About Lorenna The_Winter_Rose--------------GM PC SHEET------------ Sex: Female
AC 42 = Base=10 +2=Armor +0=Shield* +8=Dex +1=Dodge +3=NA +4=Deflation (ring) [+14=Monk <10wis/+4> 0Size]
HP 160/160 (12d8+52+12FC Monk) Items*
+2 bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. (class)
Celestial Resistance: acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5 (race) Immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases and poisons of all kinds(class) Suffocation, Gasses*. --------------------
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. --------------------
Base Atk 9/4
2:Fate's Favored: The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Class: Bonus
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Item Traits
Concentration Check +20 10+10wis] Luck Stone +2 All Skills rolls (Item)*
Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan. --------------------
Advanced Creature (CR +1)
Rebuild Rules: AC increase natural armor by +2; Ability Scores +4 to all ability scores (except Int scores of 2 or less). From feats
Class Skills
Weapon Proficiency Monks are proficient with the brass knuckles, cestus, club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear and temple sword.
At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This condition replaces stunning the target for 1 round, and a successful saving throw still negates the effect. At 4th level, he can choose to make the target fatigued.
The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. These effects do not stack with themselves (a creature sickened by Stunning Fist cannot become nauseated if hit by Stunning Fist again), but additional hits do increase the duration. Evasion (Ex)
At 4th level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following: Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. Slow Fall (Ex)
Starting Coin 140,000
Belt:[18,000gp] [Crafted]
Body [6,500gp][Crafted]
feet [2,750gp][Crafted]
Head[10,600gp] [Custom]
Headband: [18,000gp][Crafted]
Neck: [32,000gp] [Crafted]
Ring R: [16,000gp] [Crafted]
Ring L: [8,750gp] [Crafted]
Shoulders: [12,500gp][Crafted]
Wrist: [2,150gp][Crafted]
Slotless Small belt Pouch [10,800gp] 5lb
Handy Haversack [1000gp] [Crafted][Custom]
Carrying Capacity Light: lbs. Medium: lbs. Heavy: lbs. Start 140,000 gp Spent 139,600gp [left 400gp]
Total Weight: lbs.
Winter Gem:
Small Blue Gem close to the crown of her head.
THIS ITEM SEEMS LIKE AND Intelligent Item Gem Sapphire [500gp] [ego+0] Stats 600gp [Ego+0]
Empathy (Su): 0gp [Ego+0]
Telepathy (Su): 1000gp [Ego+1]
Senses: DV 60' 1000gp [ego+0]
Read Languages (Ex): 1000gp [ego+1]
Cast a 0-level spell at will 4000gp [ego+3]
Cast 1st-level spell 3/day 3,600gp [Ego+3]
Intelligent Item Purpose [Ego+2]
Intelligent Item Personality Quirks
In Form
In action
Leadership and Cohort/Followers + Carfting:
Lorennas adopted Daughter Elisabeth Winter Rose
28 workers work at the crafting show.
This is noted in costs of items. Background:
"He was of Elysium he stayed a while, once you were born, he
After this she would touch the Gem and it would whisper to her.
