![]() About LootGiantslayer Campaign Party Loot:
Session 1 Spoiler:
100 GP (Halfling Innkeeper)
25 GP (Wolves Pelts x5) Hopeknife (new only used in 1 murder) 6 Potions Cure Light Wounds 6 Anti toxins (300 GP) 6 Smoke sticks (240 GP) 6 Short swords (60 GP) 6 Leather Armor (90 GP) 6 Light crossbows (210 GP) 60 Bolts (6 GP) 240 GP 300 GP (6 gems) Session 2 Spoiler:
Hopeknife (302 GP)
100 GP Locket (45 GP) 65 SP Potion of Darkvision (300 GP) Potion of Barkskin (300 GP) Scroll of Invisibility Scroll of Ghostbane Dirge Masterwork Hand Crossbow (400 GP) Case with 10 Crossbow bolts (1 GP) 10 Cold Iron bolts (2 GP) 10 Silver bolts (21 GP) Hopeknife (302 GP) Potion of Shield of Faith (50 GP) Iron Flask, Oil of Bless Weapon (50 GP) Ornate Gold Coffer (500 GP) Scroll of Flaming Sphere Scroll of Knock 2 Blue Holy Water 6 Black Onyx (150 GP) Silver Dagger (22 GP) 160 GP Red Holy Symbol (60 GP) Wand of Cure Light Wounds (16 charges) 1 Bear Trap (2 GP) Potion of Cure Light Wounds Potions of Pass without Trace (x2) (100 GP) 2 Smoke Pellets (50 GP) Tangle Burn Bag (150 GP) Leather Armor (10 GP) 5 Daggers (10 GP) 1 Masterwork Morning star (308 GP) Short sword (10 GP) Belt of Tumbling (800 GP) Bag of Ever burning coals (110 GP) Crowbar (2 GP) Masterwork Thieves tools (x2) Key Garnet (50 GP) 30 GP 1 Ounce Sovereign Glue (2,400 GP) 2 Ounces Universal Solvent (100 GP) 50' Feet Silk Rope (10 GP) 6 uses, Disguise Kit (30 GP) Nobles Outfit (75 GP) Signet Ring (50 GP) 237 GP 155 SP 55 CP Masterwork longsword (315 GP) Scroll case (50 GP) Scroll of Invisibility Masterwork Chain shirt (250 GP) Masterwork Dwarven War Axe (360 GP) Short sword (10 GP) Star Rose Amethyst (75 GP) 20 GP 95 Silver 144 CP Session 3
Magic Dagger (2,002 GP)
Spiked chain (25 GP) Double Axe (60 GP) Greatclub (5 GP) Greatsword (50 GP) 4 Studded Leather (100 GP) Shield (9 GP) 16 Javelins (16 GP) Potion of Cure Light Wounds Key Ring 15 GP Gold necklace with a Pearl of Power (1,000 GP) Masterwork Great Axe (320 GP) 2 Greatswords (100 GP) 3 Chainmail Armor (450 GP) 2 Potions of Remove Sickness (100 GP) 2 Vials of Sooth Syrup (50 GP) 59 GP 4 GP 3 Spiked chains (75 GP) 3 Falchions (225 GP) 3 Greataxes (60 GP) 2 Battleaxes (20 GP) 1 Scimitar (15 GP) 10 Javelins (10 GP) 12 Studded Leather Armor (300 GP) 100' ft Hemp Rope (2 GP) 2 Climbers Kits (160 GP) 2 Grappling hooks (2 GP) 3 Leather Armor (30 GP) 3 Doses Armor Ointment (90 GP) 20 Tindertwigs (20 GP) Birdcage (60 GP) 4 Bottles of Fine Wine (40 GP) Masterwork Lute (100 GP) Cart (15 GP) Masterwork Flail (315 GP) 2 Orc Double Axes (120 GP) Heavy Wooden Shield (7 GP) Wand of Cure Light Wounds (23 Charges) 8 Scrolls Thurnderstone (30 GP) Masterwork Chainmail (300 GP) Masterwork Light Steel shield (159 GP) Masterwork Battleaxe (310 GP) 6 Greataxes (120 GP) 5 Throwing Axes (40 GP) 6 Studded Leather Armor (150 GP) Antitoxin (50 GP) 2 Scrolls Cause Fear 2 Scrolls Charm Person 2 Scrolls Grease 1 Scroll Remove Fear 2 Scrolls Summon Monster I Session 4 Spoiler:
Brinya +1 Dagger 1/Day Ghost Touch 1 Min. Sheds Daylight (2,677 GP) 2,002 was accounted for from Session 3 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Session 5 Spoiler:
Healer's Kit (16 uses left) garnets (40 GP) citrines (25 GP) 2 +1 Large Spears (4,008 GP) Iron Ingots (3,000 GP) Masterwork Breastplate (350 GP) Masterwork Splint Mail (350 GP) Orc Double Axe (60 GP) 4 +1 Human Bane Arrows 20 Adamantium Arrows (1,201 GP) Heavy Load Belt (2,000 GP) Scroll of Phantasmal Killer CL 8 (800 GP) Scroll of Tongues CL 6 (450 GP) Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (15 Charges) 340 GP 1,500 GP Player Share:
As of Session 1 Per player 198 GP 3 SP 4 CP Sold Wolves Pelts x5, Anti toxins x4, Smoke sticks x4, Short swords x6, Leather Armor x6, Light crossbows x4, Bolts x30, Gems x6 Kept by party 6 Potions Cure Light Wounds, 2 Anti toxins, 2 Smoke sticks, 2 Light crossbows, 30 Crossbow Bolts As of Session 2 Per player 932 GP 3 SP 40 CP Sold Hopeknife (x2), Locket, Potion of Barkskin, Masterwork Hand Crossbow, Potion of Shield of Faith, Iron Flask, Oil of Bless Weapon, Ornate Gold Coffer, Black Onyx (x6), Silver Dagger, Red Holy Symbol, Bear Trap, Potions of Pass without Trace (x2), Smoke Pellets (x2), Leather Armor, Daggers (x5), Masterwork Morning star, Short sword, Belt of Tumbling, Masterwork Thieves tools,
