
Lucas 'Gallant' Cindrus's page

23 posts. Organized Play character for Azil.

Full Name

Lucas 'Gallant' Cindrus




Soldier || Labels- Danger:-1 Freak:+1 Savior:+2 Superior:+1 Mundane:0 Soldier:+2





About Lucas 'Gallant' Cindrus


Alien Nanites that grant superhuman durability(mostly regenerative as well as skeletal enhancement) strength(double helix muscle fibers woven by the nanites). Enhanced senses (nanites provide improved reflexes, impulse control, and FoF response.)


Soldier Moves (You start with Before we get started and one more)

Before we get started: When you have time to closely observe your opposition before a fight, roll + Savior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 and mark a condition. During
the fight, you can spend your hold to name a character you observed and...
• ...redirect their attack to another character or nowhere—into a wall or the sky.
• ...cross a distance between them and you.
• ...stun them, close up or from a distance.
• ...ignore all harm from one of their attacks.
• ...escape any bindings or impediments they attempt to place on you.

I can do this all day: When something causes you to remove yourself from a fight, you can shift Savior down (and another Label up) instead. If shifting Savior down would move it below -2, you have to leave the fight instead of shifting Labels.