
Luca Tismaneanu's page

5 posts. Alias of Aipaca.

Full Name

Luc / Luca Tismanaenu / Teo Constin


| HP: 18/18 | Init +3, Per +5, Conc +4, SM +3 | AC/T/FF/CMD 17/16/14/15 | F+1 R+5 W+2 | Spell Points (6/6) | Inspiration (3/3) |

About Luca Tismaneanu

Luca Tismaneanu
Humanoid (Human)
CG Human Troubadour 2
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 15
Init +3; Perception +5; Concentration +4
Languages: Common + 3
AC: 17, Touch: 16, Flat 14 (3 Unarmoured + 3 Dex + 1 Shield)
HP 18/18 (16 class + 2 Con + 0 FCB)
Fort +1 (0 class + 1 Con), Ref +5 (3 class + 3 Dex), Will +2 (3 class + -1 Wis)
CMD: 15 (10 + 1 BAB + 1 Str + 3 Dex) [Luca +1]
Base Atk +1 [Luca +1]
CMB: +4 (1 BAB + 3 Dex) OR +2 (1 BAB + 1 Str) [Luca +1]
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Estoc +4 (2d4+1; +1 bleed; 18-20x2) [Luca +1 (+1)]
Ranged: Light Crossbow +4 (1d8, 19-20x2) [Luca +1 (+0)]
Spell Points: 6 (2 class + 2 Cha + 2 drawbacks)


+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).


Proficiencies: The troubadour is proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and bucklers. In addition, if this is this character’s first level in any class, they may select a martial tradition of their choice.

Casting: A troubadour may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. A troubadour is considered a Low-Caster, and uses Charisma as his casting ability modifier. (Note: all casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

Combat Training: A troubadour may combine combat spheres and talents to create powerful martial techniques. Troubadours are considered Proficient combatants.

Spell Pool: A troubadour gains a small reservoir of energy he can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to his class level + his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

Performer’s Synergy (Ex): A troubadour has played so many parts in his life that he can pull expertise from them at a moment’s notice to give himself insight and resilience of mind and heart. Whenever the troubadour is in his base persona, he gains a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increase by 1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
At 10th level, the troubadour’s ability to perform a variety of parts means he no longer needs to prepare a persona to access a trope’s benefit. As a move action, the troubadour can grant his base persona one trope of his choice, so long as he has at least one persona with that trope. He does not, however, gain any persona quirks. The troubadour retains this trope indefinitely, until he spends another move action to choose a different trope benefit to gain, which then replaces the first. Abilities with a limited number of uses (such as the lover or cunning servant trope powers) share their uses between the base persona and any other personas that possess them.
At 20th level, the troubadour can grant his base persona two trope benefits as a move action, rather than only one.