Kept by party Potion of Darkvision, Scroll of ___Invisibility, Scroll of Ghostbane Dirge, Case with 10 Crossbow bolts, 10 Cold Iron bolts, 10 Silver bolts, Scroll of ___Flaming Sphere, Scroll of Knock, Blue Holy Water (x2), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (16 charges), Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Tangle Burn Bag, Bag of Ever burning coals, Crowbar, Masterwork Thieves tools, Key, 1 Ounce Universal Solvent, 50' Feet Silk Rope, Scroll of Invisibility As of Session 3 Per player 622 GP 11 SP Sold Magic Dagger, Spiked chain (x4), Double Axe (x3), Greatclub, Greatsword (x3), Shield, Javelins (x26), Gold necklace with a Pearl of Power, Masterwork Great Axe, Chainmail Armor (x3), Potions of Remove Sickness (x2), Vials of Sooth Syrup (x2), Falchions (x3),Greataxes (x3), Battleaxes (x2), Scimitar, Studded Leather (x22), Climbers Kits (x2), 3 Leather Armor (x3), Armor Ointment (x3), Tindertwigs (x20), Birdcage, Bottles of Fine Wine (x3), Masterwork Lute, Masterwork Flail, Orc Double Axes (x2), Heavy Wooden Shield, Thurnderstone, Masterwork Chainmail, Masterwork Light Steel shield, Masterwork Battleaxe, Greataxes (x6), Throwing Axes (x5), Antitoxin Kept by party Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Key Ring, 100' ft Hemp Rope, Grappling Hooks (x2), Bottles of Fine Wine, Cart, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (23 Charges), Scrolls Cause Fear (x2), Scrolls Charm Person (x2), Scrolls Grease (x2), Scroll Remove Fear (x1), Scrolls Summon Monster I (x2) As of Session 4 Per player 368 GP 8 SP 3 CP Pending sale and dagger question this could be 223 GP less Brinya +1 Dagger 1/Day Ghost Touch 1 Min. Sheds Daylight (2,677 GP) 2,002 was accounted for from Session 3 Sold 2 flasks of acid (20 GP), Caltrops (1 GP), Leather Armor (10 GP), 3 Javelins (3 GP), Orc Double Axe (60 GP), Scabbard of Honing, Battering Ram, 15 Leather Armor (150 GP), 3 Antitoxins (150 GP), 3 Alchemists Fire (60 GP), 6 Falchions (450 GP), 6 Greataxes (120 GP), 6 Spiked Chains (150 GP), 3 Orc Double Axes (180 GP), Banded Mail with Armored Spikes (300 GP), 1 Masterwork Greataxe (320 GP), Worg Pelt (75 GP), 3 Falchions (225 GP), Catapult Kept by party 11 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, 3 Alchemists Fire (60 GP) Alexander As of Session 5 Per player Sold garnets (40 GP), citrines (25 GP), +1 Large Spears (2), Iron Ingots (3,000 GP), Masterwork Breastplate, Masterwork Splint Mail, Orc Double Axe, Heavy Load Belt Kept by party Healer's Kit, +1 Human Bane Arrows (4) with Alexander, Adamantium Arrows (20) with Alexander, Scroll of Phantasmal Killer, Scroll of Tongues, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (15 Charges) Unique Items:
Agrimmosh, the Hammer of Unmaking Major Giant Artifact Source Pathfinder #91: Battle of Bloodmarch Hills pg. 56
Description Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as a +2 impact warhammer that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder. Once per day as a full-round action, the wielder of Agrimmosh can use the hammer to cast Heightened Enlarge Person (Fortitude DC 23 negates). This effect lasts for 20 minutes. Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh confirms a critical hit against a creature of the humanoid type, the target creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or shrink by one size category, as by Heightened Reduce Person. This effect lasts for 20 minutes. In addition, Agrimmosh has other unique powers that are currently dormant. Uskroth's Armor Source Pathfinder #91: Battle of Bloodmarch Hills pg. 55
Description This battered, well-used suit of +1 half-plate automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wearer. Once per day on command, the armor can bestow upon its wearer the effects of Righteous Might for 5 rounds. The wearer’s alignment determines the DR gained from this ability. A good wearer gains DR 5/evil, an evil wearer gains DR 5/good, and a wearer who is neither good nor evil chooses which DR to gain the first time she activates this ability—once chosen, it cannot be changed. Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Righteous Might; Price 6,750 gp Brinya +1 Dagger 1/Day Ghost Touch 1 Min. Sheds Daylight 1/Day (2,677 GP) Spoiler:
Made from personal funds Scroll of Protection from Evil (x1)
From party funds Reserve 100 GP (from Session 4) Reserve 430 GP (from Session 5) |