Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian points to where the shadow figure is. I see someone standing there. That is who I was asking the question to. Does anyone else see them or am I losing my mind? ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() There is a lot of information here Lothalian nods in agreement. I think it would be best for other minds that as not as scrambled as ours to determine-and in a place not as chaotic as this. Rolling the notes and putting them in his somehow familiar backpack, Lothalian will stand by Granite as he opens the door. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Lothalian holds his hands up. I am so sorry I do not know what came over me. This place...this place messes with one's mind. When they find the note, Lothalian reads it over. This is medical research. It could be worth something to the right...and good...people. He continues to read. This is truly groundbreaking. It might be worth at least 500gp or more! There is another doctor mentioned. It sounds like he would really pay to get these notes back. Unless he is a good soul, he should not have them! Does anyone mind me keeping them? ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() All I know is that this is a very bad place. A very bad place indeed. Lothalian says as he readies himself to meet the next inhabitants. @GM: For clarification, when you said familiar things, did you mean weapons or just clothing? ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Lothalian picks up the bow and pulls back on the string and releases. a TWANG fills the air. The bow is somehow familiar to him and comforting. He quickly dresses. What do you think they did to us? he asks of mo one in particular. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() I don't remember much, but I don't think tracking is something I know how to do. He examines the slime trails. Yes, I do not know which of these are fresher. I guess we are just going to have to pick one and follow it. Lothalian says with a shrug. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() When Granite starts to take off his 'invisible clothes', Lothalian begins to wonder if they all really belong in an asylum. When Granite smiles, Lothalian realizes it was a joke, and returns the laugh. He holds out his hand. Well met. I'll tell you my name once I remember it. When Granite asks where he saw his clothes last, Lothalian starts to say, Why I had them..uh...I had them...uh...I don't remember when I had them last, but I am sure I had them. Some elves like to dance naked under the stars but I'm not one of them, or I don't think I am one of them. My brain is so scrambled. He says with a sigh. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() He was running from us..er...rather..my friend here. He thaought we would make a good dinner, but we showed we weren't going to be an easy meal. Say, you haven't see any spare clothes around have you? ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() [b]You hate this place. I hate it too. Do you know what this place is? We woke up here and it seems everything is trying to kill us![b] Lothalian asks hoping that the dwarf and human are allies. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Agreed! Lothalian nods. He does seem friendly enough at least he wasn't trying to eat the elf! It was then that Lotalian remembered the ancient elf playing a game he liked to call 'Which one was the lie?' with the young elf children in which he would make five statements about his life-he was a very old elf after all-And the children would guess, obviously, which one was the lie. The winner would get a sugary concoction. Lothalian would study the aged elf for any sign of the lie. He eventually got good at discovering what the gamblers would call a 'tell'. Why he remembered that now he had no idea! +1 to sense motive ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() What was that thing? Where are we? Who are you? Where are my clothes? The elf barrages Kolaiah with questions as he reaches out and touches Kolaiah too rattled to ask for permission. Healing magic flows through his fingertips. CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 And I hope you are friendly? The elf asks wondering if he just healed the next thing that will try to eat him. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Kolaiah wrote: It sucks, here we are, the two rogues, but we can't get flanking bonuses, or sneak attack, since neither of us threaten with our fists.. And it sucks that I suck at fisticuffs! :D Still not fully grasping what is going on, Lothalian again tries to punch the creature trying to eat him! Punch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian hopes he is still asleep for a nightmare would account for the terror of being submerged in a confined space. He starts to bang on the glass when the liquid drains and the glass retracts. It is then that he realizes he is naked and his trusty bow is nowhere to be found. He sees a creature in a similar situation and before he can ask the creature what happened, they are attacked by another creature. Seeing the