Lucius Clay's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Corvid Black.

Silver Crusade


I have a Q about Gloomblades. The description says: A gloomblade can create a shadowy weapon in a free hand as a move action. This can take the form of any melee weapon with which he is proficient. A gloomblade can have only one shadow weapon in existence at a time; creating a new shadow weapon causes an existing shadow weapon to vanish.

My Q is what happens if the gloomblade releases the weapon. Can you sheathe it (in an appropriately shaped sheath)? Can you throw it and pick it up? Can you create a shadow stiletto and give it to your rogue friend to use as an improvised lockpick? The RAW don't say that it needs to be in hand and it is unclear.

Second, if it vanishes if not in hand, then what about the rule that with a BAB of 1 or higher, a weapon can be drawn as part of a general move action. Would this apply to the creation of a shadow weapon, or would you need to use a move to create it and another move to reach your foe (and hence get no attack in the first round)?

Silver Crusade

Are there any rules concerning range increments when throwing something upward? If the target is on a ledge 50' above the person throwing, is the range just 50' or given that the target is 50' straight up would the effective range be greater than 50'? I don't see any rules on "throwing upward"

Silver Crusade


The second level spell "telekinetic volley" says: Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged (D). Does that mean I could cast that spell in advance and keep the levitating sling stones in a pouch and then at a later time (days later?) shoot the stones one per round? Could I cast the spell multiple times and have basically an unlimited amount of stones in a pouch? (since the stones are levitating, they have no weight, they would likely have mass for horizontal movement purposes, but 20 stones or so would be nominal).

Silver Crusade

Hi Group Mind,

I have a PFS magus character (kensai archetype) who is a Sylph. She has good bonuses to Dex and Int but not to Str. As a kensai I can be proficient with a katana, but I don't see an easy way to be able to apply Dex to both my to hit and to my damage rolls. I know I can use slashing grace to be able to add it to my damage rolls, but is there anyway to add it to my to hit? I expect I will need to use a rapier and rely on weapon finesse and fencing grace to achieve my goal but I wanted to check in case there is an obscure way to do it with a katana.


Silver Crusade

This bardic masterpiece says:

Effect: Your dance entices one creature within 30 feet that is able to see you, invoking every imaginable vice and craving until finally the desire the creature personally finds most appealing overwhelms its thoughts. You always know what your target wants, and, if you have the means to provide it, can offer it to the creature in exchange for a specific service. The creature can resist this effect with a successful Will saving throw, and creatures never agree if you offer services that are physically impossible or obviously suicidal, or if you lie about having the means to fulfill the desire in question. The service can never take more than a day to complete, and the affected creature gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw if the service requires more than an hour to complete.

It also says it takes 3 full rounds to complete. Does that mean if the creature is hostile it can attack you while you are completing the dance? For that matter, if the creature is fighting someone else can you perform the dance and in 3 rounds if it fails its safe it stops fighting and stands there drooling?

Silver Crusade

Well, can it? if so, what role is required and what is the multiplier?