Personas (Ex): A troubadour is an expert actor, who not only can appear to become someone different, but with practice and dedication can begin to think and act like them as well. For all intents and purposes, when the troubadour adapts a persona, he becomes another person entirely. A troubadour can only adopt one persona at a time.
Along with his true self (his ‘base persona’, which may never be changed), the troubadour begins play with two additional personas of his own creation. These alternate personas can have the same characteristics as his base persona, but may also have a different name, a different appearance, a different alignment (but only within 1 step of the troubadour’s true alignment), and may even be of a different race (although the troubadour does not gain that race’s size, racial abilities, etc.). These changes can qualify the troubadour for feats and other abilities that would normally be outside his ability to gain, but for the purpose of all feats, talents, and abilities, the troubadour only gains the benefits while in a persona that meets all the prerequisites.
A troubadour gains an additional persona for every 5 troubadour levels he possesses, and gains these personas instantly when he gains the appropriate level, as it is assumed he has been working on these new personalities in his spare time during his adventures.
Although a persona may possess any number of traits, adopting a persona is not the same as appearing as that persona. If a persona possesses the same race and appearance as the troubadour, no disguise is required (however, any creature familiar with two or more personas with the same face will immediately recognize they are the same person). However, the troubadour may choose to mix a persona with a disguise, allowing the persona to appear as a completely different person. In this case, a Disguise check is required, but only when the troubadour encounters people familiar with two or more of his personas, when the troubadour suffers a penalty to his Disguise check (for example, when the troubadour is attempting to pass himself off as a different race, size, or gender) or in other situations where the troubadour is attempting to derive a specific benefit from his disguise or otherwise hide his true identity (for example, when using an orc persona to gain access to an orc stronghold).
t takes 10 minutes for a troubadour to prepare a persona, during which time the troubadour usually applies makeup and costume, recites lines, or performs other mental exercises to shift themselves into the character. This change is as much mental as physical, and while the troubadour can don a Disguise as part of this change, items that apply quick disguises (such as a hat of disguise) do not reduce this required time. A troubadour can change his prepared persona at any time, provided he can spend 10 minutes preparing the new persona. Once a persona has been prepared, the troubadour can switch between his base persona and his prepared persona as a free action, usable once per round. Switching to his base persona does not remove any disguise, but breaking character in any way (reverting to a base persona or switching to a different persona without changing appearance) immediately reveals the truth about the troubadour’s multiple personas (although with GM permission, some fast Disguise and Bluff checks might manage to hide the truth).
It is possible for a troubadour to permanently change one of his personas into a completely different persona, but doing so requires 5 days of work. This follows the rules for creating a magic item (8 hours of work per day, this work may be divided up over multiple days, and development may be done while traveling on foot or mounts, but doing so reduces the amount of time that may be dedicated per day in half (4 hours), and such work on the move is only half as effective (netting only 2 hours of development)).
While working to create a new persona, the troubadour must choose an old persona for it to replace, other than his base persona. This persona is removed from the troubadour’s list of personas at the time he begins work on the new persona. The troubadour may cease work on one persona to begin creating a different persona, but all work on the previous persona is lost when the change is made. If the troubadour is attempting to recreate a persona he used in the past (same name, same alignment, same abilities as far as were available at the level it was last used), development takes half the usual time.
Although a troubadour does not need to hide his true face to adopt a persona, if the people the troubadour is interacting with are not aware that the troubadour possesses other personas, he gains a number of special benefits.
So long as knowledge about his multiple personas is unknown, Knowledge checks about one of the troubadour’s personas do not reveal information about the other personas.
Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the troubadour only work if the troubadour is currently in the persona the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two personas are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or ability has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist.
Beyond these, there may be other benefits, as determined by the GM. For example, so long as two personas are not connected to the same individual, criminal activity and other actions taken by one persona do not affect the social standing of the other personas.
Note: If the troubadour possesses the dual identity class feature (such as from vigilante class levels), he may choose to make his vigilante identity a persona, gaining the benefits of the method acting class feature while in his vigilante identity. The troubadour uses the lesser time required when changing into a vigilante persona.

Method Acting: Every non-base persona a troubadour possesses possesses its own unique abilities, based upon what trope that persona falls into, and as the troubadour steps into those roles, he acquires those abilities. Each persona may possess only one trope. If the troubadour gains a skill rank, feat, or talent as part of his base persona that was also granted to him by a persona, he may immediately replace that skill rank, feat, or talent on the non-base persona.
Each trope grants a trope benefit at 1st level, as well as access to a list of persona quirks. Each persona gains one persona quirk of the troubadour’s choice at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter from those granted by its trope or tropes. Unless specified otherwise, a persona quirk cannot be granted to the same persona more than once.

Actor Training: A troubadour is a consummate professional, always accumulating bits of lore, stories, songs, and strange personalities for use in his work. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a troubadour gains an actor training, representing the different tricks and skills he has developed through his travels. Unless otherwise noted, a troubadour cannot take any actor training more than once.

Master of Disguise (Ex): A troubadour gains a +5 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks and Bluff checks made to appear as, as well as protect the identities of, his personas. This bonus increases by +1 per 4 troubadour levels.

Quick Change (Ex): At 2nd level, the troubadour may adopt or change a prepared persona much more quickly than normal, but doing so is very mentally taxing and cannot be done often. Once per day, the troubadour can change his prepared persona as a move action. This does not allow the troubadour to adopt a disguise to appear as that persona as part of that same move action. The troubadour can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level, and every 4 troubadour levels thereafter.

