Tongue of Rebuke

Lord Raptor's page

132 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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ok thanks....I took the 06 July Submitted to mean it was shipped.

Hi guys,
Its been about a month since this was shipped out and no sign as of yet.

Hi guys
In my account it states I have 2 pending orders, can you confirm that this order (#3570798) is being split in two or is there another order I may have coming, whenever this ships? Should I also be concerned it's been a month and it is still pending? You guys are doing a great job and provide good service to the gaming community. Keep it up!!

Hi Sharaya,
Just to let you know the book arrived today. :)

Will do. Thank you for getting back to me.

Hey all,
Not sure if it is our great postal delivery system or not but still no sign of this order.

Thanks guys for the answers. I appreciate the responses.

Ok....I have a question.

Why would Paizo sell the D&D Starter Set and I presume the upcoming other books as well, while WoTC as far as I know won't sell Pathfinder products?
Isn't Paizo helping WoTC make money at Paizos expense?

The purpose of the post is not to discuss which system is better but out of genuine interest on why Paizo would want to sell WoTC products and not expect WoTC to sell Paizo products.


TPK Games wrote:

Malwing, almost all the feats have to do with critical effects. The rest are combat feats.

Lord Raptor, we just approved the proofs today, so print copies will be available everywhere soon. In the meantime, you can pre-order them from though.

thank you

Any plans for it to come to print?

Have a question....I have the Critical Hit and fumble card decks. How does Laying Waste compare to those?

I would also like to add my support for Paizo to publish this sourcebook.

My ideal Armed Forces of Golarion Sourcebook would be outlined as such:
Nations Name-
Senior Commanders- for Example Lord Barak Taldar (Gunslinger 10th) Commanding Officer- 17th Regiment of Musketeers
Army- the army of country x consists of y number of troops and is divided into 4 regiments of Pikemen, 4 regiments of mounted Infanty etc.
Typical Equipment- example-17th Regiment of Musketeers generally carry a musket, a musket rest, a short sword, light hammer and wear a green breastplate for armour. Officers are equipped with the same with the exception they carry 2 pistols in place of the musket and musket rest
Special forces/Elite units- if any
Naval or other units
Key garrisons or castles-
Maybe examples of unique traditions- example. The 17th Regiment of Musketeers wear a black armband to honour their light Company that were massacred by Orcs at the Battle of x

Just my 2 cents....anyone thought of doing this as a kickstarter?


Got this yesterday as well but see its already been dealt with;

Sent Yesterday, 04:34 AM
From captain Greg 131 Add to Contacts
To Lord Raptor
Subject Good Day Friend, Reply
Good Day Friend,

I'm Capt. Greg Schneider,in 4th Battalion,64th Armored Regiment unit here that Patrols the helmand province, Afghanistan. I need you as my source of contact for an urgent purpose.

For security reason Reply asap through this email address once you read this for more info.

Kind regards
Capt Greg Schneider.
United States Soldier:Afghanistan

Never mind got my answer

If you have the Beginner Box Set of Edge of the Empire what is the benefit of having the Beginner Box of Age of Rebellion?

Just wondering how compatible 1st ed books are with the new 2nd ed?

Thank you Justin

Ok thanks for letting me know. I did not realize it would cause a delay so please split it. Sorry for all the trouble I am causing you guys.

Hi there,
Just wondering if my two pending orders #2818780 and #2631136 could be combined into one order to cut down a bit on shipping costs? Thanks.

Sweet you guys are the best!! :)

Hey guys,
Looking for some of the new starships introduced in DS9 sucj as the Akira class, Steamrunner class etc. Do you know of anyone that has these minis? I am looking at running a LUG Trek game set a few years after the Dominion War and would like to use something other then the standard Galaxy, Defiant classes.



Hi guys,
I ordered two Night Black Agents (from Pelgrane Press) supps back several weeks ago. Double Tap was not available at that time, was released and then the status went to backordered while the other book is pending. My question is can you give me some sort of time reference that you may get it back in stock because if it may take sometime I would rather order it elsewhere then maybe waiting for several months.
If it will be several months I would like to cancel now.


