
Loug the Goblin Outcast's page

1 post. Alias of Desriden.

Full Name

Loug Windmaker




Ranger 1/Druid 1








Chaotic Neutral


Venerates nature


Down here


Goblin, Common, Draconic


Number One Trash tosser!

Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 17
Charisma 11

About Loug the Goblin Outcast

oug is the military squad’s scrounger, sneak and unofficial mascot. He’s also inadvertently useful in some social situations thanks to his habit of speaking whatever random thought comes to mind.

Loug was once part of the Slugpopper tribe before he was exiled for treason – he helped a puppy. Loug tried to protest that anything that ugly couldn’t be a hated man-dog. Loug had never seen a wrinkled bulldog puppy before. The little runt had been left in the woods to die, but Loug tried to help nurse it back to health.

“Puppies turn into dogs!” the tribal elders said.

“No, Ugly would never betray me like that,” Loug said.

So it was decided that Loug would be beaten for his ignorance along with the puppy. Then he would have to watch while the tribe burned Ugly and Loug’s crude hut together.

When he heard little Ugly yelping inside the burning hut, he twisted free of his bonds and ran into the blaze. The village chief simply motioned the village guards to move forward to make sure both traitor and dog burned for the glory of Zarongel.

Inside, Loug scooped up the puppy and tried to calm the frightened, burned animal.

“It’s not so bad. Fire a mercy death. And we trapped together!”

Ugly whined in reply. Loug would later say he understood what the little puppy said perfectly – “Run!”

Loug grabbed a scrap of cloth and wrapped it around them both. Then he charged straight through the back wall of the crumbling hut, bursting out of the flaming debris. The other goblins shrank back from the flame, waiting to see Loug die from Zarongel’s holy blaze. Instead, he ran out of the village screaming with the hurt puppy.

Loug ran as long and as far as he could into the bog, losing his pursuers after a heavy rain began to fall. He ran deeper into the swamp, finally hiding in some brush once he was too tired to keep moving. It was then he realized just how badly Ugly was hurt.

Loug tried his best to treat the animal, but there was nothing he could do. Ugly died a few hours later, and it was too wet for the little goblin to even dig a grave. Instead, he weighted some stones around the body and sank Ugly deep in the mud so none of the scavengers could eat him.

The exhausted goblin then found what shelter he could and went to sleep. He didn’t wake up until late the next day when a group of druids found him. After threatening to cut them if they didn’t share their food, he told his story over a late lunch.

Over the next few months, Loug lived on the outskirts of the druid commune. He slowly learned the ways of the wild and eventually became an agent of nature himself – as chaotic as the weather.

The druids said his mastery of the Weather Domain was a reflection of his own temperamental nature and the fact he still was mourning the loss of Ugly. Over time, Loug grew more comfortable around more civilized races. He works with the military, scrounging through garbage to salvage parts and help in other ways a regular person cannot. He still doesn’t like horses, however, fearing they will step on him.

Once he spent enough time around others, he realized something was missing. Loug needed a last name. Many of the humans seemed to make up names that described what they were good at in some way. So Loug decided to give himself a name that reflects his abilities. He soon realized it must be quite a good name, because whenever he says it people show him all their teeth just like a goblin does when he’s happy.

They also seem to laugh at the same time, but that is just a coincidence. What could be funny about the name Loug Windmaker?