Actor Training:

2: Rapid Change (Ex): The troubadour only needs one minute to prepare a persona for use, including adopting a Disguise to appear as that persona.

Base Persona: Luc:

Base Persona Bonus: +1 morale bonus to saving throws

Persona: Luca Tismaneanu:

Trope: Hero
Trope Benefit: The hero gains a base attack bonus equal to the troubadour’s class level instead of using that listed on Table: Troubadour. He adds this value to any other base attack bonus gained from other classes or racial Hit Dice as normal. The hero may treat his troubadour levels as fighter levels when meeting the prerequisites for feats.
==1: Martial Prowess: Gain a combat feat or martial talent for which you meet the prerequisites. You may take this quirk multiple times. Each time it is taken, gain a new combat feat or martial talent.
===Martial Talent: Finesse Training II

Persona: Teo Constin:

Trope: Cunning Servant
Trope Benefit: The cunning servant gains an inspiration pool equal to his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 his troubadour level (minimum: 1). If he gains an inspiration pool from any other source, these levels stack when determining the size of his inspiration pool. The cunning servant can spend a point from his inspiration pool as a free action to add +1d4 to any skill check or ability check. He must choose to spend this point of inspiration after the check is rolled, but before the results are revealed. The cunning servant can only use inspiration once per roll. He can add this bonus to an attack roll or saving throw, but doing so costs 2 points of inspiration rather than 1. Using this ability to augment a saving throw is an immediate action rather than a free action. If you have multiple personas that possess the cunning servant trope, they share the same inspiration pool.
==1: Underworld Inspiration (Ex): You gain the underworld inspiration investigator talent, meaning you can use your inspiration on Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand checks without expending uses of inspiration, provided you’re trained in the skill.

Martial Talents:

Martial Tradition: Dedicated Duelist
==Equipment: Duelist Training, Finesse Fighting
==Variable: Dedicated duelists gain either the Duelist sphere or Fencing sphere (Duelist Sphere)
==Variable: Dedicated duelists gain either Gauntlet Shield or Unarmored Training from the Equipment sphere (Unarmoured Training)
1: (Luca Tismaneanu) Finesse Fighting II
2: Balanced Defence (Equipment Sphere)


Duelist Sphere:
Blooded Strike: Whenever you use the attack action or an attack of opportunity to attack or disarm a creature, you deal an additional 1 point of bleed damage to the target on a successful attempt, +1 for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess; this stacks with any other bleed damage you are capable of dealing. Practitioners of the Duelist sphere never provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting combat maneuvers against a target currently taking bleed damage.
Bleed: Some talents have the (bleed) descriptor; these talents are triggered when you deal bleed damage to a creature. You may only apply the effects of a single (bleed) talent to a given attack. A target that is immune to bleed damage is also immune to all other effects of talents with this descriptor.
Disarm: Some talents have the (disarm) descriptor; these talents trigger whenever you succeed at a disarm attempt against a creature. You may only apply the effects of a single (disarm) talent to a given disarm attempt. (Disarm) talents cannot be applied to maneuvers performed as a free action.

Equipment Sphere:
The Equipment sphere handles what equipment you are trained to use and how you use it. When you first gain the Equipment sphere, choose one Equipment talent of your choice and gain it for free.
Some talents are marked (discipline). These talents grant groups of weapons with shared thematic roots that may be very different mechanically but are generally presented as being complementary in some way. Whenever a talent or ability refers to a weapon discipline, it refers to all weapons included in any single discipline talent.
Balanced Defense: While wielding a light or one-handed weapon and nothing in any other hand you possess, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. For every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess, this bonus increases by +1. Attacking with an off-hand weapon, making more than one natural attack on your turn, or using abilities such as a monk’s flurry of blows or a magus’ spell combat suppresses this bonus until the start of your next turn.
Finesse Fighting: You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when calculating your melee attack rolls with light weapons and weapons with the finesse weapon special feature. You may take this talent a total of two times. If taken a second time, whenever you make an attack using your Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and your Strength bonus on melee damage rolls, you may also add 1/2 your base attack bonus (minimum 1) as a bonus on that damage roll. Associated Feat: Weapon Finesse.
Unarmored Training: Your deft movements, physical conditioning, and expert use of your chosen weapons allow you to create a protective barrier around yourself as effective as any true suit of armor. When unarmored and unencumbered, you gain a +3 armor bonus to your AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. Characters who gain Acrobatics as a class skill may instead choose to have the armor bonus increase by +1 for every 3 ranks in the Acrobatics skill they possess. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. You lose these bonuses when you are immobilized or helpless, when you wear any armor, or when you carry a medium or heavy load. These bonuses do not stack with the AC bonus class feature of the monk or similar abilities. This bonus depends on an intricate awareness of the practicioner’s body and balance, and as such is lost when the target is under any shapeshift other than blank form, or is polymorphed into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type.
Duelist Training (discipline): You gain proficiency with the bastard sword, butterfly knife, double chicken saber, dual blade, duelist sword, estoc, greatsword, longsword, pistol, rapier, shortsword and swordbreaker dagger.

