Lothar123's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Jeraa wrote:
Lothar123 wrote:
I'm running the carrion crown AP and we are the part in book 3 with multiple (8+) burning skeletons. I can't find an answer if the burning skeleton's fiery auras stack with each other or not. The wording in the power is a bit ambivalent to being stackable or not. I wanna know what's the general consensus since it makes a difference between 1d6 and 8d6. Thanks everyone.
It wouldn't be 8d6. It would be 1d6 8 times. That makes a difference with things like fire resistance.

Oh I'm glad you pointed that out otherwise I might not have thought about it until later.

Thanks for the replies everyone, it's greatly appreciated!

I'm running the carrion crown AP and we are the part in book 3 with multiple (8+) burning skeletons. I can't find an answer if the burning skeleton's fiery auras stack with each other or not. The wording in the power is a bit ambivalent to being stackable or not. I wanna know what's the general consensus since it makes a difference between 1d6 and 8d6. Thanks everyone.