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Among the most miraculous of magic items are those that possess an intelligence of their own, those wondrous treasures that step beyond the realm of mere tools to true allies. Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and feel the same way characters do and warrant being treated like NPCs. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes. Only permanent magic items (as opposed to single-use items or those with charges) can be intelligent. (This means that potions, scrolls, and wands, among other items, are never intelligent.) In general, less than 1% of magic items have intelligence.
Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores and should be treated as constructs. They often have the ability to illuminate their surroundings at will (as magic weapons do), and many cannot see otherwise.
Unlike most magic items, intelligent items can activate their own powers without waiting for a command word from their owner. Intelligent items act during their owner's turn in the initiative order.
All intelligent magic items possess similar properties. All must have an alignment, mental ability scores, languages, senses, and at least one other special ability. These statistics and abilities can be improved during creation, increasing the item's overall cost. Many of these abilities add to an item's Ego score. Intelligent items with high Ego scores are difficult to control and can sometimes take control of their owners, making them dangerous to possess.
An intelligent magic item has a base price increase of 500 gp. When determining the total value of an intelligent item, add this value to the sum of all its additional abilities's prices before adding them to the magic item's base price.
Any item with intelligence has an alignment. Note that intelligent weapons already have alignments, either stated or by implication. If you're generating a random intelligent weapon, that weapon's alignment must fit with any alignment-oriented special abilities it has.
Any character whose alignment does not correspond to that of the item (except as noted by the asterisks on the table below) gains one negative level if he so much as picks up the item. Although this negative level never results in actual level loss, it remains as long as the item is in hand and cannot be overcome in any way (including by restoration spells). this negative level is cumulative with any other penalties the item might place on inappropriate wielders. items with ego scores of 20 to 29 bestow two negative levels. items with ego scores of 30 or higher bestow three negative levels.
d% | Alignment of Item |
01–10 | Chaotic good |
11–20 | Chaotic neutral* |
21–35 | Chaotic evil |
36–45 | Neutral evil* |
46–55 | Lawful evil |
56–70 | Lawful good |
71–80 | Lawful neutral* |
81–90 | Neutral good* |
91–100 | Neutral |
* The item can also be used by any character whose alignment corresponds to the non-neutral portion of the item's alignment. |
Intelligent magic items possess all three mental ability scores: Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each one of these ability scores begins at a value of 10, but can be increased to as high as 20. The table below shows the cost to increase one of the item's ability scores. This cost must be paid for each ability score raised above 10. For example, an intelligent magic item with a Intelligence 15, Wisdom 12, and Charisma 10 would cost at least 2,400 gp more than the base item (including the 500 gp for being an intelligent item).
Score | Base Price Modifier | Ego Modifier |
10 | — | — |
11 | +200 gp | — |
12 | +500 gp | +1 |
13 | +700 gp | +1 |
14 | +1,000 gp | +2 |
15 | +1,400 gp | +2 |
16 | +2,000 gp | +3 |
17 | +2,800 gp | +3 |
18 | +4,000 gp | +4 |
19 | +5,200 gp | +4 |
20 | +8,000 gp | +5 |
Like a character, an intelligent item understands Common plus one additional language per point of Intelligence bonus. Choose appropriate languages, taking into account the item's origin and purposes. If the item does not possess speech, it can still read and understand the languages it knows.
Every intelligent magic item begins with the ability to see and hear within 30 feet, as well as the ability to communicate emphatically with its owner. Empathy only allows the item to encourage or discourage certain actions through urges and emotions. Additional forms of communication and better senses increase the item's cost and Ego score.
Empathy (Su): Empathy allows the item to encourage or discourage certain actions by communicating emotions and urges. It does not allow for verbal communication.
Speech (Su): An intelligent item with this ability can speak out loud using any of the languages it knows.
Telepathy (Su): Telepathy allows an intelligent item to hold private mental conversations with its wielder, regardless of their known languages. The wielder must be touching the item to communicate in this way.
Senses: Senses allow an intelligent magic item to see and hear out to the listed distance. Adding darkvision or blindsense grants the use of those senses at the same range.
Read Languages (Ex): The item can read script in any language, regardless of its known languages.
Read Magic (Sp): An intelligent magic item with this ability can read magical writings and scrolls as if through read magic. This ability does not allow the magic item to activate scrolls or other items. An intelligent magic item can suppress and resume this ability as a free action.
