Soldier Moves (You start with Before we get started and one more)
Before we get started: When you have time to closely observe your opposition before a fight, roll + Savior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 and mark a condition. During
the fight, you can spend your hold to name a character you observed and...
• ...redirect their attack to another character or nowhere—into a wall or the sky.
• ...cross a distance between them and you.
• ...stun them, close up or from a distance.
• ...ignore all harm from one of their attacks.
• ...escape any bindings or impediments they attempt to place on you.
I can do this all day: When something causes you to remove yourself from a fight, you can shift Savior down (and another Label up) instead. If shifting Savior down would move it below -2, you have to leave the fight instead of shifting Labels.