Telakin (Doppleganger)

Loki de Orilla's page

148 posts. Organized Play character for Luke_Parry.

Full Name

Loki de Orilla




Xenoarchaeologist Operative 10 (SP 90/90) (HP 62/62) (EAC 30, KAC 30) (Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +10) (Init +13) (Perception +21)






Lawful Neutral


Common, Aklo, Azlanti, Infernal, Castrovelian, Eoxian, Vex, Shirren, Brethedan, Kasatha, Vercite, Akitonian, Sylvan, Giant, Abyssal, Triaxian, Morlamaw

Strength 12
Dexterity 22
Constitution 16
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 17
Charisma 12

About Loki de Orilla

Initiative: +13 (+6 Dex + 3 Edge + 4 Feat)
Senses: 60' Darkvision, Perception +21
Speed: 40 ft

EAC: 30 (10 + 14 Armor + 6 Dex)
KAC: 30 (10 + 14 Armor + 6 Dex)

Stamina Points: 90/90
Hit Points: 62/62
Resolve Points: 11/11

Fort: +6 Ref: +13 Will: +10

Base Atk: +7; CMD: 38

Living Underwater Aphelion Laser Pistol: +15 to Hit; Dmg 3d4+5; crit Burn 1d4; range 90 ft; Fire; 40/40 (2)

Conserving Cunning Holy Invigorating Living Underwater Reality Pistol + Sniper Scope: +15 to Hit; Dmg 1d10+5; crit Confuse; range 30 ft; Electricity; 48/48 (8)

Ghost Killer Zoologist Injector Pistol: +7 to Hit; Dmg 1d8+2; crit Fiery; range 60 ft; Piercing; 20/20 (1)

Theme (Xenoarchaeologist):

Theme Knowledge (1st Level):
You have trained yourself to have few presuppositions about the foreign devices you uncover. Reduce the DC to identify rare, ancient, or alien tech by 5. Engineering is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Engineering checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation.

Trap Spotter (6th Level):
You often encounter ancient, exotic traps and security devices, varying from mechanical defenses to magical wards. You have honed your senses to pick out warning signs of traps of any kind. When you come within 10 feet of a trap, you can immediately attempt a Perception check to notice the trap, which should be rolled in secret by the GM.

Skill Points per level: 8 (Class) + 5 (Intelligence) + 2 (Operative)
Acrobatics +24 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 2 Species)
Athletics +6 (+1 Str + 3 Edge + 2 Species)
Bluff +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge)
Computers +22 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 1 Spectra)
Culture +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Diplomacy +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge)
Disguise +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge)
Engineering +25 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Skill Focus + 1 Theme + 2 Species + 1 Spectra)
Intimidate +6 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge + 2 Racial)
Life Science +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Medicine +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Mysticism +16 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 Edge)
Perception +21 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 2 Species)
Physical Science +20 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 Edge + 2 Species)
Piloting +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Profession(Lawyer) +25 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 2 Edge + 4 Kit + 1 Clothes)
Sense Motive +19 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Sleight of Hand +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Skill Focus)
Stealth +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)
Survival +19 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge)

+4 on Engineering to make Trick Attacks

-5 to the DC to ID rare, ancient, or alien technology

+4 on Engineering or Mysticism checks to disable traps

+4 on Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, and Physical Science to Recall Knowledge

1st: Improved Initiative
1st-Bonus: Skill Focus: Engineering
1st-Bonus: Skill Focus: Sleight of Hand
3rd: Weapon Focus: Small Arms
5th: Technomantic Dabbler (Holographic Interface & Transfer Charge (at will); Create Ammunition 1/day per 3 levels)
7th: Skill Synergy (Life Science, Physical Science)
9th: Corruption's Gift

Racial Features:
Size and Type
Grays are Small humanoids with the gray subtype.

Grays have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Gray Magic
Grays gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gray’s level.

1/day—mind thrust (1st level)
At will—daze, telepathic message

A gray can shift itself out of phase with reality as a reaction to gain a 20% miss chance against one attack. A gray can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier.

Limited Telepathy
Grays have limited telepathy with a range of 60 feet.

Class Features:
Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter (+3).

Your specialization represents your primary area of expertise. Pick one specialization upon taking your 1st level of the operative class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the specializations appear on page 94. Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat (see page 161) in your specialization’s associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill).

You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can’t use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack (5d8).

If you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead suffer no effect. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move.

You rely on your quick wits and a healthy dose of paranoia to always have the right device at hand.

Associated Skills: Engineering and Sleight of Hand. You can attempt an Engineering check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by using a customized device to momentarily distract your enemy.

Specialization Exploit: Utility Belt.

Quick Deployment (Ex): At 11th level, once per round you can retrieve or put away a stored item (including from your utility belt) or pick up an item as part of another move action, standard action, or full action.

Uncanny Mobility (Ex):
When you make a trick attack, if you choose the target of your attack before you move, your movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity from that target. When you use your standard action to move, you can choose one creature; you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature for this movement.

Quick Movement (Ex):
As long as you are unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, your land speed increases by 10 feet. At 9th level, your land speed instead increases by 20 feet, and at 15th level, your land speed instead increases by 30 feet.

Armor Optimiser (Ex):

Bleeding Shot (Ex):

Specialization Skill Mastery (Ex):

Uncanny Agility (Ex):

Stalwart (Ex):

Utility Belt (Ex):

Cloaking Field (Ex):


Clear Spindle Aeon Stone
Viridian Balbis Aeon Stone
Turquoise Cube Aeon Stone
Reconfigurable Clothing (Formal, Party, Professional x2, Travel)
"Team Sfartinders Go!" T-Shirt
Light Experimental Neural Interface Exosuit
- Pet Carrier (Spectra)
Radiation Badge
Formation Boots

Conserving Cunning Holy Invigorating Living Underwater Reality Pistol + Sniper Scope
Ghost Killer Zoologist Injector Pistol + 25 rounds of Fiery Ammunition
Underwater Living Aphelion Laser Pistol

Consumer Backpack
Fire Extinguisher
Tool Kit (Lawyer, Anatomist, Engineering, Hacking, Trapsmith's Tools)
Gear Maintenance Kit
Sleeping Bag
Library Chip Set (Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science)
Valor's Mantle

Mk I Synaptic Accelerator
Mk II Synaptic Accelerator
Charge Palm x2
Crafty Graft
Agile Graft
Strix Mobility Graft
Anosmatic Shunt

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