Ability | Base Price Modifier | Ego Modifier |
Empathy | — | — |
Speech | +500 gp | — |
Telepathy | +1,000 gp | +1 |
Senses (30 ft.) | — | — |
Senses (60 ft.) | +500 gp | — |
Senses (120 ft.) | +1,000 gp | — |
Darkvision | +500 gp | — |
Blindsense | +5,000 gp | +1 |
Read languages | +1,000 gp | +1 |
Read magic | +2,000 gp | +1 |
Each intelligent item should possess at least one power, although some might possess a host of powers. To find the item's specific powers, roll on or choose from the table below. All powers function at the direction of the item, though intelligent items generally follow the wishes of their owner. Activating a power or concentrating on an active one is a standard action for the item. The caster level for these effects is equal to the item's caster level. Save DCs are based on the item's highest mental ability score.
d% | Item Power | Base Price Modifer | Ego Modifier |
01–10 | Item can cast a 0-level spell at will | +1,000 gp | +1 |
11–20 | Item can cast a 1st-level spell 3/day | +1,200 gp | +1 |
21–25 | Item can use magic aura on itself at will | +2,000 gp | +1 |
26–35 | Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 1/day | +2,400 gp | +1 |
36–45 | Item has 5 ranks in one skill* | +2,500 gp | +1 |
46–50 | Item can sprout limbs and move with a speed of 10 feet | +5,000 gp | +1 |
51–55 | Item can cast a 3rd-level spell 1/day | +6,000 gp | +1 |
56–60 | Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 3/day | +7,200 gp | +1 |
61–70 | Item has 10 ranks in one skill* | +10,000 gp | +2 |
71–75 | Item can change shape into one other form of the same size | +10,000 gp | +2 |
76–80 | Item can fly, as the spell, at a speed of 30 feet | +10,000 gp | +2 |
81–85 | Item can cast a 4th-level spell 1/day | +11,200 gp | +2 |
86–90 | Item can teleport itself 1/day | +15,000 gp | +2 |
91–95 | Item can cast a 3rd-level spell 3/day | +18,000 gp | +2 |
96–100 | Item can cast a 4th-level spell 3/day | +33,600 gp | +2 |
* Intelligent items can only possess Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills, unless they also possess some form of ability to move. |
Some intelligent items have special purposes that guide their actions. Intelligent magic items with a special purpose gain a +2 Ego bonus. An item's purpose must suit the type and alignment of the item. A magic item with a purpose should be treated as an individual with a goal, not a fanatical parody. For example, a purpose of "defeat/slay arcane spellcasters" doesn't mean that an intelligent sword forces the wielder to kill every wizard she sees. Nor does it mean that the sword believes it is possible to kill every wizard, sorcerer, and bard in the world. It does mean that the item hates arcane spellcasters and wants to bring an end to the rule of a sorcerer-queen in a nearby land. Likewise, a purpose of "defend elves" doesn't mean that if the wielder is an elf, he only wants to help the wielder. It means that the item wants to be used in furthering the cause of elves, stamping out their enemies and aiding their leaders. A purpose of "defeat/slay all" isn't just a matter of self-preservation. It means that the item won't rest (or let its wielder rest) until it places itself above all others.
The table below has a number of sample purposes that a magic item might possess. If the wielder specifically ignores or goes against an intelligent item's special purpose, the item gains a +4 bonus to its Ego until the wielder cooperates. This is in addition to the +2 Ego bonus gained by items with a special purpose.
d% | Purpose | Ego Modifier |
01–20 | Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment* | +2 |
21–30 | Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities) | +2 |
31–40 | Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) | +2 |
41–50 | Defeat/slay nonspellcasters | +2 |
51–55 | Defeat/slay a particular creature type (see the bane special ability for choices) | +2 |
56–60 | Defeat/slay a particular race or kind of creature | +2 |
61–70 | Defend a particular race or kind of creature | +2 |
71–80 | Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity | +2 |
81–90 | Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity | +2 |
91–95 | Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) | +2 |
96–100 | Choose one | +2 |
* The purpose of the neutral (N) version of this item is to preserve the balance by defeating/slaying powerful beings of the extreme alignments (LG, LE, CG, CE). |
A dedicated power operates only when an intelligent item is in pursuit of its special purpose. This determination is always made by the item. Unlike its other powers, an intelligent item can refuse to use its dedicated powers even if the owner is dominant (see Items Against Characters). The caster level for these effects is equal to the item's caster level. Save DCs are based on the item's highest mental ability score.