Magical Talents:

Casting Tradition: Emotional Casting, Somatic Casting (2), Wild Magic (Variant)
1: Alteration Sphere (Lycanthropy), Mimicry, Illusion Sphere (Disappearance), Invisibility, Warp Sphere (Personal Warp), Extra Dimensional Storage

Casting Tradition:
= Emotional Casting: Your magic requires heightened emotional states of mind to use. When subject to a non-harmless magical effect that invokes an emotion (such as fear effects, spells with the (emotion) descriptor, or charms such as Fear or Hostility) you are unable to use magic.
= Somatic Casting II: You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
= Wild Magic (Variant): Using magic saps your lifeforce. Using any sphere ability deals you 1 point of nonlethal damage which cannot be healed through any means except rest. This increases to 2 points at 5th caster level, 3 points at 10th caster level, 4 points at 15th caster level, and 5 points at 20th caster level. Creatures immune to nonlethal damage cannot gain this drawback.

Alteration Sphere
You have the ability to change the physical makeup of creatures.
Shapeshift: As a standard action you may shapeshift yourself or a touched creature, changing their form for as long as you concentrate. If the target is unwilling, this costs a spell point, and they are allowed a Fortitude save to negate. You may spend a spell point to allow a shapeshift to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. You may dismiss your shapeshift as a free action. Shapeshift is a polymorph effect. A target may only be affected by one shapeshift at any one time. If a caster attempts to place a second shapeshift on a target, he must succeed at a magic skill check. If he succeeds, the second shapeshift is successfully placed on the target, dismissing and dispelling the first. When shapeshifting a target, the caster must choose a form and a series of traits for them. Forms constitute a creature’s basic physical makeup (humanoid, draconic, animalistic, avian, etc.) while traits are special characteristics or alterations (natural attacks, creature size, monster special abilities, etc.). A caster may grant up to 1 trait + 1 per 5 caster levels and cannot grant the same trait more than once unless the trait indicates it may be granted multiple times. With the exception of Blank Form (detailed below), placing a form on a creature causes that creature’s physical body to change into that of another creature. The target gains the listed number of limbs and loses all others. The target loses any extraordinary or supernatural abilities, natural attacks, and movement types dependent on their original form (darkvision, scent, wings, claws, etc.) and gains the listed benefits in their place. Alternate sources of physical traits (such as a dragon sorcerer’s ability to grow claws) still function. In addition, the target’s equipment melds into their new form, causing them to lose their armor and shield bonuses and the ability to pull any item from a backpack or belt. They also cannot activate magic items (although constant bonuses from magic items still remain). This cannot be used to assume the guise of a specific individual creature, but otherwise adds a +10 bonus to Disguise checks made to appear as a different race, gender, or species. The caster may cause the target to cosmetically appear as whatever type of creature he desires, although if the target is not granted the right physical attributes (for example, granting the right size category or number of legs), the disguise may fail completely. When a caster first gains the Alteration sphere, they may grant creatures the Blank Form and the traits listed below. Additional forms and traits may be gained by taking Alteration talents. Any trait may be granted to any form.
Blank Form: Unlike other forms, the Blank Form does not change the creature’s basic makeup. They do not gain the +10 bonus to Disguise checks, nor do they lose their abilities, equipment, natural attacks, or any other aspect of their unaltered form. The Blank Form allows a caster to add traits to a creature without fundamentally changing the target first. A caster may grant the following traits to a creature affected by their shapeshift. A target must possess the appropriate limb where listed, and cannot grant a natural attack to a limb that already possesses a natural attack.
= Traits:
== Darkvision 60 ft
== Low-light vision
== 2 claw attacks (Primary attacks, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.
== 1 bite attack (Primary attack, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.
== 1 gore attack (primary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires head). You may grant this trait multiple times.
== 2 slam attacks (primary, 1d4, 1d3 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.
== 2 pincers (secondary, 1d6, 1d4 small, requires arms). You may grant this trait multiple times.
== You change the target’s cosmetic appearance. This could include changing the target’s apparent age, making an elf into an orc, disguising a large dog as a small pony, changing a male into a female, or some other such alteration. This grants the target a +10 bonus to Disguise checks. This trait may only be applied to the Blank Form, as such changes are assumed with other forms.
Lycanthropic (Drawback): You can only target yourself with your shapeshift ability. You cannot gain the Mass Alteration nor Ranged Alteration talents.
Mimicry: You may study a creature you can see as a full-round action or spend a spell point to instead study it as a swift action. For the next hour or until you study another creature, you gain a single Alteration talent corresponding to the creature or one of the creature’s apparent features. A creature you have studied with this talent counts as being familiar for the purposes of the Perfect Imitation talent and the mimicry trait of the Vocal Transformation talent.

