Luccinio Bavaari Allisandri's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Nightfall.


I wanted to see if I could make a brain ooze swarm. However I'm still a little puzzled as to how to make a regular brain ooze (CR 7) into a swarm.

I figured the CR rating might be 10-12 but I could be wrong. I would really like some input. Thanks!


Would it be rule accurate to allow someone to try a Chirurgeon, Internal Alchemist, and Vivisectionist?


This recently came up in my Carrion Crown game. A Tielfling ninja/shadowdancer ended up going to toe to toe with a augnagar qlippoth.

Now the PC DID want to come back, but didn't realize the party druid was more interested in saving money than finding a cleric and doing Raise Dead/Resurrection. So along comes our friend (and cheaper alternative!) reincarnate! Druid rolls a 99, and now we have a troglodyte ninja/shadowdancer.

So now he's like "Dude!! I don't want to be a trog!" So I 'deviously' suggested he do a suicide, and thus try again.

Now however, I realize that there might be a problem since a goodly number of those suicides do go to Hell (or else the Abyss). But where does a NE former tielfling go?

James Jacobs! I'm looking at you sir!


I only ask because with 3 levels of aristocrat, he's not able to do dimensional steps. Unless I'm reading it wrong, I thought you needed to be an 8th level conjurer to use that ability.

Am I wrong?

Otherwise I'm okay with him being as is.


I've got a player that's doing that in my Carrion Crown game. So far it's not over powered (they're only 3rd level.) But I keep reading the archetypes and they don't seem to mesh.

Am I wrong that this isn't doable?


Okay now that I got a new player and my OLD player (the one that didn't care much for the fact I didn't allow an atheist cleric), some how convinced my new one that an atheist paladin works.

I can't find a precedent. I just want to know, what to do here. I'd like a little back up. I know I could be a dick. (Again.) But I just...dunno.


I know that while it's allowed rules wise for campaigns, I am curious if that's the case here in Golorian. I know as the DM I could just rule against it and be a tight ass. But the fact is I'd prefer some back up. Thank you.


I have read the additional resources. I've also read and own Inner Sea Magic. I'm kind of interested in doing a Thassilon wizard (enchanter/Lust) caster for my first PFS game. But I'm not sure I'd be allowed to take that archetype. I'd like some clarification on this issue.


Cause after reading Goblins of Golorian, I REALLY want to make a barbarian goblin NPC for my Carrion Crown game...if only to scare the crap out of my players.


I have a player in my upcoming Carrion Crown game that has Iomedae as her deity. Now also she's decided to take Sun and BOTH Sub-domains for Glory, Heroism and Honor. My question is this: Is this allowed, ruleswise. I want to say no as the DM but I also don't want to change stuff around JUST yet.

So could I have an official ruling please?


I see it's hybrid form, but not the stats for when it becomes a slug spawn.


I honestly think the flaming skeletons don't QUITE fit the whole "Dawn of the Dead" feel that the second half is supposed to have. That and Skeletal Champions... just doesn't feel right.

Now on the OTHER hand the Apocalypse zombies and maybe a few zombie lords MIGHT be a better fit.

Whadda think?


I mean yeah the paper ones are nice...but some of us WANT metal/plastic minis we can put in place WITHOUT worrying about wind factors. :P :)

Plus you know...I need more Hellknights. :P


yes! :) I'm getting five copies so people can play it. :)


I only ask because I'm in Second Darkness...

And we just went through the corrupted Elf Gate. My half elf (now drow) Oracle of Life is kind of a wimp/coward. He will heal people sure, and try to defend the weak. But mostly he's not that interested in starting bloodshed. So I had him run past the drow guards and the driders. The drow didn't take kindly to take and the DM pretty much had them attack me.

I just think I was acting appropriate not only for the encounter but for the fact drow aren't just dicks. They are also cowards at times.

Am I wrong?


I know this is a little...out there and WOULD require a little work. But how about you make it so that walls, doors and overall floor plan SHIFT around in Harrowstone? I mean it's so much reading like Rose Red or some other place...and it would be WELL within the Horror genre.

I just want some thoughts honestly.


I feel like I should sue Alderac for name infringement...


Does taking the replacement subdomain (like say Charm's Lust) automatically mean you don't get access to the OTHER aspects of that domain powers and/or spell list?

By that I mean do you only get those domain spells listed in Lust or do you also get ones in Charm as well? IE I can still get charm person for my 1st level domain spell or just confusion?


Not like there was that much of a surprise other than the order.


nice! All it needs


Think you need to find a better filter for picture taking there Sean...


Do you think it would be totally out of line to maybe add a few traps in the Laybrinth? I mean nothing killer (maybe) but just something to give the PCs more to work against along with the dire weasels and kenku?


FYI, I already emailed Customer service about this.

Firstly I love this book. It's the fact the layout has been screwed with somehow that annoys me. The fact that I'm missing pages and instead pages from the beginning are used instead. (IE pages 46 and 47 have pages 14 and 15 instead)


I want more Darklands!


We need to figure out if these Vault Builder guys are like the Asgard or something else...

Thank you.


I only ask because I had this discussion with a friend who didn't much care for 3.0/3.5/D&D alignments. I personally am of the mind to using an allegiance system, that way we can still say "I'm LG" without losing too many people.

Just a thought guys.