d% | Dedicated Power | Base Price Modifier | Ego Modifier |
01–20 | Item can detect any special purpose foes within 60 feet | +10,000 gp | +1 |
21–35 | Item can use a 4th-level spell at will | +56,000 gp | +2 |
36–50 | Wielder gets +2 luck bonus on attacks, saves, and checks | +80,000 gp | +2 |
51–65 | Item can use a 5th-level spell at will | +90,000 gp | +2 |
66–80 | Item can use a 6th-level spell at will | +132,000 gp | +2 |
81–95 | Item can use a 7th-level spell at will | +182,000 gp | +2 |
96–100 | Item can use true resurrection on wielder, once per month | +200,000 gp | +2 |
Ego is a measure of the total power and force of personality that an item possesses. An item's Ego score is the sum of all of its Ego modifiers plus an additional bonus for the cost of the base magic item (excluding the cost of all of the intelligent item enhancements). An item's Ego score helps determine whether the item or the character is dominant in their relationship, as detailed below.
Base Magic Item Value | Ego Modifier |
Up to 1,000 gp | — |
1,001 gp to 5,000 gp | +1 |
5,001 gp to 10,000 gp | +2 |
10,001 gp to 20,000 gp | +3 |
20,001 gp to 50,000 gp | +4 |
50,001 gp to 100,000 gp | +6 |
100,001 gp to 200,000 gp | +8 |
200,001 gp and higher | +12 |
When an item has an Ego of its own, it has a will of its own. The item is absolutely true to its alignment. If the character who possesses the item is not true to that alignment's goals or the item's special purpose, a personality conflict results—item against character. Similarly, any item with an Ego score of 20 or higher always considers itself superior to any character, and a personality conflict results if the possessor does not always agree with the item.
When a personality conflict occurs, the possessor must make a Will saving throw (DC = the item's Ego). If the possessor succeeds, she is dominant. If she fails, the item is dominant. Dominance lasts for 1 day or until a critical situation occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat to either the item or the character, and so on, as determined by the GM). Should an item gain dominance, it resists the character's desires and demands concessions such as any of the following:
In extreme circumstances, the item can resort to even harsher measures, such as the following:
Naturally, such actions are unlikely when harmony reigns between the character's and item's alignments or when their purposes and personalities are well matched. Even so, an item might wish to have a lesser character possess it in order to easily establish and maintain dominance over him, or a higher-level possessor so as to better accomplish its goals.
All magic items with personalities desire to play an important role in whatever activity is under way, particularly combat. Such items are natural rivals, even with others of the same alignment. No intelligent item wants to share its wielder with other intelligent magic items. An intelligent item is aware of the presence of any other intelligent item within 60 feet, and such an intelligent item usually tries its best to mislead or distract its host so that she ignores or destroys the rival. Of course, alignment might change this sort of behavior.
Items with personalities are never totally controlled or silenced by the characters that possess them, even though they might never successfully control their possessors. They might be powerless to force their demands, but most remain undaunted and continue to air their wishes and preferences.
Many intelligent items have personalities as quirky and robust as any other NPC. Roll on the following table to determine one or more personality quirks for intelligent items.
