
Lucius Baradayne's page

104 posts. Alias of The KGB.

Full Name

Lucius Baradayne


| HP: 32/32 | AC: 20 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +7 | Perc: +5


| Speed 20ft | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Pool: 1/1 | Reactions: Shield Block, Retributive Strike, Divine Grace | Conditions: None


Male Human Paladin 2






Lawful Good







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Character Sheet

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Lucius Baradayne

Lucius is quite a handsome young man, having short tussled dirty blond hair and striking dark blue eyes. He is tall and athletic in build, though somewhat more lean and wiry than bulky. Lucius takes great pride in his outward appearance, never allowing himself to go more than a few days without shaving and grooming. He exudes confidence, and believes in himself if perhaps to a fault. He is rarely seen without his characteristic grin.

Physical Traits
Height: 6'1
Weight: 172 lbs
Hair: Dirty Blond
Eyes: Dark Blue

Reference Image

Lucius is the model of heroism and bravery, always the first to throw himself into harms way to protect the weak and innocent. He genuinely believes himself to be an instrument of justice for Iomodae, and is steadfast in his faith and conviction. He is often described as generous and kind, and is fiercely loyal to his friends.

Lucius is also known to be quite overconfident, and sometimes brash in the face of adversity. While he tends to have a great deal of personal magnetism that draws people to him, he also can come off as overbearing and cocky to some. Those who find his arrogance a trifle annoying feel as though he could stand to learn some humility.

Background Story:
Lucius its the only child born to Victor and Ellyn Baradayne in the city of Egorian. His father is a high ranking member in the Hellknights Order of the Claw, while his mother was a devout worshipper of Iomedae who was married to Victor for political reasons. His early childhood was a relatively happy one, due to the fact that he had been raised by her loving mother alone until the age of eleven. Upon his return in 4707, his life quickly became unbearable with the return his decidedly stern and cruel father, who had been away fighting in the fourth Mendevian Crusade. While Victor Baradayne was a worshipper of Iomedae, his interpretation of Iomedaen scripture was decidedly more fundamental and harsh than the faith Lucius had been raised in. Almost immediately, Lucius began to clash with his father on a daily basis, and the resulting discipline was harsh. The relationship remains complicated; while Victor loves his son, his fundamentalist views often put him at odds with him. Gradually, Lucius learned to rebel in more subtle ways against his father, and found an ally in his mother who quietly shared her sons more benevolent views.

In 4710, Victor was recalled to Citadel Dinyar to serve Lictor Resarc Ountor. The move was difficult for Lucius, as he found the Citadel to be an isolating experience. That would change in 4715, as the Glorious Reclamation overran the Citadel. Taken captive by true Iomedaen warriors, Lucius found himself in the company of like minded individuals. In a chance meeting during his captivity, Lucius met with Lord Marshal Alexeara Cansellarion, and quickly identified and even idolized the rebel leader. Nevertheless, his time with the rebels would be cut short, as a prisoner exchange arranged between the rebels and Order of the Godclaw leadership led to his father’s release along with twenty other prisoners and their families. Reluctant to leave, Lucius decided to go leave for his mother’s sake.

Again, the family was relocated, this time moving to Kintargo. His father quickly fell into service of Lictor Octavio Sabinus of the Order of the Torrent, a friend he knew from his military days. Lucius settled into his life in Kintargo, content for a change as the city appeared to be more liberal and respectful of its peoples than elsewhere in Cheliax. Disagreements with his father continued unabated for a short time, until the city fell under the rule of Barzillai Thrune. Within days of taking control, the new Lord-mayor had removed the Order of the Torrent, and his father was without employment once more. Normally quite virulent in his belief of law and order, Victor himself began to question the tactics of the new Lord-mayor and grew more despondent by the day. For the first time in his young life, Lucius found that his father was no longer trying to control and punish his more liberal views on freedom. Seeing the world around him lapsing into tyranny, and with no opposition at home from his father, Lucius began to attend protests in the town square, free to fight for a more compassionate order in Kintargo

Character Sheet