, (Int)
Search, (Int)
Secret signs (thief),(Int)
Silent move (Agi)
Alley Cat (+10% concealment/Move Silent checks in urban areas)
Trapfinder (+10% to pick locks/Perception versus traps)
Career Exits: Cat Burglar, Charlatan, Entertainer, Fence, Rogue, Tomb Robber.
Halfling Features
Academic Knowledge (geneology/heraldry)
Common Knowledge (Halfling)
Speak Language (Halfling)
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Trade (Cook)
1 Random Talents – 65
Sixth Sense
Starting Career
Ferryman 1d100=26
Free Advance - +5% to BS
Trappings: Sack, Lock Picks, 10 yards of rope, light armor (leather jerkin)
Purchased Equipment: Grappling Hook (4gc), Whip (2gc), Slingbag (2gc), Dagger (1gc), 3 loaves of bread (6p), Common Clothing (1gc), Hat, simple (10s), Deck of Cards (1gc), Dice, Bone (6s) [spent 11gc, 16s, 6p]
2d10+10=26, 2d10+30=39, 2d10+10=21, 2d10+10=22, 2d10+30=45, 2d10+20=26, 2d10+20=25, 2d10+30=43
gold: 2d10=12
1gc = 20s = 240p
1 gold crown=20 silver shillings
1 silver shilling=12 copper pence
2d10 for cash: 1d10=10, 1d10=4
XP: 500 earned
100 (+5%WS), 100xp (+5% Agi), 100xp (+5% Fel), 200xp (+2 W)
Ht/wt: 1d10=10, 1d100=100
Starting wounds/fate points 1d10=3, 1d10=8 +1 fate point for sacrifice.
halfling random talent/mark/age/star-sign/birthplace 1d100=65, 1d100=78, 1d100=49, 1d100=76, 1d100=82
human birthplace 1d10=7, 1d10=7
siblings/hair/eye 1d10=5, 1d10=1, 1d10=3