About Loki de OrillaInitiative: +13 (+6 Dex + 3 Edge + 4 Feat)
EAC: 30 (10 + 14 Armor + 6 Dex)
Stamina Points: 90/90
Fort: +6 Ref: +13 Will: +10 Combat:
Base Atk: +7; CMD: 38
Conserving Cunning Holy Invigorating Living Underwater Reality Pistol + Sniper Scope: +15 to Hit; Dmg 1d10+5; crit Confuse; range 30 ft; Electricity; 48/48 (8) Ghost Killer Zoologist Injector Pistol: +7 to Hit; Dmg 1d8+2; crit Fiery; range 60 ft; Piercing; 20/20 (1)
Theme (Xenoarchaeologist):
Theme Knowledge (1st Level): You have trained yourself to have few presuppositions about the foreign devices you uncover. Reduce the DC to identify rare, ancient, or alien tech by 5. Engineering is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Engineering checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation. Trap Spotter (6th Level):
Skill Points per level: 8 (Class) + 5 (Intelligence) + 2 (Operative)
Acrobatics +24 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 2 Species) Athletics +6 (+1 Str + 3 Edge + 2 Species) Bluff +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge) Computers +22 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 1 Spectra) Culture +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Diplomacy +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge) Disguise +4 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge) Engineering +25 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Skill Focus + 1 Theme + 2 Species + 1 Spectra) Intimidate +6 (+1 Cha + 3 Edge + 2 Racial) Life Science +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Medicine +21 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Mysticism +16 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 Edge) Perception +21 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge + 2 Species) Physical Science +20 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 Edge + 2 Species) Piloting +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Profession(Lawyer) +25 (+5 Int + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 2 Edge + 4 Kit + 1 Clothes) Sense Motive +19 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Sleight of Hand +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Skill Focus) Stealth +22 (+6 Dex + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) Survival +19 (+3 Wis + 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Edge) +4 on Engineering to make Trick Attacks -5 to the DC to ID rare, ancient, or alien technology +4 on Engineering or Mysticism checks to disable traps +4 on Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, and Physical Science to Recall Knowledge
1st: Improved Initiative
1st-Bonus: Skill Focus: Engineering 1st-Bonus: Skill Focus: Sleight of Hand 3rd: Weapon Focus: Small Arms 5th: Technomantic Dabbler (Holographic Interface & Transfer Charge (at will); Create Ammunition 1/day per 3 levels) 7th: Skill Synergy (Life Science, Physical Science) 9th: Corruption's Gift Racial Features:
Size and Type
Grays are Small humanoids with the gray subtype. Darkvision
Gray Magic
1/day—mind thrust (1st level)
Limited Telepathy
Class Features:
Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter (+3). SPECIALIZATION:
Associated Skills: Engineering and Sleight of Hand. You can attempt an Engineering check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by using a customized device to momentarily distract your enemy. Specialization Exploit: Utility Belt. Quick Deployment (Ex): At 11th level, once per round you can retrieve or put away a stored item (including from your utility belt) or pick up an item as part of another move action, standard action, or full action. Uncanny Mobility (Ex):
Quick Movement (Ex):
Armor Optimiser (Ex): Bleeding Shot (Ex): Specialization Skill Mastery (Ex): Uncanny Agility (Ex): Stalwart (Ex): Utility Belt (Ex): Cloaking Field (Ex):
Clear Spindle Aeon Stone Viridian Balbis Aeon Stone Turquoise Cube Aeon Stone Reconfigurable Clothing (Formal, Party, Professional x2, Travel) "Team Sfartinders Go!" T-Shirt Light Experimental Neural Interface Exosuit - - Pet Carrier (Spectra) - - - Radiation Badge Formation Boots Conserving Cunning Holy Invigorating Living Underwater Reality Pistol + Sniper Scope
Consumer Backpack
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