Her home then was A long house where those harmed by the bitter cold, explorers, adventures and traders could fine a warm bed and healing to mend their hurts. It was here that she one day meet a group war dogs, they were young brave and looking for old action. They told her tails of the big world outside, it was then that also gave the young child her name Lorenna "The Winter Rosa". For her silver skin and blue lips. Soon everyone was calling her by this name, and the stone in her for head the "WinterGem" Years passed. Loss and the Start of all things
Life as a Dog of war. He was dying he knew that, he could feel is life bleeding out from the wound in his back. The undead horde can come so fast, he looked over at his captain, half of his head was missing and the mess that was left was no longer recognizable. A tears started to from in his eyes, he turned his head away from his leader and his last thoughts turned to his 3 year old daughter, he tried to hold her image in his mind, I shall end seeing her, he though. Then the ground shuddered as another Arbalester round slammed down cold hard earth, he could hear that there was still some fighting around the camp. He forgot what was around home, his daughter he could remember the smell of her hiar and his wife Anna, he would be in the bone yard soon and he was so sad, so very sad. He got ready to take is last breath and he wished so much to see his child and wife again, as held his last breath and looked up into the snow clouds, something move across the them, All around fighting but something was coming for him flying down from above a start, a star just for him such was its light. An angle on starlight winds, her wings , wings that covered him and blacked out the pain, as he looked into her eyes she said "Every things going to be all right" the angel placed her hands tapping him with a wand. Then he tuck another breath. "you were so close but now you will be fine, rest here, others fight this day and you have done your duty, fear not you will see yours again" The angel stood up then and looked around, the undead now came for her, she looked down at him "you should cover your eyes this is going to get messy" as he did then there was sounds of bone and body's barking that cold and most memorable day. He spotted her again, two days later, she was at the commanders tent flap, and around him others she had saved. She was talking to others of the war Dogs, they had been hired to Turn the fight, and that they did. It was they had some to their aid when no others would. They say The Winter Rose comes not to the highborn but to the lowest 1st, to the poorest and weakest the ones with no hope. He knows that's true every time he holds his child. Kings died that day but not he, blessed be the Winter Rose. Child in the Snow She had made a mistake, now she was running for her life, she was six, or seven she did not really know, and she hated the fact her legs where so small. Bigger kids can run faster, they can climb walls. She was too weak to slow and now drunks would cache her. She just called herself Liz. It was the name the old lady had given her when she had found the Tiafling baby, thorn out, left to die in the cold. Horns, tail, wrapped in a rag. Old Meg was kind; she had taken the child in, feed it and looked after it. Meg was mother old meg was her world. But then the cold winter, now heat in the Shack and meg had grown still and cold, trying to keep the child warm. She has sat with her for 3 days and nights until hunger had driven her out into the streets, there to beg and steal. Beatings, cold and hunger became her world.
"What!!" "ITS DRINKING HIS BLOOD" "ITS A DEVIL, "GET STICKS, COME ON LETS GET IT!" She had run, but her legs where to short, she had gone down a side street and there was noway out. They came after and the rain of blows started. Pain and pain and crying, so much pain and cold, they had done, she lay there, her blood around in the snow,
The cold was such her tears slowed as they ran down her blood stained face. There she lay, waiting to die, feeling warm as the cold too her life away. Then from above, a light, filling the dull evening snow glow on the cold city ally. Was this what Meg had felt when the cold took her.
A smile like a star looked at her, to hands came down and with great care picked her off the snow. Hand fall of real warmth, her pain faded away, she felt bones move and strength come back into her small body. She smiled at the woman, the woman spoke. "Hello, I'm Lorenna, what’s you name." She could not talk, but then in a small voice she said.
The Woman looked sad. It was then that Liz knew she would have to say what she had not said even to herself. "Meg went to Heaven, she went cold and ..." The Crying started, the woman held her close as she did, The Gem looked into the child's mind. ::Let me tell you of this child’s life and you decide Lorenna,:: it did this a lot now Lorenna was older. It told her the child’s life, after the crying has eased Lorenna said. "I Knew old Meg, she was kind and you know what, she asked me to come get you, before she went to Heaven. She wanted me to come and look after you and I promised her I would. I am so sorry i'm late; the snow heavy you see, and it took a lot long to find the town. So now I am here, I need to ask you something, would you like to come home with me, I live a long way from her, at the city in the centre of the world, I have a big house and in it is a room just for you. How do’s that sound." All she could do was nod her head, this woman had shown her care and she trusted her, why she did not know but she did. "Good, now hold tight they may tingle." The woman pulled out a roll of something and read it. Then next moment they were in sunshine a whole world away. Retirement "A 'good Monk' they say the best thing to take on a mission, this has a double meaning, when your blood is pumping out onto the cold stone deep underground. You have to ask would you want a monk who knows Angels or one that knows Demons." This was Torig the Brave, who had known her for year’s., The bar was packed and more where coming they had been drinking and eating most of the day, old faces, new ones, everyone and anyone who knew her as there. Friends, she had adventured with over the years. "You know Torig when I pulled that bad tooth of yours out; remember in the Iron weed hills, you called me all manner of Demon." The group broke out with laughter at that, Ron the halfling, who joked they had never made a lock he could not get past. Shot back
More laughter, then Lord Greenwold, an elf who was always bed hopping.once her lover long ago and now a trusted confidant. Sat with he's latest lover, a male human knight who was flaring with the barman. Now spoke up. ”And I had to try and open his mouth; in the end Loren had to smack him over the head three times to knock Torig and get that blasted tooth out. She was just about…” Then Zorg-Leen the mage who had come with some kind of woman he had made of Glass and by now as very drunk stole the punch line. He had been spending the day telling everyone of the time she had been turned into a Chicken by a trap. But now he cried out ”It was then the Dragon ATTACKED!!”