Very sorry about Mervin. Words cannot express the sorrow we go through when we lose a beloved pet. To hear someone comment that "its just a cat/dog and that you can get a new one makes me want to stomp on their face. Dealing with the grief takes time and for me its one of the worse pains imaginable of the heart. It takes time to heal and although their time with us can be short, I cannot imagine my life without one or several {7 cats and a insane budgie here}

Love the book....any suggestions on how to get copies of the maps/handouts etc without hurting the binding? Thanks.

Just to touch base and close this thread out. The package arrived today. Thank you Paizo. :)

Will do Erik.

Just a heads up, no sign as of yet. Hoping it arrives this week.

Lord Raptor wrote:
I just placed an order when I noticed my compromised Visa number and old phone number linked to my account. I updated it again but I am curious why the old information when I updated my account a couple of months ago? Thanks.


Hi there,
Can I add Hunters Undead Annual 2010-2011 to this order please?

I just placed an order when I noticed my compromised Visa number and old phone number linked to my account. I updated it again but I am curious why the old information when I updated my account a couple of months ago? Thanks.

Thank you guys for your views. Based on what you said it does not sound like a system then I would be into.

If anyone has played any of Pelgranes Press Gumshoe system games, would you be able to describe the system please?

Please cancel this order. Thanks

OK thanks Liz....thats good to know.

Hi just curious why The One Ring went from a Preorder to Unavailable. Will it be coming back? Thanks.

My only real pet peeve to Golarion is how low the population is. For settlements I add another zero at the end. Other wise you have a world's population that has less people then my province.

Sara Marie wrote:
Lord Raptor wrote:
Although it was shipped 15 June the recent Canadian Postal Strike has screwed up orders so I am assuming its still somewheres and not on its way back to Paizo. So guys I still want the order.... :D

Packages "shipped" during the postal strike were held by our US mail couriers until the strike ended (iirc about June 28th). So the 7-11 business day estimate really starts from about the 28th. And depending on the volume of mail that got dumped into the system, it could end up being longer than that. While we won't leave you hanging if the package disappears, we need to give packages shipped just before, during and just after the Canadian mail strike plenty of extra time to compensate for the delays.

sara marie

Thanks Sara,

If I don't see anything by end of this month I will let you folks know.

Although it was shipped 15 June the recent Canadian Postal Strike has screwed up orders so I am assuming its still somewheres and not on its way back to Paizo. So guys I still want the order.... :D

Just curious why Paizo does not carry them when you carry their print products. Also does anyone know if Catalyst releases their PDFs on hard copy? Thanks.

I am in the Halifax area and I wait on an average of 13-15 business days.

Brambleman wrote:
Of the common punishments of the times, conscription will allow the game to progress. They can be pressganged into the Navy, drafted into the army, or be sent to a penal colony like australia.

Murder is most cases was still a capital offense and most were executed. I could see if they were guilty of theft or assault but if the OPs society is Lawful in nature I would think they would try, convict and then execute.

Just got mine today and I thought the staff did a great job all and all. My only complaints are I found the populations on the low side so in my game I will add another zero. I was hoping for some information on troop types and how each region/nation approached warfare. In my opinion what is written is not enough for me. Thank you for including the firearms in the equipment section. All and all though I recommend this book strongly.

Cosmo wrote:
Lord Raptor wrote:
Ok I got my new credit card so I went into My Account and My Payment Methods I am having issues adding my new card. Anyone help me?

I don't see any pending orders or subscriptions on your account. You can only add a new payment method via the My Payment Methods page when you have a pending order/subscription.

Since you don't have a pending order, you can just add the new payment method during the checkout process when you create your next order/subscription.


Ok thanks.

Ok I got my new credit card so I went into My Account and My Payment Methods I am having issues adding my new card. Anyone help me?

Just a heads up to you fine folks at Paizo, my credit card got compromised and now I am just waiting to get my new one. I have already deleted the old information from my account. Sorry for any issues that this may cause you guys.

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