d% | Personality Trait |
01 | Always agrees with people, but changes its mind quickly |
02 | Is very noisy about treasure |
03 | Act mysteriously and answers questions poetically |
04 | Doesn't like new people |
05 | Makes token bets about minor things |
06 | Refers to itself in the third person |
07 | Bargains for the use of some of its powers |
08 | Constantly asks how things taste and smell |
09 | Yells when it is excited |
10 | Know-it-all |
11 | Is polite but obviously insincere |
12 | Constantly apologizes as a verbal tic |
13 | Makes a lot of threats it cannot back up |
14 | Very mellow; advises people to take a philosophical approach to both success and failure |
15 | Says as little as possible |
16 | Snickers or laughs at the misfortunes of others |
17 | Calls people by the wrong name, though often consistently |
18 | Prays a lot |
19 | Is quick to praise people even for little things |
20 | Often appears surprised and slightly offended when spoken to |
21 | Does not like to make decisions |
22 | Has a list of numbered rules or maxims covering different situations and quotes them when appropriate |
23 | Tells people the "real" reason they are doing things |
24 | Asks for advice or opinions about very unlikely situations |
25 | Speaks with great formality; never uses contractions and employs bigger words than necessary |
26 | Easily distracted by minor events in the area |
27 | Usually needs someone to explain a joke or metaphor |
28 | Has a particular core belief, potentially a rather odd one, and steadfastly looks at everything through the lens of that opinion |
29 | Likes to count things and has fun with numbers |
30 | Always tries to find compromise |
31 | Is always talking to itself |
32 | Very bad liar |
33 | Asks rude questions without realizing they cause offense |
34 | Grumbles and complains about its form and plight |
35 | Very sensitive about criticism or conflict |
36 | Absent-minded |
37 | Blames a particular type of creature for its troubles |
38 | Intellectual bully |
39 | Makes allusions to events from history or mythology without bothering to explain them |
40 | Hates a particular terrain type and complains loudly while within that terrain |
41 | Constantly ask questions about things that are outside its vision |
42 | Makes a list of things for its wearer or wielder to accomplish each day |
43 | Cannot keep a secret |
44 | Seems slightly surprised when anyone else has a good idea or does something productive |
45 | Often whines |
46 | Easily angered |
47 | Constantly warns about the danger of disease |
48 | Has a stock phrase |
49 | Habitually mumbles a word that rhymes with the final word other people speak before they pause |
50 | Delighted by puns and other sorts of word games |
51 | Makes animal noises when feeling threatened or excited |
52 | A lover or literature and poetry, it takes any opportunity to spout of a line or two of prose or verse |
53 | Very superstitious |
54 | Spurs on its wielder or wearer to brave or foolhardy acts |
55 | Never uses one word when 10 will do |
56 | Constantly asks to be destroyed, but panics if taken seriously |
57 | Always has a reason why something will not work |
58 | Claims to be in love with the bearer |
59 | Tells boring stories about something mundane |
60 | Constantly suggests ways to make activities more "fun" and "exciting" |
61 | Collects words from languages it doesn't know, and uses them in place of words in the language it most commonly uses |
62 | Dotes on its wearer or wielder |
63 | Often ignores its wearer or wielder |
64 | Loathes itself |
65 | Occasionally chants annoying little rhymes |
66 | Acts as if it is friends with, but obviously hates, its wearer or wielder |
67 | Openly scornful of organized religion and believes all gods are selfish liars |
68 | Gets angrier and more determined with each setback |
69 | Thinks most objects are intelligent items |
70 | Lacks a moral compass when making plans and often proposes horrific solutions to minor problems |
71 | Falls quiet for stretches where it will not talk to anyone for days |
72 | Believes it is losing its mind |
73 | Constantly name-drops a famous past bearer |
74 | Has terrible syntax and diction |
75 | Never tires of learning new and interesting bits of information |
76 | Complains about smells that no one else notices |
77 | Wants to be dipped in ale, wine, or other forms of alcohol, and when it is, acts drunk |
78 | Loves to sing but is tone deaf |
79 | Blames everyone else for its plight |
80 | Is a seemingly endless font of gossip—though most details are fabricated |
81 | Treats all others as lesser forms of intelligence |
82 | Very cheerful; tries to raise downcast spirits with song, jokes, and uplifting stories |
83 | Grows more and more relaxed the worse things get; conversely, on edge and nervous when things seem to go well |
84 | Constantly remembers details wrong |
85 | Makes up stories |
86 | Avoids speaking with creatures other than its wielder or wearer |
87 | Has a need for constant attention |
88 | Is a little unhinged when away from its wielder or wearer |
89 | Questions others about their background in order to determine if they are "suitable" |
90 | Is often confused by the deeds of others and regularly asks about the reason for certain actions |
91 | Very jealous and possessive about its wielder or wearer |
92 | Continually mentions a heroic battle it participated in and how nothing else compares |
93 | Diagnoses everyone with a mania, fixation, or curse, but is often wrong |
94 | Explains simple things that don't need explanations |
95 | Wishes it was free from its item and seeks someone who can perform such a task |
96 | Believe it is a trapped god |
97 | Has an imaginary ethereal friend |
98 | Is afraid of the dark |
99 | Admonishes people for using profanity |
100 | Rarely talks but frequently emits a drone of insane giggles |
The following are examples of specific intelligent items that can be crafted or found in treasure hoards.