Illusion Sphere
You may craft images and impressions of things that aren’t there. Illusion sphere abilities have a range of Close and do not allow spell resistance unless placed on a creature with resistance (Such as with the Illusionary Disguise talent). Unwilling targets are allowed a Will save to resist an illusion or trick being placed upon them. An illusion may shed as much normal light as a torch and may cast a shadow.
Trick: As a standard action, you may create small, simple illusions called tricks, which persist for 1 minute per level or until dismissed.
Effects: You may create unconvincing illusions. This is the same as creating an illusion (see below) and can include all senses you can affect through Illusion talents, except it is obviously fake (i.e., it is translucent, unrealistic, etc.), requiring no one to make a save to disbelieve. However, the effects can still be used to create distractions, display images, draw a map, or be used for entertainment. This counts as possessing the required tools to make any appropriate Perform check (such as creating a melody with the Audible Illusion talent).
Alter: You may make minor changes to objects or creatures up to your Illusion maximum size, such as changing their color, making them appear clean or dirty, making writing appear, or other minor alterations. This counts as having a disguise kit when making Disguise checks (which take the usual time instead of a standard action), but such a disguise still counts as being magical for the purposes of detecting magic or for spells and effects that allow a target to see through magical effects and illusions.
Illusion: As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create a silent visual illusion within range for as long as you concentrate, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level. You cannot move further away from the illusion than your illusion range while maintaining it through concentration, and the illusion is limited in size according to Table: Illusion Maximum Size. The image may be anything you may clearly imagine, and behaves according to your desires. Simply perceiving an illusion isn’t enough to detect it as fake, but any target who interacts with the illusion or carefully studies the area is allowed a Will save to disbelieve the image, recognizing it for what it is. Anyone who finds obvious evidence of trickery (ex: throws a rock through an illusionary wall) automatically disbelieves the illusion. You may only create visual illusions although certain talents may be taken to add more senses. The more complex an illusion is, the more talents it requires to be convincing, with the chart below serving as a guideline and the GM serving as the final arbiter for what talents are required to create a specific illusion. If creating an illusionary creature, your illusion has an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier, and a touch armor class equal to 10 + its size modifier + 1/2 your caster level + your casting ability modifier. An illusionary creature may provide a flanking bonus against targets who fail to disbelieve it. Any creature who strikes an illusion in combat automatically disbelieves it.
Disappearance (Drawback): You cannot create illusions or tricks, except to make things disappear. You must select the Invisibility talent as your bonus talent for this drawback.
Invisibility: You may make things disappear. As a trick, you may add 1/2 your caster level to Sleight of Hand checks made to palm a small object or hide a light weapon You may also place an illusion on a creature or object that makes it harder to see. Rather than make a Will save to disbelieve, creatures must make Perception checks to detect the hidden creature or object. Objects have a flat Perception DC equal to 10 + their size bonus + your caster level, while creatures gain a bonus to their Stealth checks equal to your caster level. In addition, since they are invisible, creatures may make Stealth checks even while being observed and do not require cover to retain or initiate Stealth. Even when detected by another creature, an invisible creature gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against sighted targets and ignores their Dexterity bonus to AC. Attacks against the invisible creature have a 50% chance they will simply miss, even if the attack has targeted the correct square. Making a creature or object invisible also hides its magical aura from such effects as detect magic or the base Divination sphere divine ability.

