
Lomky's page

4 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


So we're revving up to begin Book 2. Stupid real life looks like it's delaying us until mid-June. Boo!

Thank you for making the Evil Organization mechanics section player-friendly! At least two of my party love pouring over and tweaking rule sets. This will make them really happy! Now to figure out how to edit the PDF and remove the GM-only paragraph.

Also: Hurray more Grumblejack! My party adores him. He was their first minion, after all. What's that phrase about never forgetting your first... ?
Oh right: You never forget your first Doctor.

Happy Spoiler:
And I can't wait until my alchemist gets his hands on that golem!

My party just finished our WotW Book One campaign, so +1 playing it. I just left a review. Loved the book overall. If pressed I can give more detailed accounts of their shenanigans. :)

Thank you all for the great feedback!

Liz Courts wrote:
Moved thread.

Thank you!

Khuldar wrote:
Games Workshop

I'll start looking over the site

DeathQuaker wrote:
Many useful things

Wow. This is all brilliant. I'll likely end up snagging the rider and the dragon with separate wings and body. I'll hold off on the 50$ beauty until we manage to survive that long though. Slow level progression with a known deadly GM.

Kolokotroni wrote:
how much do you want to spend, and how much effort do you want to put into it

No more than $50, and I'm willing to assemble and (attempt to) paint it myself.

Kryzbyn wrote:

The guy who painted it for me does really good work, and takes commisions.

Is he willing to recover disasters after someone botches a paint job? If so I'll probably PM you in a few weeks.

I am playing the third party Super Genius Games class the Dragonrider in an upcoming campaign. I've chosen the gold dragon as my steed, so it is starting as a large creature. For when I'm not mounted, I've picked this mini as my character, but the majority of the time I will be on the dragon. A mounted character on a dragon is far too much to hope for, and most (all?) of the gold dragon miniatures seem to be pretty rare.

So, my options. I'm going to default to printing out a token, but that's not as impressive as rolling out a large miniature for combat. Are there some other attached wing dragon minis that are less rare, for repainting? Is there some obtainable gold dragon mini? Worst case, anyone know of a nice token image?