”Then Lorenna had to in the middle of one of the MOST epic fights very, take out my tooth and wake me back up to deal with an angry red dragon. Arr Lorenna, I am going to miss ye” He hugged her missing her wings thank the gods, the half orc could crush rocks with his hugs. He held her and asked what every one wanted to know. "So Lore, after doing this madness for years, you’re really retiring from the dogs? What the hell for, your respected, well known, you can pick you crew for a mission, why now, you’re on the top of your game, why walk away.?" She reached over and upped her empty wine glass and indicated she wanted anther, while holding him with the other arm. She noted others had stopped what they were doing and where looking at them both. "That's why, I am retiring you dumb half orc, I'm at the top, not much more for me to do but get a desk and send poor sots like you out to get chopped up. Look, see my wings, no use behind a desk and you just can't get a seat that lets you fold them up the way I like. So it’s a simple as that. That and the fact I have a child to look after as well." "The Tifling child you found?" Torig asked "Yes Elisabeth, I have legally adopted her and she is now, Elisabeth Winter Rose. I made a promises to protect her and look after her. She has lost one protector I'm not be another, I know how loss feels trust me." "Like the time you lost that Orb of Dragon kind Loren"
"You know what I mean Tinna, and I did not lose that ORB!, that blasted half Demon Zon stole it back!" More laughter, She let Torig go and turned to the collected throng, she tapped her now full class, all most fell silent. "Fiends, collages and rascals, yes I am talking about you Jarick, and get your hand out of Ologs Money Pouch" She did not need to see to know what he was up to. "There comes a time when the fun must stop, the adventuring comes to an end. I have died more times than I care to count, come back to be burned, frozen, blasted, swindled, shot, stabbed, blown up. All this on a good! War Dog day.“ Laughter again. ”You all know our lives as Digs is hard. The coin we make large the risks we take larger still. I have enjoyed every moment. But I am retiring, I will be taking a Diplomatic post here in the city, Spending most of my work time commuting between here and the higher plans. Also Elisabeth my daughter will be starting Collage here.. So this is my last drunken night as a real war dog, the bar bill is on Jarick and he has most of your money by now. Laughter again. ”Thank you all so much for coming and the presents, I’m going to come ground now and see you all. It has been a joy and an honour to work with you.” She pushed her drink up. ”To the Dogs, may Glory an Coin find you all” There was cheering an drinking. ::”Was that hard to do?:: ”You have no idea how hard and no peeking in my mind to find out, all I want to say is, this new job of yours better not be risky!” ::”Not at all, you’re just going to be an envoy that’s all”:: She did not believe it for a moment, She now knew what lived in the Gem and why, but it had been with her for so long she had kept it even she had had the change to drive it out. She had bound it now, it was hers and it seemed not to mind do much. O yes it still talked of her joining the ranks of the Demi Angels, but she had seen so much, 150 years a war dog on and off and you stop taking anything at face value. Redemption He came to her one night while the house slept. She opened her eyes and there he was at the foot of her bed. "Get dress Lore we need to talk" It was unlike him to be so start forward; She did as told then went outside. Not that it mattered in a dream but they did the forms. He was looking up at the stars. "I need you to do something for us, for the host Celestial and it’s not going to be easy." She was now concerned, was this about Elisabeth? Her mind raced, was she in trouble?. "Its not Elisabeth she is fine, and I am told studying hard. nope this one odd, I one off and we need you out of retirement. You don't mind do you" That made her feel better, but now she had to deal with the blasted riddles and half-truths, O well something never change. but who what why? He patted a seat; she went over and sat, next to him she said. "You know I have had you in my head all my life, for one you could be strait with me" He smiled,