Luca Ccb's page

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Thank you so much for the answers...
the problem is that I will run the adventure for just one character and he has no more skill ranks to spend in religion; I think I need to create an npc to go with him; maybe the best would be a cleric, so he could also benefits from healing and understand the rune script in front of the fountain.

Please DO IT!
I would buy it in a second!!! :)

I have a maybe too stupid question,
but i'm a total noob and bought my
begginer box just a week ago.

I just asking myself if would it be possible in the first adventure
to read the runes magical inscription without knowledge Religions
(the adventure tells that it is required to understand it);
I have a magus player with knowledge arcana and the read magic spell but no knowledge religion, do you people think that he can understand it with a check or with the spell?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english!!!