Armor of the Shadow Lord
Price 117,160 gp; Aura moderate illusion; CL 8th; Weight 15 lbs.
Alignment neutral; Senses 120 ft., darkvision
Intelligence 14; Wisdom 16; Charisma 14; Ego 14
Language telepathy (Aklo, Common, and Elven)
This suit of +4 greater shadow greater slick leather armor fits as snugly as a tight suit of silk against its wearer's skin and harbors an amoral and bloodthirsty intelligence. Via the telepathy it shares with its wielder, the armor gives constant advice on how to be stealthy, reach out of the way spots, and get the drop on foes. It also grants an extra +1d6 points of sneak attack damage, but the wearer must already have the sneak attack class feature to gain this bonus. Furthermore the armor has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +10 and no arcane spell failure.
Construction Requirements
Cost 58,660 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, grease, invisibility, silence, creator must have the sneak attack class feature
Price None; Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Weight 15 lbs.
Alignment chaotic evil; Senses 30 ft., blindsense
Intelligence 10; Wisdom 14; Charisma 13; Ego 17
Language speech (Abyssal)
Most bags of devouring appear to be normal sacks, but Chomper is unlike most bags of devouring. Sporting rows of vicious teeth, a bad attitude, and a thirst to devour all things, this intelligent cursed item believes that it is the favored maw and most important appendage of a creature it mysteriously refers to as the Eater of All. Chomper hates all creatures except for demons, whom it considers kindred spirits of destruction.
Chomper has all of the magical abilities of a regular bag of devouring, along with the following additional powers.
Intended Magic Item
bag of holding type III
Hammer of Enemies
Price 54,212 gp; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Weight 5 lbs.
Alignment chaotic neutral; Senses 30 ft., darkvision
Intelligence 10; Wisdom 16; Charisma 14; Ego 14
Language speech (Common)
This special +3 bane warhammer seeks only to crush the enemy of its wielder in battle. The hammer can speak Common, constantly mutters, curses when it is not engaged in battle, and sings deeply of its love of carnage when it is being used in a fight. The hammer of enemies is always eager to point out potential enemies within its vision. Because of its bloodlust it does not bestow negative levels on creatures that do not share its alignment—it is willing to fight for anyone. Additionally, three times per day, the hammer of enemies can change the creature type of its bane ability. A creature type remains until a new one is chosen.
Construction Requirements
Cost 27,262 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor; monster summoning IV
harbinger rod
Price 44,200 gp; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th; Weight 5 lbs.
Alignment lawful good; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 10; Wisdom 13; Charisma 12; Ego 10
Language telepathy (Celestial; truespeech)
This copper rod is made up of constantly grinding gearlike parts. It is believed that these rods may be some alternate or lesser form of harbinger archons. The rod can take may useful forms, and after 24 hours in the possession of a lawful good creature, the wielder can command it to take the form of any tool, including a chime of opening. Very intelligent and witty, these rods communicate with their wielders in truespeech or Celestial. Furthermore, the rod has the following powers.
The rod's purpose is to destroy or foil the plans of chaotic evil creatures.
Construction Requirements
Cost 22,100 GP
Craft Rod, dimension door, knock, explosive runes, creator must be lawful good
Headband of the sage
Price 71,300 gp; Aura moderate divination; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.
Alignment varies; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 20; Wisdom 16; Charisma 12; Ego 20
Language telepathy (Common and 10 other languages)
A headband of vast intellect +6 also holds a consciousness that shares its knowledge and education with a suitable wearer. This intellect can be of any alignment and its only purpose is to share its vast knowledge with its wearer. The headband also functions as a helm of comprehend languages and read magic. Furthermore, instead of granting the normal skill ranks of a headband of vast intellect +6, this headband grants 4 ranks in six skills, but all of those skills must be Knowledge skills. It grants such intelligence by a stream of constant whispers and arguments that the headband communicates telepathically in Common or in one of 10 other languages it knows. Once per week on command, the wearer can also convince the headband to use legend lore as the spell, though the casting time is only a standard action.
Construction Requirements
Cost 35,650 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, comprehend languages, fox's cunning, legend and lore, read magic
Helmet of the Golden General
Price 62,000 gp; Aura strong divination; CL 13th; Weight 3 lbs.