attacking creature begin eyeing him malevolently, Lothalian will come to the aid of the creature that is bleeding profusely. He will try to flank with the bleeding creature and likewise punch the attacking creature. Punch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Hi all! I am the other of Granite's recruits. Like he mentioned I have never played a gestalt character before so this was my first time building one. I use PC Gen instead of Hero Lab and I don't think they have a gestalt build. Here is my rogue/cleric. When he is not looking for traps or scouting, he will be doing the archer/cleric thing. Please feel free to look him over and pick him apart. Besides him being my first gestalt character, I was not sure the creation rules for this particular campaign. Any and all feedback is welcome and will not be taken personally! Also let me know if you feel that he will not mesh with the campaign or current party and I will come up with a concept that will. ![]()
![]() Wendell wrote: Ho there 'Lian! Ah yes. Well when you're 3 feet tall and look like a child, that 'cute' factor does help a bit. I never take Ameiko's flirts seriously. She's good people though. How have you been friend? And what brings you to the 'port of riddles? What brings me here? Lothalian looks around the seedy place. Why the smiling, friendly people and opulent accommodations, of course! He smiles broadly as he nods a greeting at the Half-orc Wendell was speaking to. He reaches up to ruffle the feathers of the bird then pauses, he looks at the half-orc, Aster he thinks Wendell called her, and says, May I? ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian rushes to the door and casts Stabilize on the fallen retainer. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian was dreaming of a peaceful forest. It was a full-moon and the animals were out and about. He heard crickets chirping and lightning bugs dancing in the air-and drow? Lothalian was confused when the chirping of the crickets suddenly was replaced by the word 'Drow' over and over again. A sharp jolt to his leg caused the Elf to open his sleepy eyes. It was then that he noticed that it wasn't the crickets saying ‘Drow’, but a human man running around kicking people awake. The realization they were under attack woke the Elf up fast and he quickly grabbed his bow and prepared to join the fray. It would take too long to put his armor on, so he will leave it behind. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian goes over to one of the bows and gives a low whistle as he feels the tautness of the string and the finely carved wood. Thanks Milady! Lothalian says as he gives Lady Galekin a small nod to show his gratitude. @DM: I am assuming a MW Longbow? Lothalian listens to Harek and can understand why dwarves have the reputation as formidable foes. I do not have that spell today, but I can have it tomorrow The Elf adds. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() I am sure they have families that miss them and they would be safer in Rybalka than here. He looks at the Galekins. No offense he'll say to them before continuing. It sounds like there are others that need our aid. The Elf says not looking forward to spending time in the darklands. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian, seeing Ordrud attempt a diplomatic solution, will also try to persuade them. My friend is correct. There are those pursuing us that will foul your waters more. We have slain many of them to free these innocent people, yet they continue to pursue us. We are making all haste to leave your waters and we ask that you indulge us. Won't you please, Friends? Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian looks around and sees that it would be a perfect time for an ambush while they are crossing. Not wanting to alarm the townsfolk, he instead says, I'll be one of the last ones over. He then nooks an arrow and scans the forest. Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() I too can take first watch since I pray to the Dawnflower in the morning. Can we surround the camp with torches? That way it would negate the drow's night time advantage. It is not like they know where we are. The Elf offers as he takes inventory of his arrow quiver. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian goes over to the bleeding man and casts Stabilize. You want to take him with us and question him later? He asks Ordrud. ![]()
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() Lothalian utters an elven curse under his breath as the man shouts the alarm. He then fires another arrow at the man. Attack into melee: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 8 - 4 = 13
Male Elf Cleric/Rogue Gestalt 2 (Sarenrae) (HP 18/18 AC:15 T:13 F:12 Saves F:+3 R:+0 W:+3 CMB:+2 CMD:14 Init:+3 Perc: +5 Heal: +8)
![]() What the? Lothalian can't believe what he is seeing. If he knew there was a way.. With the realization, Lothalian wastes no time. Ordrud, Sirasa! The loudmouth is trying to get away! Lothalian will launch an arrow at the man. Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
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