Warp Sphere
You can twist space to your whim.
Teleport: You can spend a standard action to teleport yourself and up to a heavy load to any place within Close range. Alternately, you may teleport a touched willing creature and their carried equipment instead of yourself. You may spend a spell point to increase your teleport range to Medium instead of Close. You must have line of sight to your destination.
Bend Space: Talents marked (space) grant you ways of bending and folding space. Bending space requires a standard action, and you must be touching the target or location to be affected.
Personal Warp (Drawback): You may only target yourself with your teleport ability. You cannot gain the Unwilling Teleport or Group Teleport talents. You cannot gain this drawback if you possess the Bender drawback.
Extradimensional Storage (space): You gain a permanent extradimensional space that may hold up to 10 pounds per caster level of non-living material. You can create a portal to this extradimensional space within arm’s reach at will. Placing an object in this space or calling an object from this space requires a full-round action, but may be done as a swift action by spending a spell point. Living things and attended objects cannot be placed in your extradimensional storage. If you die, all contents of your extradimensional space appear in your square or the nearest unoccupied space.

Traits and Feats:

Trait 1: Practised Surge (Magic): Your intense study has granted you some measure of control over your wild magic events. Once per day, when you make a wild magic event roll, yu may choose to add or subtract 1d6 from the roll after the result of the roll has been revealed. You must choose whether to add or subtract before rolling the 1d6. You gain an additional use of this ability at 5 Hit Dice and every 5 Hit Dice thereafter.
Trait 2: Seeker (Social): You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Feat 1: Inspired Surge: When casting a sphere effect, you may increase the wild magic chance by 100% to add a single talent that you do not possess from one of the effect's base spheres to the effect. For every 5 wild magic feats you possess, increase the number of talents gained in this way by +1. You must still meet any prerequisites that the talents possess. When gaining multiple talents with this feat, you may use a talent gained this way as a prerequisite for any other gained talents.
Feat (Human): Extra Magical Talent: Gain an additional Magical Talent


Skills (12 class + 4 Int + 2 FCB + 2 human)
Acrobatics: +8 (2 ranks + 3 Dex + 3 class)
Bluff: +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Climb: +1 (1 Str)
Diplomacy: +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class)
Disable Device: +7 (1 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Disguise: +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Escape Artist: +3 (1 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Fly: +3 (3 Dex)
Heal: -1 (-1 Wis)
Intimidate: +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Knowledge (Arcane): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (Local): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (Nature): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (Religion): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Perception: +5 (2 rank + -1 Wis + 3 class + 1 trait)
Ride: +3 (3 Dex)
Sense Motive: +3 (1 rank + -1 Wis + 3 class)
Slight of Hand: +7 (1 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class) [Teo: +1d4]
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Stealth: +8 (2 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class)
Survival: -1 (-1 Wis)
Swim: +1 (1 Str)
Use Magic Device: +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class)

Background Skills (2/level)
Appraise: +2 (2 Int)
Craft (Any): +2 (2 Int)
Knowledge (Geography): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Knowledge (Nobility): +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Linguistics: +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 class)
Perform (Comedy): +6 (1 rank + 2 Cha + 3 class)
Profession (Any): -1 (-1 Wis)


Weapons: Estoc, Light Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (30)
Armour: Fancy Clothes, Common Clothes
Money: 500gp