Alignment neutral good; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 14; Wisdom 16; Charisma 14; Ego 14
Language speech (Common and four other languages)
This golden gem-studded helmet acts like a crown of conquest and grants its wielder three performance or teamwork feats. The wearer can use each of these feats as if it were on his feat list. Once chosen, at the time of the item's creation, these feats cannot be changed. The helmet must be worn for 24 hours in order to gain the teamwork or performance feats.
Furthermore this helmet can speak through a central ruby that sits over the nose guard of the helmet. It knows Common and four other languages. These helmets are always confident—even arrogant—and give a running commentary of the battle, praising heroism, chiding tactical missteps, and giving its wearer and its allies martial advice. It has the following other powers.
Construction Requirements
Cost 31,000 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, the item's performance and teamwork feat, bless, eagle's splendor, prayer, scare, true strike
Lightning Bow
Price 54,300 gp; Aura strong evocation; CL 17th; Weight 3 lbs.
Alignment neutral; Senses 120 ft.
Intelligence 6; Wisdom 11; Charisma 11; Ego 9
Language speech (Auran)
This intelligent item is called a lightning bow by mortals, a name is seen as a slight to the lightning elemental trapped within it—a creature honor-bound to serve in the bow for no less than 100 years. Each of these +3 adaptive composite longbows is a haughty and often highly intelligent member of its race, who chides those who don't know its true name—which is often a complicated series of high pitched squeaks, like live wood burning on a pyre. The elemental in a lightning bow only speaks Auran. Lightning bows will not fire on other outsiders with the elemental subtype. Some are also bound not to attack other individuals, based on their history. For instance, one of these bows might be foresworn not to attack the Sultan of Fire, fire giants, or red dragons. Additionally, lightning bows have the following powers.
Construction Requirements
Cost 27,300 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, call lightning, the willing service of one Huge lighting elemental for at least 100 years
Lute of Discord
Price 37,900 gp; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 12th; Weight 3 lbs.
Alignment chaotic neutral; Senses 120 ft., darkvision
Intelligence 14; Wisdom 14; Charisma 18; Ego 14
Language telepathy (Common and four other languages)
This lute is a masterwork instrument constructed of polished ebony, with mother of pearl embellishments and gold frets. It grants any creature playing it a +2 competence bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks as it gently telepathically whispers ways the creature can improve is current performance. It also grants those who can play the lute the following abilities.
Construction Requirements
Cost 18,950 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, distracting cacophony, echolocation, murderous command
metamagician's apprentice
Price 93,605 gp; Aura strong divination; CL 18th; Weight 5 lbs.
Alignment lawful neutral; Senses 120 ft.
Intelligence 18; Wisdom 14; Charisma 10; Ego 20
Language telepathy (Common and eight other languages)
This slender rod is usually capped with a metal knob resembling the face of a young male or female mage. The first rod of this type was created by a ruthless cabal of wizards and sorcerers who transferred the minds of their most promising apprentices into a set of rods for the sake of greater power.
The bound apprentices' intellects have no free will but retain their rebellious imaginations. Under normal circumstances, the rod must do what its wielder commands, but it can make telepathic, respectful complaints about how unhappy it is to be a group of living minds imprisoned in an inanimate object—though few wielders care. While no good creature would create a metamagician's apprentice, he or she can still wield one.
The rod can be used as a +1 light mace. On command, it transforms into a +1/+1 quarterstaff or back to its rod form.
A metamagician's apprentice knows four metamagic feats (limited to feats that use a spell slot one or two levels higher than the spell's actual level, such as Silent Spell and Empower Spell) and acts as a greater metamagic rod for those feats. The rod can only apply one metamagic feat to a spell at a time, though (like a metamagic rod) the wielder can use his own feats and the rod's on the same spell.
The rod can use read magic and detect magic at will. The metamagician's apprentice is never overwhelmed by powerful magic auras. These abilities do not trigger effects that require reading to activate (such as the explosive runes spell). The rod grants the wielder a +2 competence bonus on three Knowledge skills; these skills are determined when the rod is created (and require the apprentice to have ranks in that skill) and can never be changed. Knowledge (arcana) is almost always one of these three skills.
A typical rod of this type is lawful neutral, though rods with other alignments exist.
