Korvosa Guard

Lost Messiah's page

5 posts. Alias of Mark Rennick.

Our gaming group has been utilizing the rules as they have been released, but recently decided to try the full package as it is presented in the Beta and the campaign setting. As much as we can argue the various virtues/failings of the rules, there is no better test of a game system than seeing how it runs...

My intent is to post a variety of commentaries as we go through the rules. We have begun the character development stage, and within a day or two I should have some preliminary reports from that portion of the test. I think that testing the whole system requires a new start, but definately requires a group to play the game for a few sessions at least...

Also, if anyone has any campaign ideas for Ustalav this would be a good time to help a DM out!!! Please and thank-you

I keep getting the screen of death when I try to access the My Downloads page. I don't have my hard copy yet, so I want to look at the pdf...cry...

Just wondering if there's been any thought given to character traits/faults system for PFRPG?

One of the D&D systems I most enjoyed was the Skills and Powers version of 2nd Ed. (Yeah I know, that was way back...) I still wish we had something similar to that in the present. I know that regional traits have been added to some of the pathfinder products, but I liked the aspect of each character having its upside and downside.