Biography/Background/leinathan's Questions:

1. Luca has a rakish, devil-may-care look about him. He is young, good looking, and he knows it. With a stylish mop of brown hair and piercing blue eyes, he walks with a certain grace. His body is slim but in a lean, somewhat muscular way - although his strength wouldn't hold a candle to that of the dockyard bruisers or tavern bouncers around him. He makes sure to keep himself clean and presentable at all times, and wears clothes which aren't exactly subtle, but aren't ridiculously overstated. Of course, this appearance is only when he is himself. When he becomes Teo Costin, his swagger becomes a more measured, careful walk. He changes into plain leathers, and removes all hints of ostentaciousness. His eyes, instead of playful, become calculating. He almost appears a different person, and if you didn't know him well you would probably think he was. And then there are the times when he is calm and at rest. Not Luca Tismaneanu, rakish ex-noble, but simply Luc. Still well dressed, but relaxed, calm and confidently tough. Luca and Luc are clearly the same person, but the way they present themselves are very different. If you know Luc, then you are truly a friend of the man the world knows as Luca.
2. The Korvosan Guard would call on Teo Constin for help. Teo has helped them out a few times recently, using his canny insight to solve a couple of riddles and unwind some tangled threads for the Guard. The Guard Captain knows that Luca and Teo are the same person, but the rest of the guard aren't aware of this.
3. and 4. While Luc spent his childhood in Korvosa, this didn't last long. At the age of 10 he was put into the care of a guardian, Teodore Vasili (whom Luc named the persona of Teo after). Luc's father believed that his son and heir could best lead their family with the wealth of knowledge the world had to offer, and possibly help the city of Korvosa. Together the Luc and his guardian travelled the world, educating Luc in the ways of a wide variety of peoples and ways of life. They travelled to Absolom and learned of cosmopolitan politics. They travelled to Alkenstar and learned of the might of the firearm. They travelled to Cheliax to learn of the strength of rigid law - although this rubbed Luc quite the wrong way. He managed to remember all of the skills he had learnt by consolidating complementary skills into certain frames of mind. After some time, there frames of mind became their own personalities - still Luc, but also not Luc. He also learned how to use some magic, but never gain full control over it, and it still sometimes manifests in unpredictable ways - possibly as a result of cramming so much into that head of his. After many years of travel and study across the Inner Sea, Teodore was stricken down with a deadly illness, and died on the side of the road, Luc weaping by his side. Unable to save his friend and mentor, Luc returned to Korvosa, the face of Luca Tismaneanu, heir to the Tismaneanu family, firmly in place. Upon his return however, he learnt that his family had been dragged down, destroyed by politics and then a fire ripping through their mansion. All were killed, and the family fortune lost to the circling debtors. Broke, and broken-hearted, Luca learned that his family had been implicated in a massive fraud before the fire. Knowing that his father could never do such a thing, but unable to unearth any more of the conspiracy, Luca vowed to do the one thing he could - break the crime lords of the city, and raise up the poor and oppressed who were forced into such a life. Of course, having never been poor and oppressed, he didn't really know where to start, but he was sure it couldn't be that hard, right?
5. Luca spent most of his life living on the stipend sent to him by his family. Luckily the fund supplying this was kept seperately from the family fortune, and so enough coin to live still trickles into his hands. Additionally, as Teo he freelances for the Guard, making a bit of extra coin with which to drink and woo.
6. Luc is religious, and believes that all of the gods have their place, even if some of those places are somewhat distasteful, or even abhorrent. He does have his favourites however, and will often say a quick prayer to Cayden Cailean, Desna, Sheyln or Calistra depending on the situation.
7. Luca is optimistic that he can help the city of his birth, and wants to restore both it, and his family name.
8. Luca wants to help the poor, and will not harm innocents. He would struggle to stand aside when witnessing oppression. He would quickly take advantage of an opening, when the individual leaving it is deserving.
9. N/A
10. Luc is a dispossesed noble, used to living comfortably, if not richly, on his travels. The relative poverty he is now living in is quite foreign to him, but he doesn't yet see how much more fortunate he still is compared to those at the bottom of the social heap.