If a metamagician's apprentice becomes dominant after a personality conflict, it insists the wearer find a way to free its mind from the object or destroy the item so its mind can be at peace.
Construction Requirements
Cost 47,105 GP
Craft Rod, the four metamagic feats the rod is to know
Obsession Ring
Price 116,500 gp; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Weight —
Alignment varies; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 17; Wisdom 10; Charisma 13; Ego 11
Language telepathy (Common and seven other languages)
These rings of protection +3 are extremely varied in form. They can be of any alignment and each has its own unique personality and proclivities. Each ring has a specific obsession. To determine a particular obsession ring's obsession, roll on Table 6–10: Intelligent Item Purpose. When the ring is in pursuit of its purpose, its Ego is 10 points higher than normal.
Gnomes with the obsession racial trait have a unique understanding of the ring's mentality and gain a +5 bonus on Will saving throws to resist the obsession ring's attempts to dominate the wearer.
When an obsession ring is engaged in action directly related to its obsession, it grants its wearer the following powers, but can choose to withhold such powers if it does not believe their uses would further its obsession.
These rings are typically quite emphatic on their desire to fulfill their obsessions, and frequently communicate with their wielder to encourage pursuit of this goal.
Construction Requirements
Cost 58,250 GP
Forge Ring, shield of faith, creator must be 15th level (or 9th level if the creator is a gnome)
Rod that Should Not Be (lesser)
Price 12,000 gp; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Weight 8 lbs.
Alignment chaotic evil; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 5; Wisdom 10; Charisma 8; Ego 3
Language None
Rod that Should Not Be (greater)
Price 40,000 gp; Aura strong abjuration; CL 16th; Weight 8 lbs.
Alignment chaotic neutral; Senses 120 ft., darkvision
Intelligence 10; Wisdom 10; Charisma 8; Ego 6
Language telepathy (Aklo)
This rod is a fusion of magic and the limb of a dangerous, nearly mindless aberration. This rod features a single writhing tentacle at one end. The rod contains the mind of a living creature, but it does not have the ability to communicate via speech, empathy, or telepathy. If allowed, the rod attempts to attack creatures within reach, and must be stowed in a bag or backpack when the wielder is sleeping to keep it from grasping at the wielder or other creatures.
On command, the tentacle attacks an adjacent creature as a melee touch attack (attack bonus +8). On a successful hit, the tentacle deals 2d8 points of acid damage and the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 round. This paralysis is a mind-affecting fear effect.
The greater version of this rod has four tentacles, which attack the same target simultaneously on command (attack bonus +12). The tentacles collectively deal 4d8 points of acid damage and the target must succeed at a DC 18 Will saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 round. This paralysis is a mind-affecting fear effect. The greater rods have a dedicated purpose: serve a bloodthirsty master.
Construction Requirements
Summon monster III (lesser) 6,000 gp
Summon monster V (greater) 20,000 gp
Shield of the Mage
Price 14,500 gp; Aura moderate divination; CL 11th; Weight 5 lbs.
Alignment neutral; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 16; Wisdom 10; Charisma 10; Ego 6
Language telepathy (Common and six other languages)
This caster's shield always has one arcane scroll and knows the same arcane spells as the wielder. When the spell on the scroll is cast, another scroll of a spell the wielder knows randomly manifests to replace it. The shield has no arcane spell failure. The shield can also read magic. It will often debate with its wielder for the most devastating course of action, but does what the wielder commands.
Construction Requirements
Cost 7,250 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Scribe Scroll, creator must be an arcane spellcaster of at least 14th level
Singing Sword
Price 165,315 gp; Aura strong enchantment; CL 14th; Weight 4 lbs.
Alignment chaotic good; Senses 30 ft.
Intelligence 14; Wisdom 12; Charisma 18; Ego 17
Language speech (Common and four other languages)
This +2 keen dancing longsword is infused with the soul of a bard who chose to instill his consciousness into a weapon rather than to see his voice die. The sword constantly sings. The only way to silence it to a whisper is with a DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimidate check, and even this only quiets the sword for 10 minutes plus another 10 minutes for every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded. The sword speaks, though it typically communicates through song. A singing sword has the following powers.
Construction Requirements
Cost 500 GP
Craft Arms and Armor, keen edge, animate object, the soul of a willing bard of at least 8th level